This is what the far-left really believes

>This is what the far-left really believes.

Other urls found in this thread:


>Antifa: Lets hurt innocent people that we dont like
>Innocent people: Lets not

It gets more cringy, friend.

The truth?

You guys did set yourselves up for that by denying global warming, evolution, and the Holocaust. Maybe people will stop laughing at everything you say once you stop denying reality.


Fuck that term. Normal left. They fucking cheered their extremists this past week. the right denounced theirs. The leftist extreme groups represent the normal left. The left cherishes their extremist groups. Ain't no fucking alt left. This is normal leftism.

>"Let's antagonize people with moderate viewpoints instead of focusing our energy on our actual enemies"

Wow it worked so well before

Here is the correct version.

Guess what? DailyKos of all places has decided to jump on the bandwagon.

I know it's DailyKos, but you guys and everyone please read these archived topics? DailyKos is trying very hard to present Antifa and BLM like they're the "good guys".

The site's founder, Markos Mouslitsas, has some pull in the Democratic Party, so it's good to be aware of what they're up to.

Good one!


Implying that guy will ever get laid, thus the "future of my people" is not a pointless request.

Maybe if he wasnt such a racist weirdo and actually got a job he would have a future. Look at the driver who killed the fat leftist: jobless, living with mommy, loser outcast beta fag.

Thats the alt-right for you. Angry virgins with tiki torches shouting about "muh people". Normalfag whites hate you waaay more than jews or blacks, thats why they beat you up in school.

Nice catalog of joo lies.

Fuck you faggot

>all i need to know is
Do you side with us or foreign savages and eunuchs?


If only you stayed in school instead of doing meth throughout your teenage years.

Where is the
>we also chant nazi slogans

>Forgot the south of Africa

Nazi slogans don't somehow make you not innocent.

they already lost to the ghouls

Implying there are no white people living all over South America, Africa, Australia, the Pacific, China, Japan etc.

Says who?

sure is a lot of damage control for a one frame cartoon

>this is what a cherrypicked tweet really believes

Why do you leftists always project?

Altleft: Water is dry!

I only read the dailykosm

Maybe if you were smart you'd understand its not about the cartoon but the common logic that all these virgin little boys protest for the "future of white people"? Who are those white people? Them who just like most "white" Americans arent even fully white? The other white people who hate them and think of them as racist weirdo losers? Who are they think are representing?

We have to play the victim game. As stupid as it is, we must continue to hold rallies over clear examples of oppression of whites...and If anyone attacks us, we must do NOTHING. Hold position, and stand as still as you can. Drop your signs, and take your beating. Wear armor, carry water for acid attacks, but do no bodily harm. The media will ignore it at first...but eventually the photographic evidence will mount. Then we will have the proof we desperately need to show the world we are not evil. Its the only way to turn this around.

Confederate statues aren't worth defending, at least not with big angry torch rallies like that. We can't keep these things around forever, and the statues themselves aren't very informative about what really happened. Petitioning cities to put the removal to a referendum is really what people should be doing about that instead of holding marches.

Or am I?

Sounds like a typical angry virgin neckbeard to me. How typical is he?

Aka alt-left

Im not going to list everything bad that they do.
I would have to make some kind of...manifesto.

yeah you definitely are
guy in question might be a violent retard but he's going to get off and you'll still be a retard

>Them who just like most "white" Americans arent even fully white?

Well if you ignore the Arabs and the obvious spics who are officially defined as "white" (for some retarded American reason), I'm pretty sure most white Americans are in fact fully white.

You say all these buzzwords like they're suppose to mean something. Are you too brain dead to think clearly for yourself without parroting leftist rhetoric?

They engage in identity politics. They don't "believe" things in the usual sense of the word.

Are you saying centrists make both camps mad?

More like
>America would be better if all white people went back to Europe
>America would be better if all black people went back to Africa
>It is like I'm seeing double

Epic bro spread the word

That's why they're so mad at this new term. They know it applies to them.

So true
Pic related

I always considered myself a centrist but I am finding the left more and more extreme each day and the right are the only ones acting to oppose them.


