Do you think we're currently witnessing Tribulation?
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Not yet, but it's coming
I've been thinking that we're living in the end times for some time now desu
No, there will be a war between Russia and Israel first.
Not yet. The European Union has to get down to a total of 10 countries with Germany at the lead.
hope the eclipse means something
anything, I just need something
And once it is revealed that ISIS is Mossad. It will be the end.
No. You will know when it begins.
Its happening soon though.
Interesting, I was under the impression that the rapture was pre-tribulation, not mid.
Personally not sure if we're facing THE Revelation, but pretty sure we're facing A Revelation. Would love to know what was in John of Patmos's little scroll.
No, certain things need to happen first.
Most definitely the signs are there if you look hard enough
Ireland is supposed to sink into the sea 7 years before the end times
Why the fuck is Bill Cipher there?
The fuck is bill cipher? That's Dr. Pol
witnessing would mean seeing those things as they play out
Maybe. I think the clear divisions among people, and the lukewarmness of others is because of it. We will find out who the wheat and chaff are very soon. At least I hope so.
Destruction of Western Wall starts tribulation, but even before that angels have to sound the trumpets.
Until that happens I'm afraid it's just a shitty world.
Rev. 3:15
>And so it is because you are Luke warm, neither Hot nor cold, that I spit you from my mouth
Are you forgetting the part about world peace for seven years?
Where we all flourish and all the beauty and gifts of earth are given pretty much at will?
Earth is pretty hellish for me and I still see war everywhere, so no... no we aren't.
Why wouldn't a person
Every single "it's not, because this" ITT so far have been wrong. As usual. Dont even feel like getting into it. Dont care if im wrong
>Destruction of Western Wall starts tribulation, but even before that angels have to sound the trumpets.
Please explain what you just said, I'm a brainlet.
Where is that found? I know 1,000 years of peace and prosperity are supposed to FOLLOW the shitshow, don't know anything about before
The western wall, you know that one in Israel, it's an old wall form the temple of Jerusalem
So if violence breaks out before a conquering king on a white horse, does that mean the prophesy would be null and void?
Because Gravity Falls was the red pill in cartoon form.
Good riddance.
He's retarded. Here's my guess. Rapture maybe during the eclipse. Third temple russia muslims israel war somehow. Guess their greater israel wont come. Global currency. Some weird planetary shit on sept 23 then it takes the new space chunks 3.5 years to get here in the mean time power builds and then the same people make a shit show
Well, at least I've got the not loving this world part down.
OK what about the trumpets what the fuck?
Is that some kind of horns of Jericho thing? I don't know what that means but I overheard the term lol :(
There's some doubt about that. A lot of evidence says that wall was actually part of a Roman fort, and the temple was on a different hill further south (and completely destroyed)
>Gravity Falls
>good riddance
Who, me?
The war has to come after the fake peace. But would a rapture make peace? Maybe throw in some fake ayys. Who knows. It just feels weird out there. I dont really care to be honest
When the temple is built then you can say very officially that the times are short, by the number. Until then I say yes we are in the end of this last age, the last age before Jesus returns.
Interesting, you have any more on the subject?
I see trumpets as words, kind of. I dont see angels as breathing. Maybe im wrong but God's breath is special. We breathe and are different from angels or God but they're markers for the things that happen after we realise things. Some things are veiled for a given time
Oh it is, and Jesus is back:
No such thing as the rapture.
>Do you think we're currently witnessing Tribulation?
you faggot Christians havent seen shit yet
I'm sure it's like an orgasm-- we'll definitely know it when it happens
The word's not in there but it does say in less than the blink of an eye the Church is taken up
>Therefore, hear the word of the LORD, O scoffers, who rule this people who are in Jerusalem, because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death, and with Sheol we have made a pact. The overwhelming scourge will not reach us when it passes by, for we have made falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception. Therefore thus says the Lord GOD, ‘Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tested stone, a costly cornerstone for the foundation, firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed.’ … Your covenant with death will be canceled, and your pact with Sheol will not stand; When the overwhelming scourge passes through, then you become its trampling place.(Isaiah 28:14-16, 18)
At some point The Jews will make a peace treaty with some other force (with death "satan" or whatever being the leader of that force via anti-christ). This will bring about a world of prosperity for nearly all people and peace will be found in this prosperity where we become content so to speak.
There are a few other passages, but it's mostly hidden messages like the rest of the whole world ending crap.
Anyways, after a time the anti-christ or whoever will use this false peace to gain near compete control of the world.
Because of his control of the world, food that hasn't become spoiled via the horsemen will be controlled. Which is where the whole mark of the beast will come into play later.
What we are seeing is just everyday... just every normal day like every time period before us. We are just witnessing our countries decline and fearing it much like Rome feared their demise.
It could be possibly a millennia before the world ends. You have no way of knowing, no one does.
