Society is doomed unless we start modeling it after star trek

and no, we don't need ww3 to make it happen. we'll have replicators and warp drive soon enough. unless we create a unified, one world government, the earth will perish. we are one tweet away from nuclear holocaust. we will need solid leadership for a unified earth and the most qualified person to lead us is justin trudeau. his commitment to advancing humanity speaks for itself

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Step aside, nerd. Best captain coming through.

Fucking pussy space commies in pajamas. I will model my space society on Babylon 5.

>Modelling after commies.
Full retard.

Star trek isn't a society you can model after unless you make resources infinite. Come back when you have found a solution and we can talk. Until then the world could never be like star trek.

As much as I love Star Trek, I can surely tell you a few major flaws with living in such an universe.

Also this (solution is pic).

Don't forget that not everyone has access to replicators in the Star Trek universe...

Why not though? Why not replicate the replicators?

roughly 50 percent of all produce in the United States is thrown away—some 60 million tons (or $160 billion) worth of produce annually, an amount constituting “one third of all foodstuffs.” Wasted food is also the single biggest occupant in American landfills. it's not a question of resources, but rather management

The only solution to commy starvation is replicators which is a technology that hasn't really been explored.
>mah 3d printing
3d printing plastic figurines or large figurines that look like houses is a long way off from printing steak.

numerically speaking there's no way that could ever go wrong.

how about pizza then?

doesn't that mean the machines are gay?

>we'll have replicators and warp drive soon enough
oh well then when that time comes it will happen. no need to worry as it is SOON ENOUGH

Lmao that's not the same thing. an actual replicator uses the base molecules to construct food and spare parts.
I'm pretty sure that's just dough going through some tubes and needs to be restocked. Hence the material required to create that still comes from an actual food product (wheat).
Therefore still requires space to grow. missing that vital technology that creates food from collected molecules.

yes a society based on the cardassian union would be a good idea. Now how many lights do you see?

No. A global tyrannical oligarchy that runs itself like an even more bureaucratic version of an Orwellian society is not what we need. If you do that you will get something more like the Halo universe with insurrection and separatists at war with the Federation.

You guys should start building houses by the land fill so people can live where the food is then.

you're absolutely right
So when's WW3 going to start?
How bout dem Eugenics wars?
600 million dead?

my point is that we are closer to replicators than ever. if we can print a pizza, then how far are we away from replicating that delicious bologna sandwich? or the mayonnaise to top it?

Im pretty sure the replicators don't need wheat to create food with wheat in it. It uses base molecular shit to create whatever. It needs something to create from. Probably carbon atoms. But it doesnt require wheat.

that actually makes sense.

Retard, assembling something is one thing. Creating it from a base material or energy is something else. Good luck with that.

Yeah but can we 3d print wheat?
I agree it's a cool thing and it should be developed, but I'm being a pessimist because it's wrong to assume that it IS the answer. We simply don't know.

i believe we can figure it out. mankind has done the impossible countless times.


Eugenics war when?
(we'll get to star trek through capitalism, you can't force the communist """utopia""""

Yeah that's blind optimism.
There is no reason to assume that we can make food or spare parts from "energy" or "matter".
We do know we can melt down materials to create other materials (made of the same material). But it's not the same thing as assembling a food item from its basic elements (such as carbon as must organic material is mostly carbon).

We need Vulcan First Contact first

>unless we create a unified, one world government
True. Trump is the only qualified person in the world for that job. Lets do it.

a technomeritocracy is not communism.

of course we can move electrons to other atoms to create others. it's called a nuclear explosion

Don't hate; accelerate.

Authoritarian non-democratic state capitalism is the future until we can achieve post-scarcity and transcend the material foundations of economics. The only other option is mob-rule and genetic decay.

perhaps it is blind optimism but the chinese have figured out how to make fake eggs

it's probably worse

Tuvok is the worst Vulcan

>most qualified person to lead us is justin trudeau. his commitment to advancing humanity speaks for itself
holy shit what a faggot

>USS Enterprise


I don't think you want your replicator to cause a nuclear explosion.

Star Trek is for faggots. We should model society according to the Galactic Empire.

>We can't survive unless we model ourselves off a fictional utopia that hand waves away thousands of years of human evolution and social structure.

Hrmm.....sounds like a familiar libtard idea. (Communism) Things will be great! Free shit! No Money! everyone will work because of the love of humanity! Yayayayay!

Unified under socialism? Never!

the idea is that you wouldn't have to work if you didn't want to, not a state mandated job like communism dictates.

Do we all get faggy plastic costumes?