>let's enslave white people with statism, taxes, healthcare and welfare so that they keep working like dogs only to pay 50% of their income in taxes so that we can have free shit without working a single day in our lives!
>wait, make it 100%!
>real communism has never been tried, this brand of communism, of which I'll be into the higher caste, ruling peasants and living like a king thanks to their work, will certainly work
>let's also start exterminating white people by killing them on the streets and fucking their women!

If Antifa are the good guys, why do they dress like Cobra from GI Joe?

Because leftism is the ugly. Leftism is about feelings. Leftism appeals to the humans who are unable to process cognitive and logical thought, thus they resort to projecting their inferiority on us as an insult. You could be a billionaire with multiple wives, president of the USA, and they'll still project. Can they be called human? Its a genetic abnormality like Down Syndrome.

Keep up with your own rhetoric
>it's Global climate change now

No it isn't. It's disingenuous rhetoric meant to psychologically-abuse liberals (what they call centrists) into agreeing with their positions.

>Nazis: Let's commit genocide.
>Communists: Let's commit mass murder without targeting any ethnic group in particular.
>Regular people: could you stop chimping out? We're trying to get to work.

And this still understates alt-left violence against regular conservatives and even liberals that the white nationalists failed to match; and also glosses over institutional support that only one of these groups enjoys.


>global warming
It's a myth, but climate change is real and happened a couple times already(see: ice age)

Evolution Theory is a theory and not a fact. It's highly possible, but what we know for sure is that black people are below Eurasians in the chain since they miss neanderthal genes. We're hybrids.

No comment(see flag)

>stop denying reality

More like:
>Marxists: Let's systematically erase white culture by flooding predominantly white countries, and white countries only, with unskilled third-world immigrants.
>Conservatives: Let's not.
>BLM: Please let us commit violent crimes without defending yourselves, whitey!
>Centrist: I have no strong feelings one way or the other, essentially making me a useful idiot for the left.
Nice get btw.

>Antifa: Let's beat people with bike locks and raid stores when right wingers try to debate us
>Alt-right: But we just wanted peaceful discussion
>BLM: Fuckin crackaz deserve to be killed, we wuz kangs n shiet
>Alt-right: Ok, truck of peace it is.

We can all tell what you mean about the holocaust.

Reported to the (very real) german thought police.

>Waaaaaah the truth is scary and libruls agree to it so I'm gonna deny it!


The point of climate change talk is to get manufacturing countries to agree to limit the amount of fossil fuels they buy from developing countries.
There is no stopping global warming. No one says there is a way to do it.

Would you like further explanation?

>Evolution Theory is a theory and not a fact.
You have no fucking idea what a scientific theory is. A theory is a hypothesis which has been proven. Go back to school faggot.

White Nationalists: We want a future for our people.
Centrist: I cannot tell these apart.


Liberalism- it is a cancer.

American politics are being driven by extreme elements on both the left and right. However, center left and center right are almost identical and irredeamably capitalism first, people never.

There is no hope of reform. Reveolution is necessary for change.

He remember all those people Antifa ran down with a Dodge and killed the other day?

But yeah no, they are clearly the more violent group

>This is what the far-left really believes.
Well we have to prove them wrong, show them what antifa really is, Let them know that the moderates are next on the "we can be violent against you as long as we call you a nazi first" chopping block.
This is an information civil war.

This one irks me the most. The way the illustrator says "Sorry, there's nothing funny going on here, there's no punch line" is the same kind of melodramatic and hyperbolic attitude that gave way to the emboldened bullshit you see from the antifa/blm groups today, which in turn gave so much way to what you saw happen at Charlottesville, which basically gave more way to the antifa/blm groups, their actions of which will give more way to the white nationalists, and so on.

Furthermore, for the record- you can just visit a search engine, and type "Kill all white people", vs "Kill all black people", and tell me what side you think is really calling for incitement.

pretty sure they are just the "violent left" at this point

>Lets commit genocide
t. FBI
>Lets not
t. CNN
>Please stop shooting us
t. anyone surviving being shot at

More like normal non brainwashed identitarians and paid agitators.

*Mainstream left and a lot of normies