Am I the only one who fucking loves this guy? Goddamn, what a good president. What a fucking guy.
Am I the only one who fucking loves this guy? Goddamn, what a good president. What a fucking guy
I love him.
He's my Fuhrer
He has balls.
Ya know anyone who would be a better leader?
God emperor of Kekistan!
Isnt that bodyshaming
We know it's you /leftypol/. Stop larping.
And yes, he's pretty good.
He gave my life purpose. I would gladly die for this man.
I love him calling out the other side instead of blaming it all on the stormfags.
Absolutely no one else in the political arena would've done that
I support trump
More now than when I voted for him.
Biggest balls on the planet. Who the fuck could ever replace him? How could we ever go back to a cucked career GOP politician?
if he tweeted a location to form a new movement and seize power it would happen
the leftist exists literally on his kindness
He is absolutely the last hope we have.
I like that he ran, I just wish he'd bring the troops home and put them on the border instead of going after Syria and North Korea.
Syria is a lever to pressure Russia. N.Korea is a lever to pressure China. The USA stays wealthy by exporting inflation through the petrodollar system. Russia and China desire to break away from that system for their own prosperity. To pull back from both of these levers will allow Russia and China to lead a world wide breakaway from the petrodollar system. This would tank US prosperity. Trump is America First. Trump thus makes the best out of the situation her inherited as POTUS and uses both of these levers to put America First.
He seems like an awesome dude, frankly.
I like how he only does press conferences once in a long while and BTFOs them the fuck out when they were used to dealing with lackeys.
Best president or best president?
The best president.
If you love him so much go suck his dick, faggot.