Sup Forums talks about culture alot, but what was the last time you visited theatre, watched ballet or opera...

Sup Forums talks about culture alot, but what was the last time you visited theatre, watched ballet or opera, read a classic novel or philosophical work, listened to philarmonic orchestra? Do you have your top 5 symphonies, sculptures or pieces of architecture?

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My favorite piece of art is "Fountain", you pretentious faggot.

You sir have exquisite taste, it is a true masterpiece !

A couple weeks back I went to the art museum and I listen mainly to Wagner, the 15 hour long "The Ring" cycle is just amazing.

skin colour is my art, music, literature, philosophy and religion.

Philosophers have only tried to explain the world; the important thing is to change it.

There is a problem with that.
Americans and anglos have no culture.


Spring this year, but I saw a comedy, nothing sophisticated. In the last decade I've gone maybe 15-16 times.
I was a the opera this year, for The Ring of the Nibelung. I've only been to the opera another two times before.
>classic novel
I've attempted to read more or less all of the classics, but I haven't finished most of the american ones, I don't get them. And there are some of the European/Russian ones I couldn't be bothered to finish, I quit when it starts feeling like hard labor. Still I've finished most.
I read a lot of the classic philosophers, and with Youtube I've seen a lot of videos and audio readings of newer works.
>philarmonic orchestra
Listened live twice, and both times it was modern movies music mixed with classics. Sometimes listen privately, rarely as more than background.
>Do you have your top 5 symphonies, sculptures or pieces of architecture?
No, I'd have to sit and think before answering, I haven't given this any thought.

Protip: there is culture other than "high culture", and this high culture isn't inherently more valuable, just because it is traditional. Don't be a snob.

i re-read crime and punishment last month and i have been listening to bela bartok lately.

culture is much more than what people who go to ivy league schools pretend to enjoy you douche bag

I went to the theater last month to see a travelling version of Pippin, which is among my top five shows (Pippin, Hearn's portrayal of Sweeney Todd, Into the Woods, Book of Mormon, Les Mis)

I stopped reading philosophy in college as most of it pre-dates scientific advances that heavily support determinism and physicalism, but ethical philosophy and utilitarian debates can still be interesting occasionally

Never much cared for visual art, personally.

t. Jew

Cultures changes, what kind of retard would ask someone "what's your favourite opera"
I have top 5 lists on my movies, music pieces and artwork but asking someone the shit OPs asking is the most autistic thing i've seen today.

We get it, you want to try convey to people how smart you are..

Anyone posting this implicitly agrees that whiteness is assuredly something to be proud of and covet then

La Pieta confirmed for greatest sculpture.

> nazi
> tells he listen to Wagner
> means he is just larping

Paul Joseph Watson is a moron manchild who knows precisely nothing about art, you may as well try & learn about literature from Kim Kardashian.

Sounds a bit classist, russobro.

The important thing is not to change it, but to make it better. And commies failed at that.

There's more to culture than history you luddite.

I watch starship troopers at least once a year.

Getting raped from the east and living in squalor until you luck into a ruler who tries to make the country better by being more European is not exactly high culture. You had like 150 years of almost making something of yourself, even made some great compositions, then immediately jumped down a communist shithole from which you will never climb out. A bunch of track suit wearing, broken glass squatting, radioactive drunks have no business lecturing Americans, let alone Alnglos, about culture.

Every activity you said is now full of liberal propaganda.

Brainwashed retard whine bread and boobs is all i need! To the good old european ways! Then we can talk about culture and rich people things.

