James played a part but the direct cause of her death will come out to be her own weight killed her

James played a part but the direct cause of her death will come out to be her own weight killed her.

She was standing ontop of the car that James rear ended and not crushed at all like people are saying. The crash sent her flying fast at High G's which caused her heart to stop, as the impact was absorbed by her fat and turned into a shockwave that went straight to the heart.


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You fucking faggots this is real information that can change James court case.





How did she get on top of a car if she was so fat?

I dont want James to end up in jail.
But this is just retarded user...

Fact remains that it was him crashing his car into that crowd that caused this to happen...

If we wanna help this guy we should crowdfund him some $$

A lawbro explained to me last night this would make the charge even less than 2nd degree if it's true

Nah, I don't think so, blunt force trauma etc. James is probably going to get a draconian sentence. The law will try and set an example to stop people bowling over other people with cars.

>She was standing ontop of the car
Show proofs.

its obvious the actions of this violent mob caused her to have a heart attack
when will the alt-left be brought to justice?

Involuntary manslaughter: (sometimes referred to as fourth-degree murder), a killing that stems from a lack of intention to cause death but involving an intentional, or negligent, act leading to death


Vs 2nd degree murder.

ask your lawbro what happens since he was attacked with deadly weapons before he panicked and rammed the crowd

He's already been reverse OJd in the press. The trial already happened on the 6oclock news and twitter.

imagine being fat lmao

anyone have the vid of CPR being performed on her?
>inb4 improper CPR killed her


The magic buffet theory

I too would like to see this footage. If this is true, there must be someone who has this video.

>it wasnt my fault for crashing into the car that crashed into her, judge, it was the fact that she was fat which made the shockwaves from my crash with the vehicle in front of me stop her heart

ok sounds like an airtight legal argument retard


>he was attacked with deadly weapons before he panicked and rammed the crowd
his bumper was hit by that kid with a flag pole, which could be used in his defense, but to say he was attacked by deadly weapons or a mob before accelerating is disingenuous as fuck



His bumper was hit before flag fag did. It had a huge crack and a mark on it also the back windshield was cracked as if someone hit it.

wrong. the mob attacked him with deadly weapons before he hit the crowd. it's plainly shown on video. please be here when he gets the not guilty verdict because i am going to cum into your milkshake at that exact moment. zimzam 2.0, bitch

RIP my sides

How about people stop protesting in the streets? If local government cant keep up with random political activists and set up road blocks for certain times for rallies then getting hit by a car is rules of nature at that point. I'm sorry but I cant show sympathy if this was the case, and I don't care if I get on google big brother watchlist as a Nazi for bringing up how the universe works.

Nature doesn't care about politics, the modern world is too comfortable for these people. These people would get shredded alive by a bear in the woods with their logic.


Eh... that's not really the issue.

She was a criminal who died trying to hurt people, at the hands of one of the people she was trying to hurt.

She was willfully participating in an AntiFa group blocking the road so they could attack stopped cars when they identified likely UTR attendees. The people blocking the road were as guilty as the people swinging clubs.

He doesn't need this defense, or the one where it looks like an unskilled AntiFa clown LARPing as a combat medic crushed her heart playing "CPR", he was surrounded by terrorists and had a right to drive through the group attacking him. But it is interesting in a "by her own petard" way if she was standing on one of the cars she stopped and died of a combination of that and eating.

Why can't he just say he went for the brake but accidentally hit the gas?

bumping thread because of that pic

Also, if James get's a reasonably competent defense attorney, he's walking
Even on the fleeing the scene of a deadly charge
He's gonna walk out those court room doors flim flam zim zam style folks
I'm telling you

>He's gonna walk out those court room doors flim flam zim zam style folks

Doesn't need to. He was being attacked as he went down the road. Self defense.

that pic is making me fucking hungry, and conflicted at the same time.


She definitely had a heart attack and was too fat for CPR to be performed correctly kek

Has it been released what the cause of death was?

So who are the people screaming SHILLS when people celebrate her death? "Sceptics"? lefty/pol/?

So...why is fat a better shock wave "conducer" vs vs muscle?

Well, muscles contract to create resistance against opposing forces where fat just sits there and does nothing for your fat ass.

Fat while containing less water than fat has no real "form" that's why it just giggles around. It's the same principal that a big enough shockwave in water will kill fish.

liberals always say shit like if you don't spaza out and cry over this for 4 weeks your not even human. kinda funny.


Also the meme about fat absorbing a punch isn't exactly real. A strong enough punch would destroy a fat person where as a nonfat person would walk it off.

That's it. Everybody go home.

>she died doing what she loved
being an obstacle to cars?

No the stupid antifa people who attempted to perform CPR on her killed her.

Eating. Pavement.

