What does Sup Forums think of this man?

What does Sup Forums think of this man?

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dumb fucking regressive racist



Named my dog after him. He's a good dog.

I have an Uncle Billy myself and love him very much.

One of the few people who actually mastered the art of war.

blue pilled jew that should've destroyed all the farm equipment in Georgia too


They though he was insane because he knew the bloodshed that was coming, and understood the measures necessary to win.

Kind of like Sup Forums

We can see you samefagging Redditor. Try harder

The North sees him as a war Hero and a a brilliant military strategist
The South sees him as a war criminal that help starve innocents
He was both
This too

Dat hair tho.
>just fuck muh shit up

But instead of fucking his own shit up he fucked up everyone else's

This the man did not care all he wanted to do was win, and win he did.

Based. I watched 2 documentaries about him, march to sea savannah and burning of atlanta. One from (((history channel))) other from georgia broadcasting channel, so sorry for the rest of my ignorance in advance, american anons. He did whatever he had to do to stop from prolonging in time the war provoking more white american causalities.

This. Despite popular legend Sherman was not some warlord who drank the blood of southerners and took great joy in killing. In fact before the war he was living in Louisiana, was friends with many people who later became Confederates, and helped found LSU. Sherman loved the south but he loved the union of all states more. He originally tried being a nice guy and treated his prisoners well and was trying to be polite to all of the locals and in return all he got was constant bushwhacker problems. So he realized if he wanted this war between brothers to end he had to be the meanest son of a bitch on the battlefield and demoralize the south so badly they would be forced to surrender. Sherman realized we southerners run off a culture of honor and we would've fought to the last man if the union continued with regular war tactics. So he did what he had to do for the fastest possible victory. Sherman was basically the union's Nathan Bedford Forrest. Joshua Chamberlain was more their Robert E. Lee.

I'm curious why do you care about the US civil war at all. Not much was learned most Europeans just see it as drunken rioting.

>Literally burned the Confederacy to the ground

Tear down his statues

honestly in my top 3 favorite Americans next to Washington and Lincoln

dude was *insanely* fucking based


Not even a word in the 19th century

Owned slaves.


no he didn't, stop this fucking meme

this is nearly as bad as the "Grant owned slaves" meme

Grant received a dower slave through his marriage to his wife and almost as soon as he got the slave he emancipated him

>Advanced warfare to never before seen levels of technology and bloodshed >Drunken rioting


Grant also wasn't a drunk during the war. It was actually one of the times in his life he stayed pretty damn sober. Unfortunately there's always misunderstandings about both sides.

The war only had one major manevoure worth any study and that was Jacksons valley campaign. Every thing else was just a meat grinder and outdated tactics.

An American hero that understood that total war, crushing the enemy on all fronts to destroy his will to fight, was the key to winning a war. He left a swath of destruction the Rebels remember to this day.

(((American exportation of media through the world))) the gettysburg movie from 1993, cable network.

This yt watching of documentary was trying to understand why yankees brought the sherman meme to butthurt the confederates anons.

"I've made up mind that there had been no such army in existance since the days of Julius Cesar" some confederate general about sherman army

He hated Indians and first used the term "final solution"

Immediately after the war, Dodge proposed enslaving the Plains Indians and forcing them “to do the grading” on the railroad beds, “with the Army furnishing a guard to make the Indians work, and keep them from running away”. Union army veterans were to be the “overseers” of this new class of slaves. Dodge’s proposal was rejected; the U.S. government decided instead to try to kill as many Indians as possible.

In his memoirs, Sherman has high praise for Thomas Clark Durant, the vice president of the Union Pacific Railroad, as “a person of ardent nature, of great ability and energy, enthusiastic in his undertaking”. Durant was also the chief instigator of the infamous Credit Mobilier scandal, one of the most shocking examples of political corruption in U.S. history. Sherman himself had invested in railroads before the war, and he was a consummate political insider, along with Durant, Dodge, and his brother, Senator John Sherman.

President Grant made his old friend Sherman the army’s commanding general, and another Civil War luminary, General Phillip Sheridan, assumed command on the ground in the West. “Thus the great triumvirate of the Union Civil War effort,” writes Sherman biographer Michael Fellman, “formulated and enacted military Indian policy until reaching, by the 1880s, what Sherman sometimes referred to as ‘the final solution of the Indian problem’”.

What Sherman called the “final solution of the Indian problem” involved “killing hostile Indians and segregating their pauperized survivors in remote places.” “These men,” writes Fellman, “applied their shared ruthlessness, born of their Civil War experiences, against a people all three [men] despised. . . . Sherman’s overall policy was never accommodation and compromise, but vigorous war against the Indians,” whom he regarded as “a less-than-human and savage race”

atlanta should have stayed a pile of ash

t. atlanta

Where are you when we need you most, Sherman?

