Here is the retarded drivel they are sending to their brainwashed and cucked followers.
Former libtard here... Still on some mailing lists
Planned parenthood?
They couldn't be more corny if they tried.
Generation Z will hate them
Major redpilling the last few days for me. I watched the Charlottesville bullshit narrative take shape in real time. Before I had just read conservative sources telling me the media was lying but this time I watched them lie already knowing they were lying and it was uncanny.
Regardless of what this Fields guy did with his Challenger--which may have been justified--it is a simple fact that the right showed up to give and hear speeches and the left came to hurt them physically. This is sky-is-blue-level obvious.
Clown world
If it turns out fields only drove through the crowd because he was under attack....
And he is acquitted in court, civil war will begin. Thus will be like the George Zimmerman verdict times 100000
I love that Planned Parenthood has a marketing campaign to kill leftists
My old e-mail from when I was a young Obama shill is filled to the brim with shit like this and they're sending out multiple e-mails about how Antifa is right and are the good guys. And then begging for money. Democracy Now even had some bullshit video about the history of Antifa. It's sickening.
Giving a bump, this stuff is important. Gotta see the other sides spin.
Why do blacks care so much about their ancestors? Sure they gave them life but they're dead people they never even met. I can admit that one of my great grandfathers probably murdered his wife and a majority of my other relatives were cranky bitter assholes who beat their children.. Nobody here enslaves today so why so triggered?
Apparently I'm still a registered Democrat and received one of those questionnaires they send to their pawns... I mean valued voters. I'm sure the young Gen-Y intern was literally shaking when she opened it up and read it. Then again, I expect all of these to go to the same place, unopened: the incinerator.
Son, this is a normal day in Canada
I really hope the media/leftists keep pushing the terrorism/premeditated murder narrative. They are ensuring that he walks, the only way this sticks is if they go with a lesser charge.
lmfao best part is "foreparents" 2 avoid misogynistic and patriarchal "forefathers"
It's not skin color that determines superiority. It's not like a literal attachment to certain shades of pale, pink, or tan. It's about what behavior that skin color correlates with. Integrate better to stably reduce racism.
Holy shit the narrative/cognitive dissonance is absurd. The literally didn't hear the part where he denounced Neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Jesus H. Christ.
Name one lie.
They have nothing to stand for except "feelings". Emotional irrational cowards.
>we're not paid protesters
>give us your money
Not just once, but 3 times!
What I want to know is how an oppressed people multiplies 100x. 400k niggers were brought as slaves. There are over 40 million now. Did whites multiply like that?
Enslaved or not, the White man's world has been a bonanza for niggers. Plumbing! Air conditioning! Cars! For that matter, wheels! White bitches! Written language! With numbers!
Jesus Christ they had ten fingers but no word for "seven." They're so goddamn stupid.
Consider suicide, faggot
But 'foreparents' marginalizes orphans!
Glad to see you've gain some common sense OP. We all started somewhere.
Bernie still asking for money lmao
>planned parenthood patients
What does that even mean? Why does that matter?
Baby murderers is what that means.
And moloch worshippers.
Why doesn't he mention Soros
>those with hate in their heart who murdered a young woman
There hasn't been any revealing information given to the public other than the kids name and knowledge that he attended the rally. There's no evidence that he did anything with criminal intent or that it was premeditated. It's of no shock that the don't see him as a misguided, misunderstood 20 year old caught up with the wrong crowd or someone that made a mistake. No. They want someone to point the finger at, a face to blame for everything. For people that preach love, acceptance and forgiveness they understand none of it. There's no innocent until proven guilty. There's not even a guilty until proven innocent. All that remains with these people is guilty.
They will never change, at least not without Civil War.
They're insinuating that the unite the right people took down the helicopter. The fuck?
How does one become an expert on that which doesn't exist?
Huperson Beings.
They have no shame
As an expert on completely arbitrary labels pulled out of one's ass I can confirm nobody asked me.
That a domestic terrorist rammed through the crowd and killed an innocent protestor.
If you tell me anyone knows the motive of Fields right now you are bullshitting to the highest degree.
>1/10 got me to reply
This, I knew they lied before, but I watched this happen in real time and then tried to see if ANYONE got the reporting right.
Fuck NPR, It angers me that my tax dollars go to that.
Thanks for sharing, user! Good reads... if not a bit depressing.
Let's see the video
If it's online we can mass report it for being a recruitment video for a terrorist organization.
The news reported "3 dead in wake of white supremacist march" and you didn't realize the state troopers died in an unrelated helicopter accident without reading the article. The majority of people read the sensationalist headline and ignore anything within. That's how we got into this mess in the first place.
I wonder how many people she saw turned into lampshades
liberal safe spaces are fascinating
also see if you can guess which poster suffers from "depression, bipolar II and mania"
Absolutely psychotic
Theymust be stopped
Just think if you only watched and read things from that side... You really would believe that Hitler is backm