Well, in general I believe that applies to boxers, kickboxers or other mma fighters who have plenty of muscle already. Having some fat padding on top of muscles, especially core muscles helps out, especially during training when there is no reason to be very lean and ripped.
Ofcourse this is completely different from the fat chick in OP, who barely had any muscle to begin with and all fat.

top fucking kek


fucking lol

Manslaughter charge coming. Just like we always said.

he's going to walk.

Why was she standing on a car in the first place? Was she breaking the law when she she had a fat attack?


That gave me a good chuckle user.

>Was she breaking the law when she she had a fat attack?
yes. the assembly by antifa was illegally blocking the road.

Yeah informing the public is stupid. You go- guys need to knock it off.

Holy Fuck, I missed this one...AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA

if he gets a very good defense attorney and a change of venue for the trial then there's a very good chance
He will even walk on the fleeing the scene of a deadly accident charges once the attorney shows the jury the video of the niggers with baseball bats bashing out his windows before he threw the car into reverse over and over again

I can't wait for the James Field acquittal riots


She died eating?

Yeah, pics or it didn't happen

>I can't wait for the James Field acquittal riots

frankly i wouldn't be surprised if fatty bubu's organs got crushed by her own body mass
is the coroner report available anyway?

Obesity increasing your risk of death. Whether physical health or being thrown around.

It's legal to run over protestors in a few municipalities here. Some town or county near St Louis (I forget which) said they wouldn't charge any motorist who plowed through crowds of protestors, and iirc North Carolina either allows it, or is pushing a law through to allow it.

It is a legal argument, retard

>change James court case
In this oppressive anti-white country, I highly doubt it.

That's part of the whole deal that will get overlooked. The UTR rally was legal, the protesters were not.

I'm still gonna call a manslaughter charge because of panic from being set on by a crowd and no priors excepting a history of mental illness. Official details on this case are unusually confidential so far.

If they move it to Albemarle Co. good chance he skates. Greene or Fluvanna and he walks

>You fucking faggots this is real information that can change James court case

No, it can't. She died directly as a result of his actions, so he is responsible.

What needs to be determined is if a reasonable fear for his life led to his actions.

In the first photo where she seems to be stuck inbetween two cars she has a green top and black trousers. In the photo where she is being given first-aid she has a black top and no trousers. Is this even the same woman?

Dude, when you typed "no trousers" I puked in my mouth a little.

I honestly think what might save him will be the fact that Antifa/BLM never had a permit in the first place to actually be there and assemble - technically they were breaking the law by even being there.

Combine that with the fact his car was hit first before he drove into the crowd, and the dynamics of what cause the girl to die, he will probably be given a pretty light sentence.

The fact is, if your car was being mobbed by a group of people you would probably panic too. It's going to be tough to prove he did it intentionally, but those people shouldn't have been there in the first place, let alone with clubs and baseball masks.

If they can prove that woman was standing on another car (destroying property) and did not have a right to assemble, and that his car was being mobbed, he will probably only go away for a few years with all the time it takes to get a sentence counted as time served.

The funny part about it is, inevitably when the sentence gets handed down we will have more riots on the street because of it.

literally all fat women are the same

>Spanish republican flag
please just kill me anons

Where is the video?

how new are you?

add this attack to the fact that the crowd was illegally assembling and blocking a roadway and the guy will WALK

try again

Roads are for cars.

I'd be for installing wood chippers that go up and down streets killing idiots dumb enough to get in the driving lanes.

As far as I'm concerned, anyone marching in the street has no regard for their own life and has forfeited it. I wish the National Guard would be called out to kill anyone protesting. Gathering in masses shouldn't be allowed. If you don't have a job, you should go to jail. If you don't work, you don't eat. We have too many lazy people alive that are a burden to those of us that work. Fuck 'em. They should all die.

But, I lean a little further right than most.

Tehe, have a nazi scalp

It's gonna be real interesting to hear what the person or persons in the other car have to say about Heather Humpback.

you just painted the worst case scenario for him I think assuming he has competent counsel
If he gets railroaded with a public defender, he could get fucked in the ass hard or sign an unfair plea deal

Why hasnt anyone brapped this

Can we get blue shirt charged with man slaughter? He struck the car which caused James to panick, resulting in the death.

Hanging out with queens?


I will fight to the death for IWW

>direct actions caused the death of another individual
Wow dude this is really breaking important shit!

Soros paid the helicopter to put her there, and killed off the witnesses

You idiots have no idea what the differences between degrees of murder is. Please go watch CSI or something you clearly weren't educated as a child.

Assuming you're implying what I think you're implying, it wouldn't even be murder at that point. Go blog about this shit somewhere else.


IWW: International Whale Watchers. Maybe she's totally innocent in all of this and just got confused.

The Dodge crush zone is normally filled with compressible bladder of cellulite. This was injected into the formerly anorexic victim on impact. Impact fattification can be deadly because the flood of liquid lard blasting into the chest cavity can overwhelm even the fittest cardiovascular system.

Proved my point.

>what isInvoluntary manslaughter for 500.

I laughed way to hard.