Want to play nintendo at my house after school?

Want to play nintendo at my house after school?

Now ask yourself op does this belong on Sup Forums?

Can you give me a ride, op?

what game?

It's a topic pertaining to current events of a politically incorrect nature, so yes


Want to go look for moby dickless?

sure I'll come

Which one? Cause if it is that shitty, Smash Brawl one, then you're a libtard.

Project M

Still Brawl, but will do.

You bet I can. Sorry if it smells like pussy, I was fucking my girlfriend hard in the back seat last night

It says dodge on the car

Is his girlfriend's name "Left Hand"?

aight blond AVGN

Eminem really let himself go

No, her name is Diamond and I met her online

There's a black near you.

Angry Video Game Nazi could be a decent web series. I claim copyright.

Ameriniggers look ridiculous with dyed blonde hair.

You are not white, deal with it.

Can I come too?
I'll bring Doritos :3