English teachers BEWARE

They're on to you...


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i dont know chinese rap but please tell me this bad even by their standards. hes not even pretending to be riding the beat...

Meanwhile in the US, Ricegum is biggest thing on Youtube and he is banging the hottest girl on Instagram


LOL ... almost 100 million views in 1 month.


>chink complains about foreigners
Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahaahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahahha, it's like when an Indian complains about a nigger

good civilization, hot women.
I don't care about asians with white women.

TFW China is officially "communist" but it's actually a Han nationalist fascist state.

Think shortround was busy playing league of legends and had his chinkita whisked away by whitey

the Chinese have been able to destroy communism from the inside.
If it's not pure genius i dunno.
And they have good looking women too.

>lived in China a year
>Small Tier 3 city
>Everything is cheap as fuck
>Constantly get VIP privilege, never have to wait at the bank or train station or restaurants
>Whole job is "Be white and smile now and then."
>Everyone wants to be your """friend""" for street cred
>Never once bought my own beer

Bonus points if every now and then you say something like 小日本 or refer to Taiwan as part of China.


how long till your first blowjob from a cute chinese girl?
How long till your first footjob?
Respond pls

He's most likely get his first AIDS.

Chinese getting tired of beta males moving to china

Blowjob was in about a month. Chinese people have fucking disgusting feet tho.

white guys dont get cute asian girls in East Asian countries. meanwhile Chinese guys get the cutest White girls like her

>white guys dont get cute asian girls in East Asian countries

Lmao get a load of this guy

losers need to bust a nut too you know
We wanna taste cute asian girl's saliva

>meanwhile Chinese guys get the cutest White girls like her
****** swoons *****

ugly white guys yeah. It can't be helped.

>>meanwhile Chinese guys get the cutest White girls like her
Her Chinese boyfriend

>Lmao get a load of this guy
It is true you faggot

in my city lives over 50k asians (china, vietnam etc)

I have never seen asian as a white woman, such a thing is possible only in california cuz too many betas i guess


>>>meanwhile Chinese guys get the cutest White girls like her

Whatever, it's not like he'll stretch her out.

>midget among a country of manlets
>is proud for owning Timberlands, like they're expensive
>"I like my foreign friends, but fuck off foreigners"?
>has logos for companies that lent him the cars at the end

My sides for this fucking midget thinking he's such tough shit

That little frontmanlet is just mad BWC is taking all the asian bitches. We're witnessing the birth of a Chinese Elliot Rodger.

Yeah rich Asian dude playing good boy for a cute white girl.

You're fucking pathetic. I say this as an Asian.

Dick riding this guy like this.


Lmao this is /r/asianmasculinity's anthem

holy shit english teachers btfo how will they ever recover. [spoiler]im afraid that something will happen to my cousin now[/spoiler]

>white girl

Lol that girl is far from white.

>in my city
what city & what country? Why is it when user says 'this', they never mention their city or country because it would be so easy to find plenty of white girls with Asian guys in their city/country

Nah he's a manlet but not those boys behind him

That being said, nigger culture is really cancerous

this was absolutely dreadful, even for rap music.

bitch please when I Was in china I ran out of condoms

She's pretty white. Redheads > blondes

how was it? Did you have fun? How do they smell?

>he is banging the hottest girl on Instagram
It is hilarious when you hear white guys LARPING fake stories about Asian girls while Asian guys in Western countries are banging this.

>while Asian guys in Western countries are banging this.

can't we all have fun with respective tastes in women?

>there's no Chinese word for Timberland

where'd you get them boots Cho Chang

Is that guy an actual midget?

He seems tiny even for asian standards.

Lol hating on whites while posing and showing off with western/european cars. They should probably have some Toyotas and Hondas instead.

Some butthurt up in hurrr

>t. chang
you can fantasize all you want rice boy, but Asian men are the least desirable, bar blacks, according to almost all surveys.

Holy shit, it's like 5 ultra successful Asian manlets and u guys are dick riding them like we're next up in the line.

It's pathetic and I'm not eve going to berate you for it.

CCP anti uncontrolled immigration propaganda.

Does anyone actually go to China for the girls? Japan sure, I don't see China.

Yeah china has some babes

>t. Asian"""""masculinity"""""

This is satire, right?

Shit Korea says hi Antonio

Reminds me of something

who fucked your girl, user?
who hurt you?

are they trying to parrot this?

> "the artist was formerly known as Lil' Wang"

It's one fucking dude, or it's a white girl with yellow fever

Pretty much. Little beta chinklets better learn to deal with it

>bitch please when I Was in china I ran out of condoms
I rather have thought you would have run out of paper bags instead of condoms considering how UGGO the asian girls than White guys get.

God damnit. Fuck you op, someone always has to clean up your mess and it's always me


Meanwhile, Chinese guys get White girls like this in China

What about the kid? Is he uggo? He's just a fucking kid.

You retard.

>Chinese guys get White girls like this in China

Look at her - she's looking down because she's ashamed.



>>Chinese guys get White girls like this in China
Look at how beautiful she is

She has the thousand yard stare.

She's not happy.

Again, retard.

>nationalists are mad at a nationalist reeing about foreigners
Why is Sup Forums full of retards?

>>>Chinese guys get White girls like this in China

She's trying to cover her face.


>being this jealous and inadequate

>i dont know chinese rap but please tell me this bad even by their standards.

All the mainland rap I've heard is fucking garbage, but Taiwan has some great shit:

Soft Lipa:

MC HotDog (Feat. Soft Lipa)

She got some cuck to play sugar daddy your guide for her stay.

And you tout it around like it's a victory for Asians over whites .

God damnit you are fucking retarded. And it not even ironic you're just a chink eyed dumbshit chinklet brain.

I'm jealous? Why don't I have these pictures then?

>foreigners get out
>no racemixing!
>don't touch our women!!!
>don't leech off our countries' opportunities!
According to the views of Sup Forums, this guy is based as fuck

The only issue is that Sup Forumstards are hypocritical as fuck amd don't like when foreigners apply the same standards to them

>he hottest girl on Instagram

She's looking at his dick, actually

Like you can't fucking promote acceptance pulling this shit but you do it anyway because you're a stupid chink.

And it hurts me to call you because I'm
A fucking chink gook.

God damnit

Trade sanctions

>fuck off foreigners
>black people music
>showing off european cars
>bragging about wearing american shoes
What did he mean by this?

That's why she's got her eyes closed

Tribalist crew sign in

Jordan Chang
Kobe Du

Does he realize he's culturally appropriating black american talk-rap?

>hate foreigners
>act like niggers

>14 posts by this ID
This is why you're jealous. Get over yourself, your sperging making Nazis look like autists

They are right! Everyone in his oun continent.

Who is this prostitute.

For fucks sakes this thread

>he is banging the hottest girl on Instagram
Not even close

No I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

>any hip hop that isn't American

You've been doing this for YEARS now dude, you're definitely getting paid for this

>Autistic self hating Asian
HAH! Just neck yourself already if you want to help the white race. It's survival of the fittest and it's best to remove yourself from the gene pool now instead of prolonging your suffering and doing it later.

chinks anywhere else in the world
>invade en masse
>infiltrate in politics
>create housing bubbles

lol no one listens to that

everybody in that music video
has a dick that's smaller than their dogs dick
3 inch dicks
you're listening to subhumans

Rice gum is vietnamese