All the events of this weekend truly did was expose the actual faces behind the alt right. A lurking, ominous online hate group that people hear about on the new sounded daunting and menacing, until it was shown to be comprised of young, low-testosterone, genetically unfortunate misanthropes who have never emotionally aged beyond 12.
You don't find strength in Trump because he's a fellow alpha white Roman warrior, you see eye to eye with him because he is the same small handed small dick crying child that you all are. He whines, goes back on promises, lives a decadent life completely devoid of integrity or decency.
I know you will all continue to flood this board with hate and anger, and you will never truly learn what you have to. But the reality that you all realize deep down is that you've lost. Because you are simply all too weak-willed to make changes happen in the world. You'll never fuck your high school crush, you'll never have the money you were sure you'd someday have, and you'll never succeed in spreading whatever perversions of opinions you call beliefs.
It's over gentlemen. Wrap it up and maybe go to a gym, apply for some jobs, and work on your social skills a bit. Maybe you'll hate yourselves less in the long run.
I'm not an alt right, I just like the memes. The problem is that you guys alienate yourselves because you hate any one to the right meaning centrists, classical liberals, and actual right leaning people.
Adam Ross
(you) S&H these garbage threads.
Angel Brooks
no way dude. I'm quite a fan of libertarianism actually. I've studied Milton Friedman, Hans Herman Hoppes, Friedrich Hayek. I take what I want from different schools of philosophy and throw it in the pot. That is not the same thing as always going with what is contrary to mainstream in a dogmatic fashion. That is just as pathological as being a diehard communist.
Henry Cook
I agree with the Brit
Nolan Taylor
Anyone who is a black repoblican who is an Uncle Tom, any trans or gay people who don't agree which you are rackets or fascists. Any one who wants borders is rascist when all they want is to stop the bad ones coming in.
David Lewis
Alt-Right never existed you fucking idiot. It was a coin term for simpletons like you to eat up last year.
Holy shit you are gullible.
Blake Phillips
Right there, you're asssuming im a far leftist because I posted a pride flag. I posted a pride flag because I believe in LGTBQA+ rights. I'm not an economic leftist by any means. Those things get lumped together due to lac of education/intelligence. People who think of politics more as religion do that which is never a good thing
Ethan Ross
>Alt-right is dead Which is irnoic coming from a faggot considering your death rates.
Chase Gray
used it as an umbrella term to refer to all of you pimply faced, waifu-fucking freaks. do apologize for the media shilling