Abortion Is Murder

Casual abortion for the sole sake of convenience by western women is murder.

Abortion is a human sacrifice ritual – the most powerful known to exist. It was invented by eugenics operatives within the occultist elite to curry Satan’s favour while gaining his protection for their warmaking, usury, currency manipulation, and control over the minds of men.
Why is abortion the most powerful form of ritual human sacrifice? Because it entails the most defenceless and innocent victims conceivable (the unborn) being murdered by the very persons most duty-bound to love and protect them from harm – their own mothers and medical doctors who’s sworn oaths to their gods to do no harm.
These ritual murders which society misnames “abortions” are, furthermore, carried out in a nonchalant and routinized fashion exclusively to facilitate hedonistic apathy, laziness and convenience; symbolically placing ten seconds of orgasmic pleasure above the value of a human lifetime’s worth of a living, breathing human being’s consciousness.
In short, Satan loves abortion because it symbolizes evil within cruelty within evil. It proffers that a few seconds of pleasure means more than human life itself, and it does this using the greatest symbols of love and compassion (mothers and doctors), satanically inverted into spiritually numbed, unfeeling executioners.
So the next time you see a western woman screeching about her abortion rights on the streets, look into her empty eyes and know that you’re seeing more than a simple murderer. Look into her eyes and know that you’re seeing a demon, the very definition of evil. And know that the steady stream of death she inflicts on the unborn is what powers the elite’s satanic karma.
It's not about being all "liberal" and being "Pro-Choice". That is yet another euphemism meant to deflect the seriousness of the matter. Call it what it is. "Pro-Murder".

It's fine. Kill us all.

abortion is a satanic ritual for goodness sake

One of the few pastas that I proudly spread.


I am pro choice. Margaret sanger was based. To this day it's disproportionate the amount of shitskin babies getting aborted. I think it's a net positive.

It's more simple than that...
Sin is just a dumb idea.
A fetus is not exactly a person, but nor is that distinction matter.
Killing your own babies is a dumb idea, for the mother, who will be traumatised by that, and also have less children; more is better, because makes little brat mums grow up, and also have aged care some decades later, and same with dads; plus more reason to stay together. Married couples are not that retarded, as to kill their own. Cat ladies presumably eat their aborted kids, cos that's how right they always are?

Nigger read the first sentence of the OP. If you say you're pro-choice, you aren't just pro-shitskin abortions, you're pro the murder of your own people. Just say you're pro-shitskin-genocide and avoid the confusion.

Guess I'm a murderer.
When two people feel their not in the state of raising a child I would like to have them abort it instead of raising a horrible human being.

No you're my friend

>person doesn't want child
>person aborts it, doesn't have child
>nothing changes


>Person doesn't want child
>person has child anyway because abortion is illega
>The child drains resources, takes up all of the chick's time
>The chick slowly comes to resent the child she didn't want to have, doesn't particularly care about it
>The kid grows up unloved and dysfunctional
>there is now +1 crazkhead, or junkie, or serial killer, or any other kind of nut-case in society

This all assumes Satan is real. He isn't. Forever BTFO go back to your church you fucking inbred mountainkin

Have fun raising retards faggot

Ur so funny boi lmao

I wish no white babies were aborted, but that's why i said net positive. Anyone who can't delineate that from what is fucking retarded. The negro population is proportionately smaller than it would've been without sangers eugenics based version of promoting abortion more among minorities. That's not so bad.

My sister was a fervent advocate for abortion until her best friend got one and changed her for the worse. The bitch was diagnosed with some sort of PTSD, she was having nightmares every night were the dead baby spoke to her and asked her why she killed her.

>Death is better than living a life.

If the child's life is that shitty they can just decide on their own and off themselves. How many women end up completely childless due to constant abortion and birth control pill usage and remain indefinitely infantile until menopause? Meanwhile if society banned it women would make a point of marrying for a stable family and will have kids.

A woman's body shouldn't HAVE to keep the baby alive

A life machine in private healthcare shouldn't HAVE to keep the patient alive

An easy way to redpill normies on abortion is just to show them videos of it.


This kind of retarded thinking is why most african nations are overflowing with poor people that have more children than they can support.


>it's okay because they're poor
>yfw Jesus looks at you in Heaven and goes "My dude? I was poor...." while shaking his head and pressing the button that opens the little trap door that sends you back down to Hell which is where we all are right now.