Washington Statues RIP

Does Leslie Odom Jr. have a point??

Hint: YES!


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sage : ^ )


This is good. Escalation is what we need. It's what they want too. Like two armies marching to meet each other. There's no stopping now. Helter Skelter is on the horizon.

Trump was right.

cant wait till the tear down the MLK statue

Next we gonna take down statues of Jesus because he violently destroyed tables owned by poor money changers

If you've done anything bad ever in your life, you can't have a statue


>No statue is safe


they should go all out


We should be encouraging the removal of Washington and Jefferson statues. For real.

i second this


You can get the average white American to agree blacks face more hardships.
You can get the average white American to denounce the Confederacy and slavery.
You can get the average white American to agree it was a war against slavery.
You can get the average white American to denounce white nationalism.
You can get the average white American to agree the statues should be taken down.
But you will never, ever, EVER get the average white American to go against George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.

>Slippery Slope isn't re-

>wanting statues of wealthy elites at all

fuck you statist bootlicking shills anyway

so you're saying his gf is single

you sound smart

Can we get rid of the monuments to Abraham Lincoln?

No American should ever utter those words. Fuck these anti-American assholes. Do you not understand how good you have it?

You're next nigger

Yeah I always get a kick out of people diminishing the slippery slope angle. It's not always relevant but it shouldn't be dismissed.

spreading blatant lies

I'm from St. Louis, Zemir Begic was taken after a heated argument and killed. IN SOUTH ST. LOUIS, in Bevo Mill neighborhood.

Ferguson is in North St. Louis county and NO WHERE near Bevo Mill.

What next, the statue of liberty? It was built before the civil rights movement and she is white.

that nigga is WOKE

WTF...! I hate 'Hamilton' now.

Overplaying their hand.
I don't think Trump was speaking as extemporaneously as people assumed when he brought in Washington and Jefferson. This looks like Miller's work.


>We have to tear these raycis statues down!

If you tear them down will you shut the fuck up about 'raycis history monuments'?



>We has to rename all dees raycis cities and states. Washington DC needta be MLK DC, Washington State needta be MalcomX State. Jefferson City MO needta be Jessee Jackson City, MO. Dasa start wyppo.Next we be needin anyone wit names what offend us changed. If yo name contain George, Lincoln, Jefferson, or any dem otha dirty white ass slave owna names, it needta be changed so we ain'ts gots to be reminded of slavery.

It's coming folks. Nothing will be enough.

The statue of liberty is green hunni.. the most beautiful race

Wow.. Black people sure are soso smart.

Trump DEFINITELY gave that speech saying they shouldn't take down the washington/jefferson statues because he wanted to stop them from taking them down.

They are making a smart move by taking them down! Checkmate drumpf.



All hispanic crime is racially done by mestizos

Don't blame criollos for mestizo crimes

literally who?


It's also kind of funny that the facebook page is disdain for plebs and the retard that made this image had his mouse cursor in the screen grab


fixed that for ya

It'll be great, and will happen if the Founders are touched.

Butthurt and salt for the ages.

Turn on the fucking ovens.

The list of 'all we axin fo to be banned' in order:
1) confederate symbols (Flags, insignia, etc...) - not banned, but shunned...
2) confederate statues - being torn down
>you are here
3) statues of slave owning non-presidential figures
4) statues of slave owning presidential figures
5) fuck it - rename cities with the name of slave owning presidents
6) now states, you raycis.
7) now you need to rename yoself to a historical black figga if yo name be washington, jefferson, van buren, etc...

it's coming folks.

Margaret Sanger
Robert Byrd
Vladimir Lenin

Good. I've been arguing with white liberals that this was the next step. They kept saying "muh slippery slope" as if that means it's not possible. Getting blacks and their white cucks in antifa to go after Jefferson and Washington would be an eye opener to the whites that haven't completely drank the kool-aid.


first you remove their culture and heritage then you physically remove the people themselves. thank you best ally.

how are you fucking people finding this shit? I've never even heard of "The Root" wtf are you jerking off to that puts this garbage in your digital neighborhood? ugh

lol and yet teddy roosevelt's cousin is the person who helped bring down the fascists
really makes you think doesnt it?

"Hamilton nigger"

That's better.

Just go out to the statues and kill any monkeys that come close you pussies

statues are for gods and champions, paid for by nobility. the rest can come down and offend literally no one on the actual right. if you're offended by tax-payer funded idolatry staying up you might as well kys now, commie.

We won't even have to do it. MLK said a bunch of things modern day progressives don't agree with in the slightest. He'd be appalled with identity politics.

They are all coming down. In every western nation.

US is just the first place to be hit.

Washington btfo!

well white bois howbouts we just add a black statue next to every white one

put that nigga that invested peanut butter up on rushmoor and shit

Funny thing tho, Jesus never said anger was a bad thing

Good thing whites are rapidly becoming the minority and won't decide, right?

Too soon?

Jesus Christ, does Trump have mind control powers? All he has to do is say some shit about tearing down statues of Washington and the left attempts to go all in and say "Yeah! Trump's right! Fuck George Washington."

All they're doing is going to piss more of the center off and make Trump look completely reasonable. How does he keep doing it Sup Forums?