I would also say Patton, but lets be honest, Mattis is the reincarnation of Patton

only one? how about the literal March to the Sea, where 60,000+ soldiers burned their way through enemy territory with no supply lines? or the Overland Campaign (save Cold Harbor, maybe), where people realized that constantly retreating after losing battles is pointless if you have the strategic resource advantage?

or Vicksburg, which was basically an upgraded and improved Siege of Sevastopol

or the Chattanooga and Chickamauga campaigns, teaching lessons of force concentration and the importance of supply lines and properly fortifying your positions

Mattis is a bad ass and the best sec def we have had in awhile he is one of the few soldiers generals left.


American civil was bretty gud

All those lessons had been learned through napoleon already. What you saw during the civil war was the advance of technology inflicting massive casualties much like WWI. Battles came down to who charges first and untold amounts where killed.

looks like trevor from gta v's dad

Wish he'd burn Atlanta down again

So what your defending Sherman a man who literally committed war crimes.

>let's play a game called Spot the Retard

>war crimes
Are you shitting me? Look up the death camp for Union POWs called Andersonville. When war gets to a certain point all bets are off, like the Total War of WWII that burned Dresden to the ground and shit.

He combs his hair with a piece of bologna.

Grant was a butcher, hated americans.

He's neither a hero nor a villain. He did some objectively terrible things in the hopes of bringing about a swift end to a bloody war, and then spent the rest of his career trying to discourage politicians from glorifying his actions and gloating over a defeated enemy.

Looks like a mean motherfucker

He also used a scorched earth policy didn't he? I think he was shit on for doing so too

Showed good tactics to use against Liberals when the next Civil War happens within 10 years.

Yah and 40 acres and a mule was shining moment for us.

scorched earth is a nice way to describe literally burning down everything

One of the first to embrace the doctrine of total war and was an absoulute mean mother fucker when doing it.

well yeah, it's war...

absolutely. i agree fully. war is silly really... there should be no "rules" if fighting a real enemy, even Hitler believed that


This man is a legend and I would gladly name my son Tecumseh.

>there should be no "rules" if fighting a real enemy, even Hitler believed that

I agree, but the optics are trick when you're at war with yourself

Both sides committed war crimes. War is hell. The Confederacy had tons of war crimes as well. The union actually ignored a lot of them in exchange for trying to reunite the country after the war. It's kinda why no one stopped the south building monuments to the Confederacy. It was all seen as healing and trying to unite as one again.

Alcoholic cuck

So wait you fly the stars and bars but support the ultimate boogeyman of the confederacy? I'm just confused.

You are thinking of Grant.

He needs to go down there again for sure and remind you what fear of god is like.

I had family who fought for both sides. My dad's side was almost entirely southern unionists who joined Tennessee Union regiment. My mom's side is split between Confederates and Southern Unionists. So I guess I end up seeing the war a bit differently than many southerners.

Unionists are disgusting. Kys.


Only time Sherman was in Virginia, he got his ass handed to him at Bull Run. Fighting empty cities were more his specialty.

I would go awol to join his ranks.
Based Sherman!

kys your carpetburning family should too

If southern unionists did that many Confederates would've starved to death. After the war it was common in some counties for the only people with any money was southern unionists getting pensions. These men then proceeded to buy from stores run by Confederate veterans. Many Confederate veterans also ended up living with southern unionists brothers after the war as well. Even during the war southern towns and cities enjoyed Union soldiers' money since the US dollar was worth more than the Confederate currency.

You mean Clint Eastwood?

t. confederate fag

Hitler refused to use chemical weapons after feeling the effects of mustard gas in WW1

You aren't even using the term carpetbagger right. Carpetbagger was a northerner who moved south after the war. My ancestors were southern unionists who were born and raised in the south. Their ancestors fought with Washington in the Revolution and Jackson in 1812. Really you should use scalawag but even then most southern unionists were Jackson Democrats, not Republicans. And if you're trying to imply my ancestors fought with Sherman they didn't. In fact Sherman demanded them to and they said no which Sherman then raged about in a private letter calling them "those indolent Tennesseans."

Well i was quoting someone, but hitler wasn't opposed to flattening cities so....

I didn't know they were southern unionists till your last post.

Also i never said shit about sherman that was another guy

fuck off union scum

>He originally tried being a nice guy and treated his prisoners well

He doesn't know about Camp Davis.

Good general. Would have done the same in his position.


Greatest american who ever lived

You mean Camp Douglas. The Rebs had it coming to them after Andersonville, however.

He had some mental breakdown that which his wife and Grant helped him, the alcoholic was Grant.

Hugh Jackman?

The war is kinda over so no one here is a "rebel" or "unionist" anyway. The only rebels and unionists were the men who fought in the war. We are merely their descendants. All we can do now is having a realistic look at the war and see what both sides did right and wrong and use that knowledge for the future.

The Confederate camp? What about it? If you mean Camp Douglas like said then I hope you realize POW camps were really shitty on both sides. Andersonville wasn't exactly a cake walk either.

He's a hero

based master of maneuver warfare

Proof the left uses drug addicts to push their narratives.

Thanks for the upvotes kind zer/zim!

fuck your rationalism

imma rek your lincoln because im butthurt over something 150+ years old

Lincoln was a bad-ass though. Had Lincoln not been assassinated the south would be far better off now.

hes seen some things...