I listen to Brahms and Mahler a lot atm, but how is this relevant to bureaucratic shit like politics and being politically incorrect?

how many poor people ever go to those things? How many poor people in history could afforded those things? None.
Being rich is not being cultured. It's just the personified envy of the unfortunate.
This is not culture, this is pretension that the rich use to imagine themselves superior to everyone else.
Culture is the history and traditions of a society, not the hobbies of the rich.
Culture is how your people treat other people in their society, how they behave and how they view the world. The GENERAL perspective of the society.
All of those things you mentioned are merely hobbies which have been projected as rich activities, so people desperately try to pretend they go regularly so they can appear affluent and better than they are.
Culture, in this country, is being noble, being stoic, being polite, being strong, and knowing that you are a free person with the government there to serve you instead of itself.
Thats fucking culture mate. You can keep your pretentious camouflage for the weak and fragile rich elites. If you're so desperate to prove how elite you are, and so ignorant of the achievements of the poor rather than the rich, why are you not a paedophile? Thats the ultimate status symbol nowadays - all the celebrities are doing it you can look like an important person....
Although i guess in russia, the por people have never achieved anything of note, except being starved to death and trying to claim their government for themselves but instead handing it over to communism!
We have a proud history of the poor. We don't need to be ashamed of not being in the "elite".
And if you're not a faggot you should be reading every day. Nothing post 1950.

I have read Plato's Republic, but then again I'm communist.

Yeah that's Fantanos point

So u have zero value

I always tune into the proms and go for the last night. Watched plenty of shakespeare as well. The seats in the Globe theatre are rough as fuck. The last good thing about London is the classical culture, museums (natural history museum is amazing., theatre etc. Rest of it is a shithole.

Reading Le Morte d' Arthur now, recently finished Yvain Knight of the Lion, I read the Bible frequently, I attend High-Church services when I can, so fuck you OP. As far as music goes tho, all metal all the way, so you got me there.

>how many poor people ever go to those things? How many poor people in history could afforded those things?
It's as costly and oftentimes cheaper as going to a shitty 3D capeshit movie, if you pick the cheaper seats of course. There are also discounts for younger people.

I read plenty of classics and listen to plenty of classical music - the value of culture does not mandate that you engage in all of it - especially considering the blip in our thousands of years of history that have actually had notable ballet or opera being produced - it's the blink of an eye.

BTW, I am the only one who has a hard time understanding the classics? It always takes more than one lecture to start getting them. I have always been afraid that smart people can understand them very easily and I'm retarded

>anything in the last 300 years being "culture"

Everything is simply a reduction into money and wealth in place of "culture".

"Am I retarded?"
Flag checks out lad

You are fagg who know shit, no wonder why you are commie.

I love the symphony:

>I listen mainly to Wagner

Last night of the proms cost fuck all money. Theatre isn't that expensive and most towns have one. Reading costs nothing, listening to music costs nothing, viewing architecture costs nothing, most museums are cheap if not free. Get Cultured lad.

You don't have to be a genius to look at the state of contemporary art and recognise that there is something inherently wrong with it. it has replaced aesthetic values with progressive 'ideals', and is much the worse for it.

>hair metal isn't high culture
Hotei would like a word with you.

i meant throughout history - how many poor people went to the opera back in the day? They wouldnt have been allowed in because they werent wearing pretentious enough clothes.
So how is the opera representative of british culture? It isnt. It is not unique to british people. It is unique to the elite. So this is RICH MANS culture, which nowadays, exactly like i said, people associate with affluence and so they want to display their wealth like camouflage because they think it will make them look like a superior person to the unwashed masses.
Its not culture, its camouflage.
fair enough, if someone like opera then its not camouflage, its just an enjoyable hobby.
But this idea of "culture" being what rich people do is fucking retarded.
All of the rich everywhere do these things as a status symbol. So ill ask again - if you are that desperate to fit in and be accepted as part of the fucking faggot elites of the world, why are you not a paedophile?

I read but the rest is faggotry.


>goes to theatre ballet & opera
You are the gayest fucking slav on earth, i'm tipping you to chechen special forces you degenerate pretentious vatnik piece of shit, enjoy your public beheading

We recognize that we are shit. We know that, we are all a bunch of neet virgins posting on an anime imageboard about politics ffs. What frustrates us is the fact that society and the elite have no regard for high culture. We don't want the rest of society to be like us, we want them to be better but they aren't. These normies are even consuming media that is much more degenerate than our. So we have no choice but to regard high culture in esteem because if we don't then nobody else fucking will.