Never any high flying rhetoric out of you lot, just "ooga booga we gonna take yo shit whitey", just projecting your inferiority complex and being deficient in civilizational creation ability all day long until the end of time

Tear down Anderson Cooper and CNN.

>takes statues down
>doesnt take government down
why are communists so weak?

These people and their lack of historical knowledge will be their undoing.
The more they push, the worse the pushback will be.

He's not looking completely reasonable.

In this issue, he has been completely reasonable. That's why this week has been so weird. He actually did the right thing, and the public hate him more than ever because he didn't do the wrong thing. It's as assbackwards as you can get.

i didn't realize the watootoo were biters.


but if you really want to take it down, take it down.

Washington Monument, Capitol Building, and White house all gotta be removed and replaced because they were built by slaves

Liberals reason that this is because police are racist and arrest innocent brown people while letting white criminals off the hook. There's always an excuse.

Why take down something they control?

Why is slippery slope considered negligible ? It's the most recognisable and common fallacy.

In other words, it's simply the requirement of prerequisites to proceed with the next step - and in the experience the slope is exponential.

For example, you can't have trans rights without gay rights, no gay rights without gender equality... and so forth - once trans rights (the most least based in biological reality) are achieved, pandora's box opens to the growth of Pedo rights and other ungodly shit.

take down the stupid statue, put it on your lawn.


it's actually over a trillion a year

What can i do to help stop this shit? i'm getting real tired of these fucking dickheads destroying history.


Muslim scumbag got what he deserved.

Should statues of Pharaohs come down? (They should!)
Also deport all black people to Africa because they're a monument of the slave trade. Fucking retarded logic.

No way, even if all the free gibs dries up they'd still stay. They know America is better than Africa, or any other country, but you'll never get them to say this!

all marching lootin' coon statues should come down too.

This is exactly what Trump wanted, they at the b8 right up. You don't fuck with the founding fathers, these traitors are a tiny minority. Most Americans from both sides are still very nationalistic. Once they start going after the founding fathers, it will drive more people to our side. Whites are finally starting to wake up and come together again.

Anti-Fa are definetly the masters of chaos here, un ordered chaos at least
We are masters of subversion though, I'm pretty sure we could completely destroy this thing from the inside out if the cards are played right
So far they have taken almost every bait laid out

I spent a moment trying to remember who the hell Washington Jefferson was because I couldn't comprehend us getting at the point someone would actually call this a "fair question."

Not just dindus on Twitter either, Secular talk in this video said he doesn't care about the Washington and Jefferson statues being taken down. Online mews with almost half a million subs. youtu.be/bx1LL5BvTeo


We need to remove ALL the racist, sexist, homophobic monuments. There is no place for racism in America. Trump supporters/white people (nazis) will be opposed to it but its a necessary measure to move forward and create a utopia free from whiteness.

Do it.

Maybe the eternal normie and cuckservative will awaken.

>mfw establishment republicans come out saying Washington, Jefferson are against traditional American values

not gonna happen

I swear to God, if liberal fucks and niggers even touch Mt. Rushmore I'm tearing down every single MLK statue.

Sorry white boi, your time is over and your racist, sexist, homophobic monument is coming down. We will #TearDownRushmore

Don't use the term degenerate. Use oppressive instead.

For the next 2000 years we will be in the Aquarian Age. We have been in the transition from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age for the last 50 years. The official beginning of the Aquarian Age is November 11, 2011 or 11/11/11. Some people have set this date as December 21, 2012.


Good point.

You can always tell the ANTIFA / SHAREBLU shills because they try to force their Idea into the OP, ex:

> hint: YES!


Pretty sure he was against gay marriage and transphobic. The LEFT should be tearing him down.

Now's the time to throw gas on the fire.

We should encourage the right to:
>tear down anything Nat Turner related because he's a loser who led a failed rebellion
>tear down anything Malcolm X related because he led a separatist movement and was therefore a traitor to America!

Encourage the left to:
>disown FDR entirely because of Japanese internment camps (AKA EMPIRIAL AMERICAN CONVENTRATION CAMPS)
>blow up mount rushmore
>burn money and demand all faces be swapped with trendy POC that no one will remember in 20 years

And just for shits
>make fake accounts with super black sounding names and avatars, and start showering white liberals we know IRL with vile accusations of being nazis

Well then his play should be destroyed as well.

Once all the statues are gone, the evil will be gone. It's so simple. We missed it all this time.

He loved big banks and big government. Hence, the ((people)) that supply niggers with their information have a vested interest in ensuring dumbshits love him at all costs even as based Washington and uber-based Jefferson are purged from the history books

This literally has to happen before normies wake up.

Do these people realize how much shit will go down if they do?

Can' t wait for America to became New Africa.

Time to carve all those fuckers out of Mt Rushmore.

Nuke the entire city of Washington... because it's named after Washington.

Seems like the only logical, just thing to do.

>Whites are finally starting to wake up and come together again.

Honestly its terrifying. I think americans are realizing that an ethnic change is a permanent thing and are paying for decades of negligence.

But it really is kinda scary - suddenly all the people that did not care are reflecting on who and what they are and it really is felt.