Another Nazi BTFO
Reminder That We Are Beating The Nazis
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your skin will always be black no matter how many whites you bruise.
Reminder, that OP is a terrorist and should not be negotiated with.
That guy is a feminist Antifa cuck who was beaten up by Russian secret police.
He's one of yours. I guess that explains why he couldn't defend himself.
Attacking mild right wingers doesn't help anyone other than the mild right wingers.
When you beat people up you legitimize their political sentiment with the same logos you legitimize yours, establishing victim-hood.
So by your own ideological reason you being counter intuitive.
Anyone in Ukraine is Russian secret police member, that is not an argument.
that guy is a feminist activist who got wrecked by police
You are delusional about leftism.
Their politics does not interferes by violence. Their political goal is violence against their opponents.
>russian flag
>posts fake quote
p o t t e r y
An what exactly is fake in that quote?
He's actually an ex leader of "FEMEN" who was more of an abusive pimp than a feminist.
Pimpin' ain't easy, he learned the hard way.
>when antifaggots larping on internet
>what really happens when they are not behind the safety of their pc
The quote itself. Churchill never said it.
Closest is some Italian said "In Italy there are two kinds of fascists, the fascists and the anti-fascists."
>two faggot groups are beating each other up
okay? cool story bruh? You couldn't take out Trump,
You couldn't fight Trump supporters. You couldn't even beat the neo-cons.
So now you're literally going after low hanging fruit from anther tree. Why should I care?
Reminder, we are killing the commies.
sure ya are juden
user is wise. They are designed to create a counter movement. This is simple action/reaction
Actually he's a supporter of the feminist sluts FEMEN.
Ukrainian nationalists broke his fucking face IMAO
Everyone is a nazi to scum like you. You could beat the shit out of a disabled 7 year old girl and brand her a nazi because she identifies with female pronouns.
Take some real Nazis, Fascists and right wingers on. Not college kids or Sup Forumstards.
Forgot to add, there's literally a femen logo on the right
H-how bout we just be nice to people?
>that faggot now has $100k+ on gofundme.
Challenger 1/Iceberg 0
Titanic status: avenged
lol you lying commie nigger
cant wait to hang you off a bridge
Daily reminder that sticks and stones can break some bones but Dodge is made for killing communists
hims good goy
just dindu nuffin
tryin to go to church for him
dem gib me dats
LMAO commie OP rekt
Militant leftists, yes. Unfortunately, many of the retards here on Sup Forums seem to have come to think that everyone who isn't literally a Nazi is a "leftist".
Reminder to let the alt-left destroy their credibility by being violent thugs and terrorists
You're either one or the other. If you're anywhere in the middle, you are a fence sitting coward with no firm ideology
Daily reminder OP is a lying commie fuck
In my opinion both extremes are bad.
Why you may ask?
It is because both of those extremes are controlled opposition to make people focus on those politics instead of actually cracking down on what globalist and greedy agenda the deep state is up to.
Also both Hillary and Trump are controlled by the banking system which is controlled by zionists.
I would like to remind you that interacting with the other extreme or picking one in the first place makes you a zionist puppet.
Keep it up! Soon we will be killing Reds with in the streets.
make sure it catches on
Fascists will be turned into soap. We outnumber you
Controlled opposition
Who said I was alt-right? I just hate commies shit-stains like you.
>It's a 'person who represents X ideology had something bad happen to them therefore ideology X is null and void' episode
You think they care?
They know they are being controlled but they do nothing about it.
Post your real face faggot
Why doesn't Antifa bust up some actual Nazi rallies or KKK groups?
Imagine one of those places like the bar from Green Room. Now why doesn't Antifa attack a place like that? Can anyone tell me why?
Could it be... cowardice?
>Reminder, we are killing the commies.
But you said "All Lives Matter"
All bullshit huh?
some lurk in the shadows, looking like gutter punks living in flop houses. outnumber lol.
So you're saying that unless you support a totalitarian police state, you're a leftist?
isn't it odd how the actual klan got to have their rally in the same city?
Klan Rally 70 Percent Undercover Reporters
Really makes you think.
Saturday's rally nearly had to be called off, but was saved from cancellation by the reporters. Less than an hour before the scheduled start time, the chapter realized it did not have the $1,500 "parade fee" required by the city. Fortunately, dozens of new Klansmen like Chicago Tribune reporter Stuart Zimmel volunteered to chip in an extra $50 each.
>posting the onion
Two questions:
1)How many of you did it take to assault one man? 2)What was it he actually did to warrant this?
Joining Larson in the call for white racial purity were reporters covertly working for dozens of newspapers, magazines, and television programs, including The Washington Post, Newsweek, and 20/20.
"I'm doing an article for The Atlantic Monthly about what it means to be part of the Klan in the 21st century," said Peter Underwood, a 1999 graduate of Columbia University. "Well, okay, I'm doing it on spec, but I know they'll go for it. Worst-case scenario, I'm sure I can at least get some of the secret documents I snagged into the Readings section in Harper's."
We never said that shit. Stop lumping everyone who hates you into one basket.
"All lives matter" was a normie idea, and it gradually morphed into Blue Lives Matter. It has nothing to do with the alt-right, neo nazis, or any of your other spooks.
Never mind. "1 post by this ID"
Sad as fuck
Anarchy is a fag
Go kill yourself
End it Now
But he didn't die, which means we're still winning. You guys still need to get two more kills to get ahead of us.