Trump gets Blown The Fuck Out Thread #1405296
Can we hope for three more years and a half of this dumbass getting clowned around?
Trump gets Blown The Fuck Out Thread #1405296
Can we hope for three more years and a half of this dumbass getting clowned around?
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>Can we hope for three more years and a half of this dumbass getting clowned around?
That's what I'm doing.
Putin is going to be very upset by Trump's poor handling of the presidency.
Nah, all he wanted was for the US to be in chaos and it's international influence to be more limited.
Roaring success.
Trump salty at Amazon because they're killing walmart.
But an addendum: he may not be a fan of what comes next.
Ofcourse its fucking destabilizing. It's bad enough that the guy is fucking Orange and speaks funny he's supposed to be the moral and political representative of America and he has no morals or principles and probably has Alzheimer's
A great victory for the jews.
That's not enough firing for my tastes. Moar.
But Walmart guy told trump to fuck off.
Fucking wellfare gigaqueen, why does anyone put up with them?
Thank Bannon for this. Trump needs the business community with him so he can bring jobs back. Now that's gone and all Trump has left is a small percentage of the far right. Yeah, he overcame that handicap in the election, but you can't do that when governing.
Very fake news.
Kek, you think companies are just going to decide to stop hiring people now. Small businesses matter more.
I really can't blame anyone but Trump himself. He literally had to do nothing but speak off a teleprompter and not mouth off later. People will overlook policy, not fucking quotable taped pro-white nationalist positions.
Well if you're going to use it as a platform to undermine and attack him politically is keeping the council going a good idea? Generally if you break faith with someone they stop participating.
>policy is less important than rhetoric
Um no, sweetie
Not less important, but it's easier for the populace to overlook it as long as they can blame something else for the fallout.
>Well if you're going to use it as a platform to undermine and attack him politically is keeping the council going a good idea?
All those CEOs are showing is that they don't care about creating jobs for Americans.
Wew lad. All this winning, amirite?
He Jews help me save America and lift up disenfranchised unemployed men.
>ooohhhhh yeah sounds great!!!!!
>just kidding we quite
LMAO trump trusted a Jew
Seven and a half. After that, I'm hoping he gets UN Secretary General or a seat on the Supreme Court.
Did you think any of them were really American companies? Even the gov contractors run on visas. You don't employ the people with more rights unless you're forced to.
One day you'll learn what you attribute to the parenthesized folk is really just a few self serving ideologies, and you'll then see your enemies far more clearly.
>ends illegal oligarchy
>imposes rule of law
>supports nationalists, conservatives and nativists
checking... yup, still president
>this hurts the jew who cries out in pain
notice the NAFTA renegotiation happening recently. also,
>1 post by this ID
>supports nationalists, conservatives and nativists
>but not really any conservatives with an ounce of shame
>implies this is a controlling majority of the country
>still President
Not for long...
>pro-white nationalist positions
Nothing Trump said was pro-white nationalist. Not a damn thing. Quote them if they're so quotable. In context, fagass. Go ahead.
Trump told the truth. He took the most presidential approach.
Bitch I do it for free
Then you're a chump
As an anarchist I'm pretty happy with the outcome.
Better than the slow death Clinton would have gave us.
Trump is unintentionally more subversive than my subversive propaganda could ever be. Lmao
Hopefully it ends the corporate takeover before it ends us.
Nothing is more indicative of the alt-right gaslighting than the flalse equivalence bullshit. If you can't see it at all than you're already too far gone.
>The completely retarded leftard everywhere and itt that defends CEO companies suddenly.
I hate to say it but are we looking at another unironic 5D chess here?
We only accept threats from real countries.
Op you are a Bot from Somalia .
If it was intentional he wouldn't have highlighted 24 hours earlier that he was going to continue the panel with other companies.
Stfu nigger
Your time is coming.
Trump must be trying to make a fool out of himself. But for what reason? What could be fueling the mastermind engineer of strategy?
When David Duke is thanking the president openly for his comments on the subject of White Nationalism: The Dog-Whistles are officially just regular signals.
>If it was intentional
>5D chess
>intentionally showing
AHAHAHAHA read more nigger.
Trump will will have a full-term and will not be impeached. How does this make you feel?
It's bad enough that the guy is fucking Orange and speaks funny he's supposed to be the moral and political representative of America and he has no morals or principles and probably has Alzheimer's.
Exactly this.
He was out of the crisis on Monday. Wby did he choose to reopen it?
I hope he gets a second term. 7 and a half more years of comedy, boys.
>All members will be pressured to leave by rabid Sorosbux and their cronies
>Those that don't abandon Trump will lose massive business
Trump gave them an out. Now they save face and money, and they know he's the reason why.
Good. This is what I want from gov - close all non essentials.
Exactly. Fit flash popular alpha boxing Leaf that has pussy and ass begging vs fat small-fingered low-energy hated beta that has to buy his wifes.
Yank is just too stupid to figure out which is objectively better.
