fuck links edition
"British are ethnically mixed people ruled over by the Jews''
Joseph Goebbels
>tripnonces and newfags still haven't accepted honk into their hearts
Cretins desu
i want to cuddle u
We have far to many links these days. And they're rarely updated.
fake quote
too bad I cuddle me
Nice try. You're not honk.
Maximum comfy achieved.
I am you cunt
Why are store brand wheatabix so shit?
desu desu~
Also helps us meet our diversity targets.
>anonymongs in charge of making threads
when will this meme die?
Nothing wrong with the odd bit of outrageous shirtlifting
>First for this threads true waifu
>even preusse is larping as me
has britpol, dare I say it, been HONKED?
I'm liking this new minimalist Brit/pol. Nobody reads the links anyway.
>salad is for women
fat cunt
Also I am the real honk and from now on I will use a secure tripcode to deter imposters.
this is just absolute fucking autism
you are the autist here lad, please stop posting
Shame the real Honk isn't here to see this display.
Lads what would have happened by now if Cuckbyn had won?
>replying to 4 posts at once for attention
The fucking state of this autism
Ere honk Iwent Ritz today were you the ginger lad talking about Dragonball?
somebody say attention?
I-I am though...
I didn't intend for this to happen desu
First time I come to lurk here in months and I'm greeted with honking. Absolute disgust.
>replying to a post calling out autism and labelling it as autism for attention
jesus fucking christ, autism 101
I do
Free state gfs, pokemon cards and toys
Comfy reporting in.
Might watch the new millennial woes vid.
yes you did slut
Aye fuck the lugenpresse cant stand the bollocks and hidden politcal adgendas they keep feeding us.
I Havent put the news on tv for must have been about a month now, and haven't picked up a paper in about two years.
Borrows more money, ends austerity and everyone cheers. In the future young people will curse his name, having to pay it all back on top of the boomers unpaid tab.
I wasn't there kek. I'm not ginger either.
Here's a treat for late night brit/pol/s
Fuck 2.40am, need to sign on at 10am
Do I roll another doob and watch anderson cooper on CNN?
or goto bed, i got up at 5pm though
>attempting to film an autistic-themed remake of 2010 thriller Inception
You are a trainwreck lad
I'm going to snooze listen to it when I retire this evening.
>my tax money goes to drug addicted dole scum
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Who in england watches wank yank news? U aint english m8
Hopefully this reduces the autism later in the day. We've already got over a dozen tripfags, one more couldn't hurt. Also thanks for the (You)s, cheeky cunt.
Reminder that honk drives a fucking fancy car (pic related) and you plebs will never achieve his levels of intellectual and sexual prowess
Shut it!
I've been out of work for 2 months, ive paid in for years, im entitled to JSA, its only fucking £70 a week and I have £200k in assets so I dont even need it.
Someone from here?:
this tbqh
no wonder he's pube's bitch
>smoking cannabis
>calling it a doob
I hope you're no older than 17
>Do I roll another doob and watch anderson cooper on CNN?
Audibly loled for the first time in a long while, thanks mang
Mods are asleep, post some knickers
No one who lives in Wallsend could afford that. He'd live in Monkseaton if he were true posho
What else is there? RT? BBC, or SKy? FOX?
CNN is funny becuase they are fake news, the screeching is funny, they just dont shut up about Trump, there has never been a more bias Jew media outlet in history.
I hate Sky becuase i dont like the Paper review with that fat fuck Stig Abell who is a steroid user and a Sun HACK and a remoaner, Im sick of his shit.
I'm 44
>Roll another doob
>Watching CNN
Sort yourself out, mate.
about to roll a fat fucking doob and watch Channel 4 news lads
You probably need a doob to watch CNN tbf.
>come honk with me, user
what do?
You don't know the half of it mate, let's just say he's a bit of a high-flyer.
>David Duke was right, welfare neets should take drug tests before they get neet bux.
Why this isnt even law is beyond me.
you can only honk with me
weed is so 1973
horse is where it's at
Meet me behind kfc
no, I am honk
RT is by far the best.
Stop that.
Hearing a shitload of sirens all of a sudden in Manchester.
Something going on?
Why is this happening lads?
Talk about your car for the next 5 hours.
becuase the cost to implement would be too expensive
Preusse. I know about the secret tripfag discord channel. The game is up.
Honk you Sup Forums as well?
Going to make a cuppa
Also does anyone else hate it when britcucks make it big in America for no discernible reason
I hope he's 15 and gets brain damage from his addiction.
Sounds like Seal Team HONK are coming to knock your back doors in for being a 1pbtidmong. Bend over.
Believe me, I'd fucking love to, but enough has been revealed as is, me going into detail would be a bit too much although I am considering it and I doubt any of you have the resources to act on that information.
It's part and parcel of living in a progressive society, nothing to get worked up about.
What is this pickle meme shite? Reeks of reddit.
I love Peter Lavelle and Stacy Herbert is HOT
Also RT has been ripping the shit out of CNN for years
I hate CNN, but i cant stop watching it
yes. It's the funniest board desu
So whatre you cunt doing up so late on a week night?
How you guys been doing? We don't hear much about events over there any more. It's all Nazi, all the time, here. And little breaks to saber rattle with the Norks. Things okay? You get that promotion you were trying for? How the kids?
Probably my favourite as well.
The usual, not being a wagie, fucking bitches, getting money, etc.
Except the fucking bitches part, unless btfo'ing anonymongs counts.
I've been smoking since i was 18
Weed is life, it helps me calm down, if i had no weed i would go mad.
Watching Anderson Cooper on CNN, what else is there to do?
Oh come on. Pretty pleeeeeeease? Just reveal the most basic information.
Pickle Rick biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch
Pickle rick for Tory leader
what did you think about Viserion getting headshotted by the Night King?
It's ironic shitposting desu
(You) xx