Is Richard Dawkins discretely dropping JQ redpills?
Is Richard Dawkins discretely dropping JQ redpills?
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Is he being ironic? Because this is kind of true.
The jews absolutely raped and destroyed Weimar Germany then feasted on its carcass.
Honestly the normie narrative is that Hitler just picked some group of people at random to eject and people actually believe it.
> that shirt
MFW it's real
He is being ironic but it doesn't really sound like it.
Clearly irony. Dawkins is a jew, and would never truly advocate that the jews be held to the same standards as goyim.
Claiming the Holohoax happened in any way is a bluepill
He's trying to be a typical dogpiling cuck like the rest of them, but I guess he didn't really think about the Tweet before tweeting it.
Even if it did happen, it was clearly a self defense situation
ALSO: is he really saying that antifa was innocent in the matter? What in the actual fuck? Can we please call him out and shame him for this shit-tier logic?
Top kek
The left thinks it's ok for the left to use violence against their opponents. They have no shame.
I thought the narrative was that Hitler was pissy that he got denied from art school or something
there are 2 jews in the non commie side
Is it that, or are they literally unaware of the violence that antifa is committing, just because mainstream news isn't displaying it?
Most people are genuinely unaware.
>one land whale dies
>it's anudda shoah!
For those who haven't figured it out yet, the current media narrative is that Antifa are not only innocent victims in all this but have complete moral authority to commit violence and vandalism because it's in response to nazis.
Because they're jews? You're assuming he means this negatively. They are in fact jews, and they were killed for it. Not because they're evil jews, but jew jews.
No. He's comparing the riot war to the holocost in an attempt to ridicule Trump for saying both sides are the same, satirically stating that jews deserved what they got for being jews. He doesn't actually believe that.
hes not bashing jews hes bashing trump.
Based autism strikes again
This is getting pushed in all european media btw. They portray trump as crazy for claiming there is a leftwing problem too
>ironically trying to make fun of Trump
>makes a statement that's actually true
These people are so caught up in their socially acceptable world view that they lack self awareness and unbiased judgment.
Of course not all Nazis were evil.
Of course they had their reasons.
Of course there are two sides to every story.
This is elementary level philosophy...
>Antifa attacks neo-Nazi at peacefully protest
>Nazi finally snaps and retaliates with greater force
>Nazis get branded as the aggressors and get attacked by everyone
Hmm really joggin my noggin...
don't forget that
>Antifa is being funded by a man whose family helped fund Nazis
>Try to make a witty statement criticizing trump >Accidentally drop a red pill
Reminds me of that wikileaks tweet outing (((them))).
The mask is starting to come off with many of the talking heads in the media, including faux right wingers who are bashing Trump and throwing in with the communists and socialists. Feels like it's building to something.
McCain and Ben Shapiro have always been faux reps, etc.
What did Wikileaks mean by this?
People like John Oliver have normalized reverse hate, or being intolerant of people you see as being intolerant, The problem is it makes it very easy to label someone without a media platform an "intolerant person" and the shills immediately repeat his judgement as fact. Godwin even broke his own goddamn law this week, it's all gone to shit. They're playing the Nazi Card and we just have to wait and see what they're covering up with it.
Consider the holochaust after pic related.
>Ph.D accoutred biologist
>subscribing to the neo numbskull "muh jewzzzzz" retardation
FFS, are you sperging spastics a bunch of special dregs...
also this is related.
well we always knew the weimar republic was almost as bad for some reason
*understood pardon the erroneous spelling. Have a nice day!
You know, it's weird. No one ever asks why the jews were persecuted. No one seems to know why the Nazis treated them that why. No one seems to know why they were expelled from countries 100 different times throughout history.
No, he's a cuck and is just being ironic/sarcastic shitting on trump here.
Funny how this is beyond Sup Forums's collective IQ to grasp.
Let me guess, this was right before the crack epidemic hit black communities?
Bet it's one big coincidence
he'll be in custody for this shit.
Hahha, Universitys are no platforming him now becuase they dont like what he says
fucking snowflakes
RD is getting in a lot of shit in the Jew media right now for dropping red pills
they are saying hes losing his reputation for speaking out against Jews and Muslims, saying both are fucking vermin
wtf i love dawkins now.
>John Oliver
Why do you tolerate this unfunny sperglord?
Seriously, he is a no mark in the UK, no one has even heard of him, hes a cunt and a jew
these virute-signaling faggots saw the word "nazi" and didnt bother to check shit
>Jews being Jews
>Is Richard Dawkins discretely dropping JQ redpills?
Ha ha I think he meant the opposite but LOL.
No dickhead, hes trolling liberals and religious cunts, have you even read his books?
I hope known twitter right extremists pin this
Seriously, right? Speak for yourself, Nigger Dick.
a big misjudgement on his part
give it 12 hours and he will have to grovel and publically apologise to the global jewish community and after that they will ruin him any way
>Blame the Jews for being Jews
That's all you need to do desu.