Based leaf dishing out the truth
>How does this make you feel?
Like I'm reading fevered future alt-history fanfiction.
Fuck off, proxyfag.
Because he was pissed about what they were saying about him walking back. Also pissed because he's been served subpoenas.
>huu huuu Twump is going down
I've heard this nonstop for like a year now.
>Seven and a half
Honestly doubt he'll live that long. The stress of the presidency is already taking its toll. How long before he has a stroke or something. The CIA could honestly off him and people would just run with "died of natural causes."
>I'm hoping he gets UN Secretary General or a seat on the Supreme Court
Pure comedy
OP said the exact opposite of that.
>it's so quoteable and obvious
>but I can't point at anything, lol ur dumb I win
I agree. His pride is destroying him and he is now flailing. After this shit his agenda is done.
popular enough for our boy in the white house!
AHAHAHAHAHA I fucking knew you were soft faggots that are baby-tier trolls. How do you feel about this next one Trump will fulfill his terms in full, make America great again, reduce leftist power and make every leftist a whining bitch(like his doing right now).
>Instead of ending something that clearly isn't working, let's just keep it running for no good reason, like Obamacare!
A good leader knows when to cut his losses
what influence did the US have under Obama? no one took him seriously, except for taking money and "aid"
This hurts Trump how? More like leftist shills and their controlled opposition groups BTFO. #DrainingTheSwamp
I gotta agree with Amreica on this one, this is starting to sound a bit like fanfiction from your part.
Most incompetent presedent since Harding.
Most obvious kike shill in thread.
well i'm glad you're at least entertained, sure beats all the apoplectic leftists in america bursting blood vessels over the fact that trump called out the people instigating violence on the street AND the people escalating the violence
Real popular, eh!
>Dont worry buddy, Ill help you make friends, dont cry, it will be okay. Were winners now.
>Oh, watch your step there buddy *extends foot
It's the entire fucking quote that pissed everyone off, why do I have to repost everything for you?
What goes through your little thick shit filled skull, when you make a conscious to larp as a fucking commie on this board, cunt? I mean how, I mean why. Why do you waste your time being subhuman trash, even ironically?
So the Antifa members that showed up there with sticks, pepper spray bags of faeces and urine etc. should not be called out? These "white nationalist" got a legal permit to protest and they did not show up armed like Antifa
That's a great question to ask every single person who browses this shithole
Did you not read his statement? Its becuase they are tax dodging fucks. So where retails like target and walmart used to pay taxes, theyve been replaced by tax dodging amazon.
whatever it takes to legalize weed
Wall St Journal has now confirmed CEO council decided to disband first, Trump tweeted he was disbanding them after.
There was a unanimous vote to disassocite themselves from Trump among the members
> pissed everyone off
No it just pissed off the liberals, that can't handle the reality that their history is riddled with dictatorships, and now they have anarchist extremists that show up to any legally permitted protest with sticks, pepper spray, bags of shit and urine and the media will pretend that didn't happen but the fucking president has the balls to state facts, that these idiots did show up to cause a fight. There are countless videos that show how armed Antifa was
i love how buttblasted you fags get over permits as if anyone outside online forums gives a fuck
you are the dindu nigger crybabies now as far as i'm concerned.
And a liar to boot
> You will never be this mad
Trump lied. The CEOs had a unanimous vote to ditch Trump first
i only come here to see these retards bitch.
it's hilarious how disconnected they are from reality.
>leftard immediately supports business CEO after Trump announced he fired them.
did anyone expect a silver-spoon steak salesman with no political experience and a trail of failed businesses to be a good politician?
noone in the usa is seriously surprised by his complete inability to do anything right?
I just want to thank all of America for the lels. It's been a sublime ride and I hope he does the full 8 years. The pinnacle of entertainment.
>No it just pissed off the liberals
Nope, pretty sure it was everyone but Trumps remaining 24% base. I assume there is heavy overlap with the 1 in 4 of people who think the sun goes around the earth.
I think we're just glad they responded to the shaming
>When you're trying to show your genuine retarded butthurt on a Mongolian tribal board.
AHAHAHAHAHA I like how they don't give a fuck about facts too like
>permits as if anyone outside online forums gives a fuck
This is because of NAFTA getting redrawn and EOS against China.
Lol nigger no. They unanimously agreed to ditch him over the comments on Charlottesville. Read their statements.
Trump was so desperate to save he face he lied and said he chose to disband it
That's even worse since those companies will now look like a bunch of bitches and will come back to suck Trump's cock one way or another.
Do you also believe everything the media tells you? Think critically, why was it only manufacturing CEOs resigning, the very same week their globalist trade deals are getting renegotiated? It's convenient timing that enables them to grandstand.
For what reason would they suck the cock of a failing president. Because of this shit he pulled on Tuesday the US is about to go open season on Nazis.
Are you telling me they are singing the false song of globalism??
Lol motherfucker the CEOs themselves confirmed it. The WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch