I left for six months. Come back and the board is flooded with leftists, unironic conservatives/libertarians and shills. What's going on? When the heck did this happen? It's unbearable.
What happened to Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
the russian bots left....
redditards and normalfags now use Sup Forums regularly.
I also, and agreed
Its the upcoming solar eclipse
im hiding more threads than im reading. over and over and over the same shit threads keep popping up.. pissing in an ocean of piss
not for nothing many people were neets and grognards having fun larping the shit show that was the election.
Its called winning :)
This place is so easy its boring for us.
Wait whats wrong with libertarians?
It wasn't really that diff six months ago, y u lying
I miss the Aussi shitposting
We're in the middle of a war mate, don't you remember the golden age of 2012?
I occasionally come back to see what the retards are ranting about, it is pretty much the same as it was 3 years ago.
same. Even leaf shitposting was more bearable than this. I honestly can't take it.
It was hard to come back here, but it's fun now. Not as serious as I would like but there's a lot of happenings and I love watching Fasci's rage as literally every ideology cucks your safe space.
Libretarianism wants complete personal freedom and liberty. Sounds good
Communism sounds good too. Both are unrealistic and counter to nature.
It's been shill/newfag central since Charlottesville. it'll go away in a week tops, I suspect.
> unrealistic & counter to nature
Hahaha, fucking bullshit.
This. Lefties are raiding us over this and the mods are in on it
Libtards and their diversity preaching, im glad we are homogenous, bunch of suckers.
It's exactly the same except with new faggot flags and much less Hillary threads
Look on the bright side, I haven't seen the eternal t*Rk since the invasion
anybody got a redpilled filter list for the board? navigating all the shill threads is rough
Kekekekkekekkeke what a cute commie
Wellcome back user. The foking commies are infiltrating but no worries, the light of Kek still shines in triumph
CARE TO SHARE filter list?
you aren't oldfag you shithead ancap is realtively new because you fucking retard can't handle libertarians being jewish shit GOTTA MAKE SURE MY SHIT SYSTEM THAT FITS MY SHITTY CIVIC NATIONALIST VIEWS! im not RACICC!
Tons of redditors from recent events.
just want to get rid of as many bullshit threads as possible.. all the alt spencer blacked non politically incorrect nonsense
Y*u dont know shit Idiot.
I like the alt-right generals but other then that its all shill shit.
hey antifa how is that mental illness?
>it's possible to get THIS triggered over nothing
hold hands you lovebirds
cry more cuck
Remember when the T_D influx happened and everyone said "don't mind them, we need to redpill the normies!"
Well this is what you get. We've lost the board to trumpist cancer.
PENCE 2020
>> greatamericacommittee.com
Wrong newfag. Its not even close.
A mass shill campaign combined with Sup Forums being semi common knowledge among normies now. It's annoying but the nice thing is shills are easy to spot and always follow the same pattern of fake mocking condescension that's easy to ignore.
Normie posters are fine imo, either they'll get bored quickly or stick around long enough and activate a few almonds
>> PENCE 2020