>implying non whites have better culture than whites

LOL stay obsessed

I do all of those quite regularly. One of the good things about living in nyc.

Funny how symphonies push this degenerate garbage while the 'degenerates' go into caves to try and reestablish real

pretty accurate desu

Opera is sometimes good, more like occasionally, but everyone is too busy signalling to each other that they understand it and are emotionally moved to admit that it's pretty boring and they can't understand the lyrics whatsoever.

That being said, Wagner was almost exclusively an opera composer and hidden in that endless, dark forest of overwrought sound textures are some incredible gems that revolutionized music. I.e. Siegfried's death and funeral march from Gotterdammerung. Look it the fuck up, faggot

these thing are not culture, they are just activities associated with rich people. Even if they arent expensive anymore, you are still going to them because you want to appear cultured. Unless you actually want to do them, instead of just wanted to condescend to other people that you can call uncultured.
The problem is you have been mislead as to what culture means, because everyone is obsessed with rich people being superior and money being the best assessment of a persons character.
So football is not part of the culture of britain? Cricket? Organised sports in general?
Is fish and chips not part of our culture?
I explained earlier, culture is not what the rich people do, it is what the people do. So you need to find a better word, because you seem to think that culture is being "cultured", which is a fucking made up pretension so the rich can sneer down at their inferiors and imagine themselves gods.
classical music is now culture because it is associated with being cultured. Even though hardly anyone listens to it.
And for the record, i go to classical concerts and performances all the time, mainly because i get dragged there by my desperately pretentious associates who want to appear cultured. And i quite enjoy it. But i would NEVER assume that becasue someones taste doesnt lie in the opera or the theatre, that they are somehow less than me, because my tastes make me a superior person.
If you're more inciteful, intelligent, witty, sharp, more athletic i might imagine you to be better than me at certain thing, but not just fucking better in general because you fucking like pretending you're an elite.
Hobbies dont fucking define people mate. If you believe they do then you need to start thinking for yourself.
Anyone who like the theatre is cultured? More cultured than anyone who doesnt? Bollocks
Judge the man not his fucking shiny coat

European music is for racists.

You don't have to do all that to appreciate a sculpture you walk past the park on the way to work every day.

Don't you have some statues to tear down?
Name me one great American novel in the past 100 years and I'll give you 10 Soviet-era novels.

Then go watch a shakespeare. His whole schtick was that he made theatre available to the masses. He literally re wrote the english language because everybody watched his plays.

>theatre, watched ballet or opera, read a classic novel or philosophical work, listened to philarmonic orchestra? Do you have your top 5 symphonies, sculptures or pieces of architecture?

people who talk of culture in these terms don't understand what the real important aspects of culture are. The important parts of a society's culture are their values, their sense of right and wrong, their sense of beauty, what is and isn't socially acceptable, how they relate with each other, how they relate with government, what they expect government can and should do, what they think government may not do, the ideals they strive for, the vices they avoid.

Now all of this can be reflected in the works of art and literature and other things you mentioned, but you must understand that is not the culture itself. Those things are merely a reflection of what the society's culture is. The works can help reinforce or applaud a society's culture, but they are not the culture.

