prove him wrong. pro tip; you literally can't.
Prove him wrong. pro tip; you literally can't
Other urls found in this thread:
We didn't evolve from apes, humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor, and I'm only responding to your shitty b8 because this thread will have 300+ replies and I want to be the first.
Uhhhh black people exist
I genuinely feel sorry for how stupid you make yourself look publicly. Humans didn't evolve from apes, we shared a common ancestor around six million years ago.... you fucking idiot. Take your god fearing religion and shove it up your uneducated ass.
>american education
He's calling black people apes.
lol at how fucking dumb you are
t. bluepilled fucking retard
Anyone else here watch Last Man Standing? Not perfect, but much better than most of the absolute trash on (((tv))).
Because muh dik
Cause the apes cells are smarter than your mutated cells that developed all kinds of abilities, these apes cells figured out they didnt need to mutate into something better to survive....or something like that
>evolution works just like in pokemon
We didn't evolve from apes.
We evolved from earlier humans. Evolution is Jewish science and a massive blue pill.
The joke
Your head
This is the kind of idiot who would of followed a CIA (Spencer) agent into battle and then ended up on the news as a Neo-Nazi
It had good ratings ABC cancelled it because he's a conservative.
If consciousness is the ultimate tool for survival, how come no other creature is conscious?
Why in the history of all studies, have Apes, who have rather high IQs, never asked a single question?
Really boils your pasta...
If some invisible sky-man created us from dirt, why is there still dirt?
Why are there still broadcast television networks?
if i am so dumb and you are so smart, how come this happened?
He obviously referring to black people.
Because there are a shit ton of dumb people in this country
That's a good question, but has a false premise .
Consciousness is the ultimate tool for human survival.
Which is, to make human babies.
Human intelligence is the equivalent to the peacock's tail.
Why don't all birds have giant tails if bigger tails is what makes more peacock babies?
Intelligence is useful, which is why all mammals are smarter than reptiles.
Even a mouse is smarter than a lizard.
But humans have become absurdly decadently intelligent because of sexual selection. Like the peacock's tail.
At some point in our history, female hominids thought that males who could build fancier tools were better mates.
And that ran away for a few thousand years until we're as smart as we're today.
Which is way more smarter than needed by strict survival basis.
Homo erectus existed for almost a million years. But we pushed them out.
HRC baby.