We start a massive campaign to push CNN to hire a trans anchor-person. Make them put their money where their mouth is RE: "supporting LGBT rights." Their ratings are already so low right now that a trans anchor would truly be the final death knell.

We have to do this. Don't tell me the brilliance of this idea is lost on my fellow anons.

Can it be a female to male? They're pretty fun, they're deliberately not trying to pass as male even when they have beards so they can remain on the oppression hierarchy. That's just obvious enough to make even the hardest leftie quit.

Bump for genius!

That person is a huge faggot

Good idea, but if it comes out of no where then I can't imagine it would catch on.

CNN would have to say something anti-trans or something but there to be a launch pad for you to try this. There has to be some kind of small infraction so that you can feign extreme outrage.

That and its all run by kikes. Twitter, CNN, Facebook, etc. This will only catch on and grow if the kikes want it to. I can't imagine once they see people mad at CNN they just won't "shut it down"

But good luck!

>Bump for genius!
yes we need a bunch of fake liberal accounts and start demanding cnn have a diverse anchor team. this will be amazing!


He, not bad.

Make it fat too.

No no, we want a male to female.

1) less normal looking
2) they HAVE to get one that's halfway qualified, so it'll probably be some disgusting 50yo journalism professor
3) even if they do go for an under 30 unqualified person, they'll likely look just as freakish (think Caitlin Jenner at BEST, Wachowskis at worst)

Not just trans. They need to be genderqueer or something like that.



this kills the CNN
but if it comes from the feminist source ((tumblr)), then it might be able to get enough traction with the right voices. Tumblr is pretty easy to manipulate.

I absolutely support this. We have to destroy these Jews




Female to male trans look like neither gender deliberately, mtf are very concerned with looking female, their entire thing is that they are female and looking or acting female is congruent to their personalities.

Not female to male transsexual! No, they're a yooneek third gender that you totally have to respect, it's completely designed to alienate you, which is of course a postmodern lifestyle. They live to put you on edge.

Seriously, you're not meant to like ftm trans. It's meant to be an achievement to like them, even platonically.

Is it too late?


>Oi m8 we wuz monarchs n shieet

I'll do it! For the movement of course, the shekels totally mean nothing to me.

can we just make don lemon transition?




Trans = abomination
Gay= unhuman

Absolutely disgusting.

10/10 idea

we'll see if people mobilize and actually do it.

top k's

11/10 Idea


Not trans: just a drag queen.
In fact drag queens are not getting enough acceptance in the LGBTQ community.

That would get good ratings you idiot, people like watching freaks, circuses used to make tons of money hosting literal freak shows.

They already have a female to male like that. His name is Rachel.

I was thinking about starting a really long image that would lay out for normies just about everything wrong with CNN. Putting screen grabs with some text under them. They producers and Van Jones getting caught saying the Russia thing is nothing, that "ethics" shouldn't stand in the way of business, Chrissy Cuomo's stating that it's illegal to read Wikileaks and his thoughts on girls being intolerant for not wanting to see his penis in the bathroom, some of the stories and various screen grabs where the blatantly contradict themselves, pointing out that they carried state-sponsored "news", that they pay Trump supporters to get in shouting matches with them, et cetera.

Would it do any good?

I thought it might be a good idea for about 2 seconds but then I realized they would probably do it and that it wouldn't really effect how awful their ratings are

But might actually have the effect of helping to normalize transexuals.

I don't want that. Not even that I hate transexuals. I don't care if some dipshit I don't know thinks they are a girl. I don't want it normalized because..

1. Its not normal. Biologically or by demographics
2. Its just another victory handed to the left in the culture war to normalize this.

Want to be a transexual? Whatever...Fine....but Don't expect the world to completely accept your decision and go out of its way to normalize your version of reality.

I guarantee CNN will find the most aesthetically pleasing trans person they can find and normalize them. It will be a fucking catastrophe. Children will become completely used to seeing this trans person all the time and if Its a really hard to spot transexual it will fuck with the male publics mind because the transexual might outwardly look very feminine and attractive.

Trust me. Its a lose scenario.

Any of you guys have a journo degree?
A resume?

Please do this ansd then sue if no go.

We have to attack the media guys.
Have to