We don't need to impeached him to get him out of office.
We don't need to impeached him to get him out of office
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>I condemn white supremicits and violence coming from both sides of our political situation
Why do they want civil war
She's the fucktard with a retardation
>We don't need to impeached him to get him out of office
Is this Common Core?
So I guess that whole Russia thing is falling apart huh?
>implying we don't want (((them))) to impeach Trump
If there is any catalyst for the final race war this would be it.
I've been saying this for awhile: once muh Russia gets BTFO'd, they'll try to label Trump as mentally unstable.
Except for the part where the FBI is now doing raids on his campaign staff.
Invoking the 25th would certainly make things electrifying, that's for sure.
Ever since the latest influx of newfags/shills its become increasingly apparent that lefties are functionally challenged.
When civil war starts this bitch will most likely be raped, beaten into a piece of chewed up bubble gum and then murdered
if you actually read the 25th amendment they need a 2/3 vote of both house and senate to kick him out, which is even higher bar than impeachment which is 1/2 house, 2/3 senate.
in other words, this woman is delusional as fuck and should probably seek mental health treatment herself.
Ready your body.
Please do it. They think there will be a race war, when we know where they all live. These people have no idea what they are about to unleash.
that was months ago, they just dug it up on a slow news day.
see, this is why you shouldn't get your news from the jews.
I thought people would've given up on getting Trump out of office by now
So they can blame it on Trump and the alt-lite. Their end game is literally to destabilize the country so their "prophecies" can come true.
>he did a thing I don't like....Unstable!
Sad, but unsurprising
Top investigator exits Robert Mueller's special counsel
Part of me really hopes they try this. The looks on their faces when thousands revolt, when militias take to the streets, when military units and police departments stand down, or even rebel themselves, Christ almighty that look on their faces would be priceless
The retards that think he's going to get impeached are hilarious. You need 67 fucking yes votes for it. Even mega cucks like McCain and Graham wouldn't fucking dare.
>OP's picture
That's treason.
you mean one raid? to get documents that were already handed over?
its much more than the seventh. its literally embarrassing how many times ive read trump will be impeached.