That video is hilarious.
That Tweet didn't have the effect he imagined it would.
>You know, it's weird. No one ever asks why the jews were persecuted. No one seems to know why the Nazis treated them that why. No one seems to know why they were expelled from countries 100 different times throughout history.
well i can think of one reason that you might not know about, in 1918-23 some jews in germany spearheaded an armed communist revolution in germany that failed. And similiar time shit was going down in russia. And hitler became obsessed with getting the commie jews out of germany
Couple of related videos
Ok got to go for reals now. have a nice day! love you guys.
Dawkins has no time for Muslims
He and other based people like Starky and hitchens dont fall for the liberals Jew CNN narrative and call out their bullshit
and you cant argue against them because they are 100000 x smarter than most people.
As he should have been. Read Mein Kampf.
>Spotted the Abo.
Dont you have petrol to sniff Jedda?
Not even a Hitler hater, but all those artists were more talented than Hitler, they just chose to not go the classical route.
Did the Jews fight back and cause more problems... no
This. Hitler was, at best, a skilled drafter. His work shows no vision though, it's literally just what he sees, nothing more. You can teach practically anyone this. No amount of schooling can elevate a draftsman to an artist.
That's why they offered him to study architecture, which he declined because he was a school dropout and math is hard.
>when you're so desperate to believe you're right people making fun of you are hard to gauge
Yeah because Shiele's works, displaying morbid ugliness of himself and the world around him are so great and beneficent to the world at large.
Fuck off with that shit. That art school in Vienna fucked the world manyfold with their decisions, and is probably ultimately responsible for cultural Marxism and why we're even having this thread to begin with.
>The jews absolutely raped and destroyed Weimar Germany then feasted on its carcass.
This is true. But I doubt he meant what he said. Actually he got the wording wrong in his little joke..."Both sides to blame" can only be interpreted as jews are to be blamed for being themselves.
He fucked up his little backhanded compliment of the jews.
>implying that the holocaust was judeo-centric
All memes aside, when will this end? I'm tired of people believing that the Holocaust only happened to the Jews.
The Roma were treated the same and had the same legal restrictions placed on them.
Poles and Ukrainians were obliterated to make room for Lebensraum.
Jehovah's Witnesses were killed for not submitting to the State and practicing their faith
Richard Dawkins is /ourguy/ now kek
do zio critters secretly enjoy being manhandled by Slavics? they keep coming for more, they must?
>cultural marxism is art
it was self defense genocide
his shirt says
'we are all africans'
his next 3 tweets are about trump being a dumbass
truly one of the kekkers
Chiming in once more because i see this and can't let it slide!
he was not a catographer but a military man who dared to love his own people, seeing the communist threat and what it did to russia not wanting this fate after they had tried the exact same in germany but failed. Not to mention fin the past people hated him as a radical but look at germany now, look at europe now look at even america who fought against the nazi's and then say to yourself honestly that there is not a plan to erode the lineages of your people. If you can say no to this now, then you are truly deranged! Not only are they open and bold about it but also unshameful of it for no good reason whatsoever that they should be so unashamed but out of jealousy hatred and a desire to do this all along!
OP's pic but unironically.
Egon Schiele was admitted because he was skilled on a technical level, like all students at one of the best art academies in the world were. Also, Schiele never graduated because he hated the ultraconservative teachings in the academy. What he did after is not a subject of debate, I personally think his art sucks but I hate the narrative that Hitler was snubbed. HItler could pick a second rate academy but he wanted to go ivy league and wasn't good enough.
You live in a country of ethnic nationalism. So you are perplexed to find...
>jews on the non communist side who might have seen the revolution could end badly for jews as a minority community
>jews that would have financial or other kinds of interests that would align them with the non-communists.
What kind of debunk effort are you making here? Its a really really shitty one. Back to Yeshiva for you. The rest of us are having a real debate you simple fuck.
I was listening to BBC radio all day, and they were talking about the neo-nazi rally and how trump supported it as part of the headlines.
There was a more in-depth interview with some (American) woman saying that you cannot equate the nazis with those who were opposing them, even violently.
I think she needs to brush up on the 1A.
dawkins is a faggot but it's funny
Oh, and she said that they were chanting "Jews will not stop us" (I think it was "You / Jews will not replace us" from what little I saw - which obviously sounds a little different)
yes the mask definitely comes off. Romney and McCain were making a post a liberal hippie would publish, and so on. Good to see where these type of people really stand.
Artisitic skill is not relativistic. That notion, along with other relativistic notions like cultural relativism, are Marxists inventions with the sole purpose of destroying heiarchies of skill and objectivity.
Both, since perception builds reality.
>dawkins, the savior of fedora atheism, can be ruined
I don't think so Tim
kek that based black man
Black Israelites say,
"Give a hand for Hitler, Give hitler a hand, khazar jews were screwing with Wheimar Germany"
Because questioning this makes you an antisemite.
The (((System))) has you.
These are anti semitic thoughts.
