Richard (((Dawkins)))

Richard (((Dawkins)))

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crypto redpilled

What a brilliant thing to say. It's really sad Richard Dawkins lived long enough to ramble on twitter.

Kek. Jews being Jews is a valid reason.

I agree.


I mean... jews being as jewy as they always are was the reason.

People are acting like Antifa only attacks "neo nazis" and that everyone right of Mao at that rally was a white nationalist.

Low resolution view of the situation.

Atheists are more intellig-


Considering what being a Jew is equated to(deceit, degeneracy, communism) I see no real problem with this comment.

>Sup Forums being able to understand simple sarcasm

truly the most autistic board on Sup Forums

In his analogy, white peoples today are the Jews of WWII. Makes you think.

How can one person be so right on one thing(religion), and wrong on the other(trump)?


>Implying the Holocaust was the first or last time the Jews were BTFO

"109 Locations whence Jews have been Expelled since AD250"

kek, this, when I first read "Jews being Jews" I thought he was dropping a fat redpill

holy shit, redpilled!


>How dare he disagree with me


btw some people (well, mostly kikes) argue that Jews kinda got expelled from Poland in 1968.

What a fucking mong.

>wrote a book on how you should be rational and logical in your believes
>can't understand how his analogy is retarded.


Tweet deleted in 3..2...1...

Dawkins is not stupid, he's making the best humor, the one that gets everybody to laugh, for different reasons
It's what kept Italians from going insane in the last 4 years, humor that is funny for different reasons to different people, because it caters to their own view one way or the other

Of course, it may very well be accidental, but it still got a chuckle out of me, probably for different reasons than you

How so? Do you really think whites are being oppressed?

Nazi's were just born that way.

There's a reason why serial killers & murderers torture animals & children when they were in the single digits... it's just in their genetics to hurt & abuse & kill?

lmfao i was literally deciding between that tweet or the one i posted to put up

Wait, is he admitting Jews are actually a parasitic subsbecies?

I'm confus.


Trump is a fucking cuck that needs to be gassed on the spot.

Race war now. Gas the kikes.

goddamnit gookmoot

>ramble on twitter
He started rambling ever since he decided to be a raging atheist autist. He should have stayed a neutral biologist.

Wait what is this legit?

he's right

I see your cognitive dissonance being triggered senpai. Let me help you out: he is wrong on religion too.

>Jews being Jews

Officially o u r g u y

Well only an atheist can really call a jew out on being a jew without being labelled a nazi.

Based fedora merchant calls out the jew

>he is wrong on religion too
like what

So what he's saying is that Jews are so toxic that they only need to exist to be the counter-part to Nazis?

That sounds awfully antisemitic.

Is he really allowed to suggest that the Nazi's hatred of Jews didn't conjure itself out of nothing? I'm really having a hard time believing the Nazis had any reason to hate the Jews. I'm pretty sure it just materialized out of nothing because they're evil Nazi Racist Bigots.

He's right though. What honesty.

That's the beauty of it. You have to have taken the redpill on Jews to understand what it actually means.

If you're still bluepilled, it reads innocently.

Why is literally everyone turning retarded.

Trump LITERALLY did not side with nazis.

I thought this Atheist faggot was supposed to be intelligent.

Oh the meltdown if that happens will be legendary.


defend this, deniers.

Literally correct

Lol this fucking idiot deserves all the hate he gets from the alt-left. Complete lack of critical thinking.


Reminder that like many of his fellow (((professional atheists))), Dawkins probably has a Jewish mother.

He's really not all that intelligent. He's just a well trained biologist.

>openly admits viruses are 'living' once they've infected a host population.
>brilliantly articulates the concept of memes a 'viruses of the mind'.
>hides behind rationality at every opportunity
>refuses to accept memes are real life because 'muh fee fees'.

He's a fucking fraud. What's worse is he's smart enough to know better.

Well the Jews were undermining the war effort in WW1. Is that what he meant? Hitler bore a grudge for that.

atheism is intelli-

They had an uprising and were subsequently shot and killed for failing. They were jews so nothing of value was lost.

>Jews for being Jews
babby's first red pill


you guys don't seem to get it, this cryptokike is mocking the latest things Trump said about the alt-left. the way of saying it.
he is not bashing jews, on the contrary

Hahaha fucking based

>It's what kept Italians from going insane in the last 4 years
What do you mean by this italian bro?

>he doesn't get that we're mocking his tweet
are you unironically this dumb?

I don't even know anymore
Have you ever had to go through three governments without having the chance to vote once?

who are these people?

undercover jew alert

>Have you ever had to go through three governments without having the chance to vote once?
No, that sounds terrible.
Why is this happening?

The liberals are doing that thing again. When they say something true but try to pass it off as sarcasm. What even is this tactic, insincere truth? Why would anyone do that?

Thatd quote is fake,
Right ?
Please ?
Srsly, issit?

just fucking google it ffs

government went down, instead of going to vote, they appointed another prime minister, forming another government due to "inciuci" with the right wing. After that ,government got fucked again, same thing happened again.
We're HOPEFULLY going to vote this november/december, but I'm not too sure about that

You know your fucked when someone can tell the truth, but no one will take it literally.

Satire and reality have become indistinguishable for the masses

haha what a pathetic cryptokike

>implying Dawkins isn't a commie

The dude literally has a problem with private ownership of 'imaginary friends'. The mental gymnastics are too much.

Sounds right to me

You can get a good innuendo from it

>hurr durr what is operation keelhaul
just stop