Star Trek had all humans getting along because a plot where they didn't would get in the way of telling stories about aliens. It's done for plot specific reasons, not some moral posturing.
Modeling life after fictitious versions of it doesn't lead to good results.

can you imagine hating your neighbor because his descendants came from ireland and yours from germany? it used to happen. removing preconceived notions about fellow humans will happen one way or another

ITT: What brainlets actually believe after watching sci-fi.

your noble leader would entirely disagree

>your noble leader
I prefer a world in which we elect representatives instead of leaders. Your infantile leftist mind, adverse to personal responsibility, will never understand this fact. Everything is cult of personality to you retards.

>can you imagine hating your neighbor because his descendants came from ireland and yours from germany?
>emoving preconceived notions about fellow humans will happen one way or another
good luck in your quest to save man from 250, 000 years of natural selection that made him like this, your psuedointellectual rhetoric should do just fine against that

As far as replicators and warp drive goes, just because it's mathematically possible doesn't mean it's a practical possibility. They're both actually mathematical absurdities. Nor has the exotic matter required to make warp drive work ever been observed.

Trudeau? The receptionist in Chief?

You realize that most fresh food stuff goes bad within three to five days. That's not enough time to ship it to where it's needed most in the world where there aren't borders and checkpoints and warlords holding it hostage for monetary gibs or tribute.

The next industrial revolution will render both energy and goods so cheap that it will be virtually free. Many services and industries will be taken over by automation, forcing large segments of the population into unemployment. Sophisticated water reclamation, improved food production and better transportation will improve societies all over the world.

The unceasing spread of digital information will further empower the masses, leading to the downfall of the most corrupt regimes. The policies of countries will more closely resemble each other as international law becomes more codified and universally enforced, leading to a true socio-capitalist world government. Economies will move past exploitative multinational corporations, creating a global standard for economic practices. Universal income will become an economic necessity, keeping consumers and producers in a stable cycle of supply, demand and service.

Space exploration will enter a golden age of colonization. With an exponentially growing population, humans will begin settling space to offset the burden on Earth. Space settlement will create a new frontier, creating endless amounts of jobs by supplying space inhabitants with goods from Earth and vice versa.

From there, society will be on track to a Star Trek-like utopia. Replicators, FTL travel and transporters aren't necessary to create this sort of world. With the steady march of science and technology, the technologies we already have in place today will develop into the tools needed for the next industrial revolution so long as society continually moves forward socially and politically.

We were born too late to explore the Earth and too early to explore the stars, but it is up to us to make sure that someone can explore those stars someday.

do we not elect representatives for their leadership qualities? i'm not adverse to personal responsibility. i would happily help build starships all day for free. knowing that i am helping advance humanity would be payment enough

Honest question for the antiracists:
How are we supposed to do away with racism when we're constantly expanding what it means to be racist?
Stopping lynchings in the streets, we can do that, if that's what you mean by stopping racism, I'm on board.
But stopping someone from enjoying a taco when they're not Mexican because you decided last week that taco eating by non-mexicans is cultural appropriation and by extension, racist, well that may be harder to achieve.


A society that follows the path of people like you, who use government to force the strong and innovative to feed the weak and feeble, will never build starships.

Silly Nazi, racism ends when all hwite people are dead

>The replicator only make watermelon and fried chicken
>All the copper in the warp coils go missing
>The computer only plays gangster rap

i'm not expanding on the definition of racism and i'm certain you aren't either. the extreme left are not helping advance humanity anymore than the extreme right are. neither will have a place in the new world order

>muh centrism

Star Trek is for fags. The only cool part was Kirk going to alien planets and banging green chicks.

are you sure?

>The space shuttle looks like what I expect a space ship to look like which makes it a space ship and not just an overly elaborate orbital platform.

that is the kind of optimism humanity needs. we will soon meet the vulcans

>society is doomed unless we start modeling it after star trek
society is doomed unless we start modeling women after seven of nine

we need to start modelling it after d u n e

it was a ship that flew in space. also known as a space ship

Star trek is a piece of worthless crap.
Even early batman has some value for being funny. And that is some kind of poor man`s nerdship. Mentally poor.

This. Other countries need to think about creating a self sustaining model than expecting the United States to be a global welfare provider.

WW3 is good, humans are the plague of Earth.

Get the fuck out of here Star Trek faggot
>Not modeling it after Star Wars
I just want to see Mace Dindu saying "WE WUZ JEDIS N SHEIT" just give me that.

...I'm currently working on Jedi powers. So far I've learned we may be able to create possessed objects. So basically it will be Star Wars with wizards instead of Jedi.

We live a time of predominantly adult babies that have concern for "sorting themselves out" or even becoming true adults. They say "politics are for my dad" and play PlayStation like we're still kids and should remain that way forever.

