Leftists are the real racists

Leftists are the real racists

no shit

>color blind
>chooses perfect array of colors to demonstrate this

>libshits are winning the contest to be the most racist

shit guys we can't let the leftists win this one. How do we become more racist?

>a black
>a hispanic
>another black
>a jew-hispanic
>a jew

Very diverse, yes indeed

this is the guy who runs that account

(((The Reagan Battalion)))

Which one of those is conservative?

r/the donald is that away

>Not a single white person


>muh oppression of jews
Clearly it wasn't enough because they keep coming back like cockroaches.

conservatism may be color blind, but minorities are not

and the more that come here, the less conservative we will be

the GOP hasn't won the black vote since 1928, hasn't won the asian vote since 1992, and has never won the hispanic vote since the category was created.

only people who vote GOP are whites and a good portion of the native americans

all of them, they all fight for lower taxes as our founding fathers intended

fucking nation wrecking kikes
the entire reason we even entered wwii and why our immigration policy was changed in 65



>cucks and shitskins who have done nothing for the real American people
Yep, that's the GOP!

I thought that it was an anime but I noticed that it was a cartoon due to those type of shows only doing the vertical cutaways.

Clearly we should have gone for outright extermination instead.

exactly. what good has lyin ted and jewbio done for us? jewbio almost sold us out in the gang of 8 bill. mia love from utah is another cuckservative, wouldn't even endorse trump and said she couldn't vote for him.

haley is alright, but that's about it.

Trump won't 35% of the Latino vote
The majority of blacks will only vote for another black candidate which is why very few of them voted for Hillary

How can you call yourself a conservative if you don't even conserve the ethnicity of your people.
Specer said it right - the current "conservatives" are basically religous libertarians-light and a fucking joke

fucking this. Would have been way better if they would have picked just switched the asian girl on the right white.

he won about 27% of the hispanic vote per the exit polls, and i figure a lot of that is white cubans.

also hillary got 88% of the black vote. if that is a "very few", i'd hate to see "very many".

conservatives have failed time and time again, they haven't conserved anything.

that is why the people are moving onto nationalists like trump, who have good goals in mind of reducing immigration.

>go batshit because we have a black man as president

At least I still have the constitution

Muzzies did it better.

They destroyed a lot of priceless shit.

Shame only when almost half of the country is non white. Tbh if he doesn't deport all those mestizos he gonna have a hard time winning (as probably the nigs and mestizos always vote democrat)

>2000 years
Much longer than that. Filthy rats.


Oh, I see. The "I know you are, but what am I" logical argument. You amuse me. Carry on.

Blacks only made up 12% of the electorate which was a decrease from 2012

Also Dems don't have the senate, house or majority of governorships anymore. So somewhere in the past they fucked up really bad

This is cringy as fuck.


Conservatism may be color-blind, but whiteness is diversity.


well yeah, black turnout was lower but that doesn't mean they were big supporters of trump. he got 7%, romney got 6% in 2012. not a huge increase.

trump won due to increased white turnout, particularly in the rural areas and swing states.

i still dont understand how the left can accuse the "small government" party of wanting to create a giant government that oppresses its citizens while simultaneously advocating for a giant government that oppresses its citizens

I don't get it, also do people unironically think Cruz is a person of color?

>inb4 he's a spic

He's very 'white' by amerimutt standards.

>The Reagan Battalion
L0Lno fgt pls

Reagan was the greatest republican president?

Yes ( )
No ( )

Your move traitor.

Also the democratic party's base was severely fractured in the past few years. The far left and centrists didn't like Hillary. It's gonna be interesting to see what candidate they can come up with for 2020 that could actually win the rust belt states


why do you think they're trying to destroy all the evidence of CENTURIES of Democratic racism and oppression? who do you think freed the slaves? Democrats? fuck off. 0% of the Democrats voted for emancipation.

blacks don't really care about that. if they did, they would've never started voting democrat. the GOP has been playing the "dems are the real racists" card since the 80s. and since then, they haven't won more than 15% of the black vote. and guess who got that 15%? bob dole in 1996, because he picked jack kemp, the football player, as his running mate.

whoever provides the gibs and the excuses gets the black vote.


we need to get some of the Democrats that are ruining the blacks lives (Rom Emannuel comes to mind) on hot mics revealing their true racist colors. I'm sick of this meme that the left somehow cares more about minorities, when in reality they absolutely despise them beyond their value as a demographic they can manipulate into giving them power year after year while never questioning why their lives never actually improve.

They show Blacks and Whites but No Asians... Asians have done so much more things than Niggers...

Actually jumped off my seat when I saw Cruz' gaze

i don't think the left nor right cares about minorities in particular. i don't really care about them myself, and i'm right as it gets. i just don't see wasting time on blacks as they are least likely to receive our message. working class whites and native americans on the other hand have seemed receptive to it and have shifted towards the GOP.

i believe the left cares about power while right cares more about people as individuals. in a right wing society blacks would have to sink or swim. i think many of them realize this, which is why they stick by democrats despite their past.

haley is technically "asian" as she is of indian descent

fuck off lol

>you: north africans, spaniards and italians are not white
>also you: except when it suits my agenda


>no chinks and only showing essentially white minorities
It's a white mans party for christ sakes thats a GOOD thing

fucking crazy eyes Deep Shit-er

Wow! McMuffins psyop account just broke 300 likes!!!


Surprisingly, the leftists seem MORE barbaric than ISIS in dismantling these statues.

>Spaniards and Italians are not white
I've always thought they were. North Africans are a case by case thing.
Mediterranean races are white, as are Anglos, Germanics, Celtics, etc. Most Western Europeans are white. Slavs are white as well, though some can be dumb.

yeah, rubio and cruz are whites of spanish descent. odd that spaniards get to claim they are minorities. i knew a blue eyed cuban who got a minority scholarship because having a spanish last name makes you a minority apparently.

>Reagan Battalion
Reagan killed conservatism. He also killed this country

I'm colorblind but I can see niggers when I see them.

>the eternal jew

Even a color blind can differentiate between black and white.

Because ISIS are just doing it because their faith obliges them to and they know it pisses off westerners.

The leftists actually hate white history more than anything in this world. Other than white people.


Yet uses a goy name.

>Not knowing ISIS is a mossad OP
>Not knowing they also steal a lot of these artifacts and sell them on the black market.

>transcend the social construct of race
>endlessly suffer from a unique form of racism known as "anti-semitism", particularly from the white man

The Reagan Battalion is funded by Soros.

>transcend the social construct of race
>europeans are inherently racist against my people, who aren't a race, which is socially constructed anyway


i always thought "civic nationalism" was pushed by the jews so we would include them. they have to be on all sides of the issue.

They are, anyone that implies they aren't are Jews.

>The Mexicans in California will certainly vote republican if granted amnesty. They wont vote for welfare and a larger state like the blacks did.