These are thoughts are incorrect.
These thoughts are not approved by the (((System)))
I think he's trying to play off Trump saying both sides were to blame in Charlottesville (except Dawkins implying the jews did nothing wrong)
Except it's kind of blown back in his face and he looks like he's asking the JQ
Is Roman Saturn/Greek Chronos in any way related to this shit? I tend to think not and the fact that the planet is named Saturn has nothing to do with any of this shit and is just the Roman naming convention all planets have. I hope not because Saturn is pretty interesting as a god of time.
>Artisitic skill is not relativistic
That's not what I said. The Viennese academy was extremely hierarchical and objective, only the most proficient were admitted. Pic related is what one of those degenerate artist drew as a teenager in less than an hour.
I'm only comparing to the graduates in the initial comparison pic.
it is, chronos is the guardian cherub trapped within the bottomless cube construct.. and whom the freemasons refer to as the grand architect and they're not wrong.. these beings that he is part of are called allegorically stars in the bible, this particular cherub got trapped in a maximum security prison ( the black cube ) for his sins, they greek chronos calls him lord of time which was trapped in tartarus for his muderous ways.. he started out perfect in his ways but disapproved of man. These beings form the fabric of creation of solar systems and seeding life in them, able to have the knowledge to create entire biospheres each of them are named for responsibility over so the freemasons are not wrong in calling him grand architect.. he knows.. slight problem he doesn't like humans.. and was part of why he was put in prison pending the arrival of the others to judge earth and transition it (the judgement). The freemasons have instead of the saturn cube the square to make it less obvious, and g at the corner for grand architect, where in mecca the shrine for saturn there sits a star meteorite that fell from the sky/heaven. I think you get the picture.
Funnily enough, when the migrant crisis was really fomenting, The Daily Show with Trevor Noah made some remark about how denying access to the """Syrian refugees""" was just like when the US turned back Jew refugees from Europe, during or pre-WWII.
I really thought it was going to work like some dialectic where it got people thinking "but wait, why were the good guys anti-Semitic too?" But I guess that's expecting too much thinking from the Daily Show crowd.
ask him to point out the nazis in this pic
Oh shit. Who's this guy?
If that isn't real I will be so very sad
Interesting, where can I read more about that? I find it odd that that is how he was conceived in the pagan Roman religion, given the holidya of Saturnalia, which was analogous to our Christmas, and seems to imply Saturn brought to mind a primordial time when man was a sort of "noble savage". I personally have interpreted the original Greek story of Cronus as manking being constrained by time as all animals are when we were in our more primitive state before civilization, living only for survival and not progressing. That's my interpretation for why Cronus "ate his children"; time devours all, and the first generations of mankind, as his "children", were dominated wholly by time and nature. Then Zeus is the first to break free from the constraints of time, and he brings in the dawn of civilization, where man begins to pass things down across generations and progress and advance without being locked in time (Cronus/Saturn's) grasp.
Is this a flawed interpretation? Do you think the mason interpretation is the same that Greeks/Romans of the time had?
No, he's a disgraceful bluepilled cuckold.
He's insinuating that Antifa/BLM are innocent and that the "Nazis" attacked them for no reason.
fuckin dumb
should have just stuck with hosting family feud
>Is this a flawed interpretation? Do you think the mason interpretation is the same that Greeks/Romans of the time had?
No i think that's pretty accurate however the story is a cover for something quite deeper.
>where can i read about it
I think the question you should ask is why didn't i see it before.. the saturn hexagon on its north pole has derived from it all the "satanic" symbols.. It's a hexagon storm 5x the size of earth, at saturns south pole you have a storm that looks much like an eye.
Here is islam connected to it and also the israeli flag hexagon, which is ofcourse not the star of david or whatever it is they say same reason jesus called them synagogue of satan and islam of ishmael the beast empire (caliphates).
The jews also play little trick they call it the "tree of life" in the kaballistic "tree" well when you realize that it's not actually a tree but 2 cubes on top of eachother with top kether (crown) and bottom malkuth (kingdom) and the veil of the abyss is where you draw the 2 3d cubes, and merged you have a tesseract.. well..
So why am i telling you this when you asked me where can i read about it. It's because once you realize this hypercube relation to where the cherub is imprisoned and the cube literally being the image of the beast.. you will know where to look! Because it's this cube and the crescent and star, those are the key 3 symbols that go through time, egypt had the same when you see it, even the golden calf was apis bull crescent and star.. Where does this crescent and star is given? Where you read lucifer in the bible because it's mistranslated on purpose i suspect.
The root is heylal bin sahar/saharon where you read this.. heylal (crescent) bin (of/by) sahar/saharon star/brightness. Oh you brightness/star of the crescent, that's where you read lucifer! NOTICE THE DECEPTION.. it's giving you aside from the cube.. the two things associated with his worship.. crescent/star.
oh wow, 2 Jews played a minor part in a revolution against Germans led almost entirely by Jews, that means you're all absolved