Be Peter

>Be Peter
>Parents leave Yugoslavia because of Yugo wars and immigrate to US
>20 years later
>Join supremacy march
>Scream how you're more American than blacks who have lived there for centuries, after being here 20 years

Other urls found in this thread:

That's Chuck the buck, Carl the cucks based brother.

its not about American or no, its about being white and proud.


Slavs are half Mongol though.



Gets me every time.


this is the 20th thread with this copypasta today alone.
Fucking slide this crap already.

stop posting this all the time
you know full well that he is an american citizen
he has the same stake in this country as any other well meaning white citizen of this country

Oh and also, it's funny how despite America being the land of whites, white Americans never have established their own culture.

what's his ethnicity? Bosniak, serb, croat, kosovar albanian,...

cry more bitches

>parents migrate to the country that bombed their country
>son becomes staunch nationalist for said country

Traitors, not even fucking nce

Every white man in the world is more American than any non-white.

>Scream how you're more American than blacks who have lived there for centuries, after being here 20 years
He integrated. Niggers haven't.

posting this kids face non stop isn't gonna et Trump impeached

>kendrick Lamar
Can't even bother to capitalize your idols' names, huh?

fuck off already

Anybody got a link to video+audio of what exactly he was screaming?

Seems like the least I can do is verify he's a Nazi before I start screaming he's a Nazi.

Oh but we have. The entire planet took it too.
It was called Westernization fuck face and the entire planet made an attempt.
Unfortunately most other races could not manage. Now instead they just come to white countries and leech and beg.

This, blacks don't even consider themselves American and absolutely despise whites. All of this despite slavery only being around for 80 years of the US existence, whites dying and freeing the slaves, whites giving legal rights to blacks before white women, and whites going so far as to eliminate all standards of qualifications to get blacks into school and job.

Yeah, he's clearly getting along well with everyone.

Yugoslavs aren't Slavs , they're about as slavic genetically as Swedish people


Gets me every time, too...

I was an eyewitness. He was screaming "I'm only here ironically i'm actually antifa!"
Fucking retard.

Except he isn't embracing degenerate nation-destroying Marxism which the Nigger savages are.

Reminder that Niggers, Northerners, and followers of Marx ALL deserve death. No exceptions.
Isn't it interesting how illiterate, financially broke immigrants with no connections or feel for American life or institutions can succeed within one generation but blacks who've been here for centuries can't? Even among their own people?

Immigration into this country disproves the "systemic" racism argument, especially immigration from Africa.


Seriously are white people ever not BTFO?

some pls make it stop. kek

> an american dictating who is who

Its so fucking funny when white supremacists realise theyre not actaully white, and less american than blacks.

Btw youre not white too, mongoloid rape baby.

>Defining American

Yeah no

he goes too

he is not more american he is white

You guys realize that this is what social media was for the entire time right? It's Big Brother except people volunteer their own data and pictures and loyal dogs do the 'leg work' matching them up. Anyone opposing the establishment/far leftism/globalism is fair game.

The left fucking destroyed America's culture.

America had a culture until the mid-20th century. Then it was destroyed by consumerism and globalism.

If only you knew my real power level, Janez

What brand is that shirt, I want one.

all """white""" eastern europeans and their criminal syndicates are getting shipped by garbage barge back

so a diaspora? even worse


>Join supremacy march

citation needed

>"The white nationalists are in town from across the country to protest the city’s decision to remove a Robert E. Lee Statue from Emancipation Park"

nevermind, you're a lying nigger commie

But he is still white.

Silly goose, Niggers aren't people

This is awesome. Cause you ruin some regular white fags life, he'll disappear into his basement. Ruin a fucking Serbs-Croat's life? Someone is going to pay.
