>Wednesday 16 August 2017 14.00 BST First published on Wednesday 16 August 2017 09.31 BST
>Confederate-era monuments have been taken down in the middle of the night in Baltimore.
>Journalists in the city in Maryland, US, tweeted that the statues were being removed days after a city council vote on the issue.
>The memorials in the city include the Confederate Soldiers and Sailors Monument on Mount Royal Avenue, the Confederate Women’s Monument on West University Parkway, the Roger B Taney Monument on Mount Vernon Place, and the Robert E Lee and Thomas J “Stonewall” Jackson Monument in the Wyman Park Dell.
>Confederate-era monuments fell back into the spotlight at the weekend when a civil rights activist died during violence at a far-right protest in Charlottesville, Virginia against plans to removal of a statue of Robert E Lee, who commanded the Confederate army of northern Virginia.
last time i heard of ppl removing monuments it was ISIS
Kayden Cox
I wonder if any municipality is going to be putting up statues of Confederates in response?
Lucas James
>Dont wanna hurt their feelings bro
Jesus fucking Christ
Josiah Hall
There's a world of difference between ancient monuments from a great civilization, and the participation trophies of some bumfuck rebellion that achieved nothing.
Samuel Powell
It wasn't broken, it might be preserved in a museum or sold off to a collector at least.
Clutching at straws here tho.
Anthony Bailey
Yeah, that'll surely fix the murder rate that's one of the worst in the world,
is general lee even connected to the kkk? as far as I remember he is somewhat opposed to slavery of negros.
Jaxon Cooper
the government did this?
Samuel Rivera
Charles Cruz
someone needs a machinegun bloodbath.
Alexander Nelson
Are you Americans gonna do something about it or are you just talk?
Landon Bennett
Julian Jackson
I'm glad the statues were taken down because obviously they were causing blacks to kill other blacks in Baltimore and now the murder rate will surely slide to zero.
Dylan Gomez
Cooper Miller
tough shit.
Austin Adams
When the people change, so do the statues.
Austin Turner
Like how they had to use a city council vote because whenever they put it on the ballot, keeping the statues up wins in a landslide.
Jace Morales
Fucking pathetic.
Samuel Hall
Baltimore is already having them daily.
It's a white racists dream what they're doing to each other there.
Mason Foster
Real americans don't care about some statues of traitors being removed. Reconstruction should have continued on for another 50 years and erased southern 'culture'.
Owen Anderson
Remember folks: in a genocide the first things THEY will try to erase before the people is the peoples culture and history. We see this in South Africa and saw this during the Native American Genocide. If you still aren't using your Second Amendment right to own a firearm get one while you still can.
Carter Clark
Why would anyone erect statues of the losing side in the first place lmao
Isaac Morgan
Gabriel White
Whites are pretty much the same whether it's in Europe or burger land.
They won't do shit as long as the debit/credit cards are working and a Burger King on every corner.
Aaron White
Afraid not -- the 'ancient monuments' are just participation trophies themselves. The statues only have relevence because they're relics from a time that no longer is, side-show attractions and glimpses into the past. Culture doesn't age finely like wine, and you're a hypocrite if you're fine with the destruction of some pieces of history but not others.
Landon Gonzalez
wow i bet their murder rate and poverty level will just fall like a rock now
so glad
Liam Cook
>Native American Genocide stopped reading there
William Taylor
>Burger King niggers go to bk, dumbass. chick-fil-a is the white patrician's choice
Luke Gutierrez
Except they breed faster then they kill each other.
John Jenkins
Victors write history, as always.
Parker Martin
College student, can confirm this.
Ayden Barnes
wut? Niggers eat at McDonald's. It's like their grocery store, next time you go (if you dare) watch at how many bags of food they take out of there. They literally buy food for a week at a fast food place.
Hudson Hernandez
i eat fast food maybe 3-4 times per year (after the gym but before work if i'm running late and need calories) but i only go to chick fil a
Nathaniel Wood
Honestly, this was probably done to prevent the mess in Charleston from happening in baltimore.
They know if it happens there that people will get shot.
Haha yeah us REAL Americans are city folks who love niggers and blue haired trans fat abled squirellkins equally
Kevin Peterson
The municipal government, yes.
Thomas Rivera
>Yankees want to take down statues of rebels in their own state
Who cares, Maryland is a union state full of niggers. Unlike leftists I don't care what they do on their own land. As long as the statues in Raleigh and Charleston stay up I'm good.
Henry Baker
this topic of discussion isn't open because it's been decided
there simply just is not alt left
Austin Nguyen
The federal government declared martial law here to prevent a vote to secede and the place was lousy with union troops from other states due to its important location preventing D.C. from being cut off. Despite that, 1/4 of the Marylanders who fought in the war fought for the Confederacy. Our flag itself is a post-war attempt at reconciliation of the two sides within our state, since it combines the Calvert family crest (used by the unionists) and Crossland family crest (taken up by the rebels). Taking down these statues is a spit in the face to our ancestors who did their best to heal the wound, but of course niggers have no respect for the deeds of white men (nor should they, but that's why they should go back to Africa to be kangz).
Evan Perez
If marylanders really cared they would've passed a bill protecting them like we did in the Carolinas. Watching Roy Coopers impotent rage at take down the monuments is hysterical.
Henry Wright
and the left were outraged
Nolan Rodriguez
Well, obviously the ones who constructed the monuments in the first place did care, but didn't foresee the iconoclasm that would come after the civil rights movement and wouldn't have thought such a law necessary. Now it's too late since there's no way a law like that could pass our legislature. You're also making the mistake of equating a municipal decision with a state-wide decision. Baltimorons don't care, but Southern, Eastern, and Western Marylanders sure do. I am happy for you that your people have been able to protect your history though. Is that the result of a state law banning the removal, or a patchwork of municipal laws? What about that confederate flag being removed from state grounds- did that not fall under the protection of the law? I was under the impression that it was technically part of a memorial.