You nazis don’t even know what’s coming for you.
You nazis don’t even know what’s coming for you.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Clowns vs clowns.
Good. I need more happenings to fuel my addiction.
My friend next door was a juggalo. A fat retarded kid who smoked weed and didn't wanna get a job.
The other juggalos I met were angsty teens with lots of piercings. I was surrounded by a bunch of juggalo women once, they all hugged and touched me like I was some kind of Sheikh. If that's what I'm up against, I'm not too worried.
We need your help, juggabros!
Get down with the clown.
Mark my word, this be meme storm a brewin'.
Is this an MDE skit?
Holy fuck it's real! Oh god Sup Forums stop, it hurts. It's too painful, how could you inflict this upon the world? So many sides will be in orbit it will hurt.
I don't get it, according to the left juggalos and alt right should be a spherical Venn diagram, won't it just be one march?
juggalos are 110% white- therefore automatically racists and culture appropriators as per the left. they will unite with the right
What are juggalos?
I thought they were male prostitutes or something, what's With all the clown talk?
I was in Sup Forums during these days
Lmao, imagine wiggers that dress like clowns and do white trash shit.
The fanbase ala hooligans of Insane Clown Pose.
Well that doesn't sound like a clash... I bet they'll have fun!
Maybe a third political rally is secretly to be held there, and the three branches will become one
I feel like the trump supporters will be able to win over the Juggalos. Has somebody been propagandizing them or what since I thought they were poor white people.
Kek, as entertaining as that sounds, they aren't very smart and love fighting, this sounds like an excuse to let loose
my bets are some falseflaggers are going to stir up shit to blame trump supporters. better yet, antifa shows up and fucks shit up, then they blame trump because of that
in this timeline the insane clown posse will help save america?
They will be absorbed into the fold and be sent to the front lines where their insatiable lust for murder can serve us best. The left will rue the day that they did not get down with the clowns before us.
Alt Left
On the side of
What a timeline...
praise kek.
Clown nationalism
>Juggalos are obsessed with family, go as far as inbreeding
>Juggalos are mainly comprised of white people
Juggalos are a natural ally of the alt-right and white nationalism
Wiggers wouldn't exist if weren't for the Jews and their promotion of degenerate nigger culture.
>Clown vs Navi vs Communist war on US soil
Eisenhower is rolling in his grave.
I'm gonna laugh my ass off when these two groups meet each other, say "wassup", and proceed to party down together.
>Trump shows up
>Puts on Juggalo face
Dis gon be good
Can you imagine the salt
Why are (((they))) pushing this? What's (((their))) endgame?
Aren't thet pretty much antifas in all but name?
Also they'd hate altrights, icp has a song about hillbillies and whatnot. They always make fun of southerners
Thats jigalos.
Kek, saved
This. I especially love shit shows and costumes.
>genital framing
Poor, white, Christian extremists marching against the Alt-Right? Is this real? Do the "wears clown makeup recreationally" and "reads National Review unironically" demographics overlap more than I think they do?
this is set up on purpose
spread the word, you will be ambushed if you go
The chaos god wills it