Also people have been listening to the BBC proms ever since it was broadcast you uncultured swine. Stop making excuses because you sit all day watching burger cape films.

again, another fucking retard cunt that cant read. Im not sayin its not ever good, im saying doing these things doesnt make you better than anyone, it either means you like doing them or you like pretending you like them so you look rich. How fucking hard is that to understand?
It doesnt mean you're better than anyone, even if that;s what you believe.
And im fucking grade 9 violin cunt, and grade 6 piano. I used to play in a fucking orchestra until i discovered its not rreally what i like doing. And that makes me a fucking pauper in your eyes. comedy

>culture can only be art, music or literature

typical small time eastern european mentality, a punch up down the pub is more cultural than some noncy play

Unlike the left some of us like real culture.
Last classical book i reread was the Republic by plato i haven't gone to the opera since I was a younger neet due to poorfagging,loved wagner,i even read the song of the nibelungs on wich it was based and loved how it reminded me of the Lord of the rings in some ways.
I find military star forts and medieval/edo period fortresses aesthetical as fuck because every single stone is where it is for a fucking reason and every angle makes sense if only you try to defend so I love to watch it and study the lines of sight and think the best approaches.

Enjoy your leftard culture.

That's probably true for classical and baroque, bear in mind that many famous composers were also poor and died poor. Rich people watched it and financed it, because the aristocracy at that time was very educated in musical matters and had the money. It never was music for the masses. It changed with time. Today's rich people have bad taste and classical music is cheap to get, so high culture isn't a matter of class anymore.

> "the important thing is to deliver cotton to Masta"

You're partially right, id say. Symphony music is high culture for a reason, and it takes a lot to meaningfully inculcate a person towards it. Executed well, and understood by people who 'get' it there is hardly much more sublime in this world. That being said, there are a whole helluva lot of mediocre fucks that execute shitty performances because they are being paid whether or not they care. That is the #1 enemy of the arts today. Mediocre fucks.

>t. classical fag

why are you telling me this as if i dont already know? I go to the theatre all the time. faggot.
I dont think people that dont like the theatre are beneath me, because the dont like the theatre,
That would make me a pretentious cunt like you. I bet you judge people by their cars as well dont you, or whether theyve got the latest fashion. Comedy. Embarrasingly weak self esteem you've got there.

>Sup Forums talks about culture alot, but what was the last time you visited theatre,
Last week.
>watched ballet or opera,
3-4 months ago
>read a classic novel or philosophical work,
Last night
>listened to philarmonic orchestra?
2 nights ago
>Do you have your top 5 symphonies, sculptures or pieces of architecture?
1. Modesty by Antonio Corradini
2. Winged Victory of Samothrace
3. The Rape of Proserpina by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
4. The Gates of Hell by Auguste Rodin
5. The Greek Slave by Hiram Powers

>retarded cunt who can't read
>absolutely ignores the first paragraph of my post

In his late years he was racist and anti-semite like all of Europe back then. What is your point ivanov?

>theatre, watched ballet or opera, read a classic novel or philosophical work, listened to philarmonic orchestra
Culture isn't just art you retard, in fact art is the least important aspect of culture.
Culture is language, culture is religion, culture is behavior, culture is tradition.
I would argue that the unstated principles based on those aspects of culture are what shapes the daily behavior and interactions of a community and are much more important.

look, i get it. Im not arguing that any of these things are shit or unenjoyable. I am arguing that they do not define "culture", and do not define the people that partake in them. they are just fucking hobbies, not status symbols.

Watching the crimbo panto isn't theatre mate. Don't you have gibs to be collecting today?

But it is culture in the capitalist world because the only values are consumption. Which means that Bach can be equated to the "Pokemon Go Song" since they are both consumed in the spectacle.

And in fact, the latter is considered to be better because it is consumed more often. And people wonder why art has turned to shit.

Find a single painter in the West who has the skill of the North Koreans (haha, funny, I know, but watch it):

>hurr durr hey nazis i know you want to preserve European Christian culture but have you listened to Shostakovich

no i can read. You called me a faggot, and then got butthurt when i snapped back. Thus confirming that you are the faggot.
If you want a civil conversation thatn you have to fucking help cunt. Otherwise ill happily fucking put you in your place

I was in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and the Vatican Museum last fall. The Republic is on deck to be read after I finish After America.

The culture is dead! There's nothing new and good! Notice your only positive responses are about seeing or hearing great classical pieces.