How are you going to convince people to go through with Picard's speech from "First Contact" about valuing self-improvement over money? So much so that money is outright ABOLISHED? With the stupid Martin Shkreli / Ayn Rand motherfuckers on this board alone laughing at you for not being selfish and treating Earth like Hell?

How are you going to convince the average fat, lethargic, constantly self-comforting adult baby that they should value the advancement of all human kind over trying to buy happiness? You'll get a bunch of cynical dog shit from people that comes from this completely unfounded authority about how life sucks and deal and this is it so stop aspiring for anything greater since nobility is a myth for folk heroes. Like Picard, apparently.

Space communism and pajamas? No thank you.

Give me Terran Empire or Cardassian Union as a future for humanity.

star trek is pretty communist / socialist people.

>How are you going to convince the average fat, lethargic, constantly self-comforting adult baby that they should value the advancement of all human kind over trying to buy happiness?

you wont. they would live a life of obscurity and mediocrity in a merit based society, never experiencing the true value of a life of meaning and adventure

Can't work

Star Trek thinks all races are the same, so they all act like good white men

Reality is different

How do you make collective of people, whose main value is self-improvement?

You would end with a group of the worst people, that are motivated by their wish to dominate others "less self-improved" individuals.

Sure dude.

All you have to do is come up with a form of energy-generation, which makes energy at every level free.

Y'know. Matter-Antimatter reactors.

not wanting to emulate the based klingons

> muh adventure
What kind of adventure is this, if it`s comfortable? If even the fattest slob can do that, by just not wishing to not do it, then it wont be an adventure in the first place.

is matter-antimatter reactors so far fetched? what if you showed a playstation 4 to a roman soldier, or a space shuttle to ghengis kahn? what would their reactions be?

>unified, one world government
What are they doing to undermine the nationalism outside of the West? Nothing. Multiculturalism in the West just erases whites, but I don't see much unity going on otherwise.

space shuttle reaction:
> too expensive for the fruits of it
ps4 reaction:
> ghengis > how does it starcraftu?
> roman solider > circus dignus

the world by definition is multicultural and unified earth doesn't need borders

The problem is that everyone behaves like good white people.

It's fantasy.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. If there's multiculturalism there's borders too.

Trek was cultural Marxist propaganda dumbshit.

May as well watch communist propaganda.

>black space cowboy


>Not having every person white
It literally wouldn't work unless it was like that possibly all Japs though

The next step for humanity is to develop A.I. to govern us. If it thinks of us as unfit to live due to our flawed nature then so be it.

not to govern but assist. imagine having thousands of Data's to help us look for aliens and stuff. we are very close to having fully functional, sentient artificial lifeforms

It's like you never even watched the show OP?

All the Shiny Happy People crap came undone when the black ops dept of the Federation was revealled to be propping the whole shitshow up with secret wars and genocide. They thought nothing of trading entire sub-systems of colonies for tactical and resource advantages, hence DS9 and half the crew on Voyager.

There was a devastating World War in which entire nations perished, namely most of Africa and Asia, an ethnic cleansing of low IQ useless eaters. Even at the height of its glory the Federation had Camp of the Saints style Gimmies encircling the big clean automated cities. They were literally called "Gimmies" on the show. So much for post-scarsity for all.

The crews were for the most part single and childless, apart for the hipster race mixing couples. Their offspring hated themselves so much they became Kliggers, wannabe Klingons, as they had no culture or tradtions of their own. Oh, they were cute as babies, but by the time they hit their teens they were a mess.

It's a very clever TV show, and excellent science fiction. It peels back the assumptions about Utopia and exposes the flaws and the cracks that prevent it from ever gelling properly. Sure, you have to wade through some PC shit to get there, but ultimately Wesley Crusher's conclusion is correct: they are fascists and Imperialists, hiding behind a thin veneer of respectability.

Come back when they create real eggs. I need a real dinner not a fake one.

>implying we dont alrady live in a post scarcity world.

Every person on earth could be housed and fed multiple times over right now but I still wouldn't ever back a single world government unless there were other planetary states to move to.

Nobody agrees on anything in this world and if there is only one government if you dont like it you are fucked because you would have nowhere else to go.

Also a single goverment would be easier for a dictator to take over everything all at once.

This also applies to states rights in the U.S. It's better to be able to move to a state that is more aligned with your personal views.

Flew is a stretch. If the science NASA says exist then it slingshotted itself around the allegedly round earth. It doesn't fly around in space no.

Oh and actually if we use your lousy definition then you are a spaceship as well since we "technically" fly around in space the same way that NASA thing did.