I have a degree in english literature fuckwit

Our theatres only really show modern garbage, it's a shame because the buildings are real beautiful.

I love our museums and art galleries though

We have art threads on Sup Forums from time to time.
We would have other types of cultural threads if webm's could have sound on Sup Forums.
Go to /wsg/, Sup Forums posts in there often.

Sup Forums is full of weebs

I read Chapter 11 of Bhagavad Gita last night as the Indian anons said it was Krishna's birthday (but I read that quite a lot anyway, and I own 2 translations of it). Snorri's Prose Eddas was the last classic I tackled prior to that.
Top 5 Orchestral/Classical/ etc pieces?
1) Gnossiennes #5, Erik Satie
2) Einstein on the Beach, Phillip Glass
3) Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, J S Bach
4) Orpheus & Euridice, Gluck
5) Peer Gynt, Grieg (Solveig's song is based as fuck)
You the user who made the Wagner thread?

>I was in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and the Vatican Museum last fall
Vatican should be fucking closed it's full of chinks who have absolutely no respect and sense of shame. I wonder how the French and Italians live with so many idiot tourists.

I actually do listen to classical music a lot, it's far superior to the pop garbage being spewed out by contemporary """"""""artists""""""""and went to a theater 3 weeks ago to watch a local show

excuse me for having a job and being too busy otherwise to spend every waking hour being a pretentious "culturite" going from one art exhibit to the next without ever understanding what its actually about, just to virtue signal to friends about how uplifted and cultured I am

HAHAHA, so no wonder your'e collecting gibs with a degree like that. Mech eng here mate.

American retards are far worst than weebs, tyrone. You are unironically the most stupid posters regarding everything in general let alone European culture (no offense).

>see pic related
>what does user mean nothing new and good?
Don't you joke about mast coming again,I nearly dropped my watermelon right there

Favorite artwork


yea boi, i shot from my motherfuckin tec-9 in ya face has more culture than your sissy violin concerto, nigga

Anime is my culture, kid.

deep culture is just race

hear hear

comedy again. I did english literature because i find it really easy.
I can analyse shakespeare and literally make up bullshit and "scholars" wet themselves at my insight, even though im half taking the piss ad projecting emotions onto text.
After uni i started my own rental company, and now i renovate houses and sell them on or rent them out, depending on how much i like them.
fair enough, i dont really deserve to do that because i set it up with daddy's money, but since ive been doing it, i have renovated 11 houses on my own with only a couple of trade friends i use occasionally for technical stuff.
I now get paid about 4000 a month from rent, even if i dont do anything. And thats after my dental, private healthcare etc are paid for my entire family (father and 4 brothers). So dont worry about me mate, and if you actually think im a shill based on ur interaction with me, then you're a fucking retard


This is what civcucks can't understand. If they get their way with immigration our history will be what general el-Sisi in Egypt is to Ramses.

well said classical fag

modern orchestras are shit, out of time and out of tune, no cohesion, shitty intonation, no passion or soul

Furtwengler is unsurpassed.
Even Karajan makes modern performances seem amateurish and shallow.

so much has been lost.

Nazis listen Wagner, normies listen gangsta rap.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at london met uni, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on tumblr, and I have over 300 confirmed shitposts. I am trained in literature analysis and I’m the top student in the entire Uk literature critics academy. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with verbal precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of former classmates now starbucks employees across the UK and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can critique you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my left side of my brain. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed insight, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the internet and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Sup Forums, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>watched ballet or opera
09/2016, Met, Tristan und Isolde under Rattle
>listened to philarmonic orchestra
a week ago, Schubert's Nine Klemperer/Philharmonia Orch
>your top 5 symphonies
I don't make ratings. My tastes now are around Bruckner, Schubert's late sonatas, all Brahms symphonies. 5 years ago it would be all Wagner, most of Richard Strauss operas, all Mahler symphonies.
Why do you ask?