>"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
To think it will happen in our lifetime or even the next thousand years is us being prideful.
In reality I'll probably already be dead and in hell.
need me some FBI user leak or an antartica thread update on which we get an update of what the fuck happened to the 77 female "scientists" sent there so there could be more """""""""""""""equality"""""""""""" of genre (which some anons pierceved as a sacrifice of virgins to whatever deity is there)
Show me the verse that says that.
>it will trample you
>it's been cancelled
People in that time of "peace" will die for not accepting the AC as Christ. First comes AC then Christ. I think it says day and hour. Not day or hour. And it says to be mindful of the signs. You don't know you're going to hell. Repent and be recognised. Wed Christ
>23 chromosomes, each in a pair, giving us 46
checks out
1 Corinthians 15:52
>and the living
>to live, is Christ
>too, will be transformed
How does it feel to know Pagan God's are Catholic Saints now? faggot.
Devout Roman Catholic here
All the Church fathers, except Origen and Clement of Alexandria believed that Jesus would come back at the 6000th year the world was made. or 6000 Anno Mundi. Augustine is an interesting case, but the point is that the only difference worth mentioning was that their greek version of the bible said that when jesus was born (judging by the genealogical records and Chronicles which can be used to number how old the world is) it said that the world when Jesus was born was around 5400 years old. This is why when you read texts from the Church Fathers around the 200s or 300s AD you get "5500 Anno Mundi." They knew that the Hebrew version said explicitly that when Jesus was born the world was 4000 years old, roughly. They were just hoping that Jesus would come back earlier than expected. All Church Fathers guessed that Jesus would come back 2000 years from the Resurrection, or (from the Greek bible) 500 years.
The Jews also mentioned this to Jerome when he was translating Hebrew into latin, he lived with the jews almost his whole life, and so the Church changed their official position to state that the Resurrection would occur 2000 years after Jesus was resurrected. The Pharisees believed that the world had 3 Ages or Eras, at the "consummation of the ages or the 3rd age" the Messiah, Jesus would come. Anyways Augustine was an amillenialist but in the middle ages Jerome's translation of the latin vulgate made it popular to believe in the literal 6000 year meme withe Jesus coming back in the 2000s AD. I know this is "evengelical" but the Roman Catholics and the Pharisees belived it too for literally Centuries, it was only until martin Luther that the Roman Catholic church basically pushed the Amillienialism, not literal interpretation of the end times and the rapture.
White horse is rise of catholic church
Red horse is communism
Black is capitalism and the west
Pale horse is Islam
It will happen sooner than you think
social reality is so malleable you couldn't physically imagine how nuts things could get
I'm just saying it's impossible to know and to think it will happen even close to our lifetime is just human conditioning where we think we are important.
Reality is we aren't and as I stated. It could be a millennia before it happens.
Islam's color is green
I dont know. When plutonium armed space probes are allegedly set to purposefully smash into giant gas ball planets and rev 12 almost exactly shows what it says. And the censored face guy. Waiting for a retrograde pregnant virgo of jupiter. With everything else. Is just incredible. A tetrad of blood moons and then a solar eclipse
>Symbology: True Detective.
>Elsagate. Cartoons.
>Onebravesoul threads.
We've always been in it.
Yeah. Like 9/11 was a fucking strange thing, obviously
The pale horse is green
Ok you win
>Has the Tribulation began?
No...not yet.
The Church of Christ and all of it's members are still alive.
When they are hunted and all dead, then it begins.
However, we have begun the BEGINNING of the End...prepare lads.
That happened in the 1950s where even thrid world countries were nice.
Only one I recognize out of all those is elsagate, and that's some weird shit.
Come back to me when you watch some MANIME, like a real man
Man, I never realized how actually insane christcucks are
Hopefully you manage to kill yourselves off with these weird cultish prophecies soon
It means it is one of the many great conflicts of the world, but doesn't void out the end times.
Is that all those who were given a sign or a prophecy? I cant remember. I think it's all the people who were around. Or a biblical number meaning a generation. Since israel was founded. 70 years ago
Sorry I meant to say that the "comsumation of the ages" was the end of the second age. The beginning of the 3rd age is the age of Christ they taught, there are to be a never ending number of ages into the future because God's creation will last forever, however the 3rd age is the final age of sin and death in the world, and with each age the world becomes "worn out like a cloth" more and more, it's like Lord of the Rings, Tolkein probably knew Jews this is more of a jewish meme these days since nobody knows hebrew or Greek otherwise
Tribulation was the Obama years.
Trump's possibly the Messiah.
Until heaven and earth come to pass the law is a curse. I think after millennial reign where we might still sin, the law might even go away (it'll apply during armageddon probably) and even procreation might change. That's when we'll be sinless
Why are there so many evangelical christians on Sup Forums? There is more evidence to point to Zionists NWO using the technology at cern to open an interdimensional portal to hell/reptilian realm/nether. Before any rapture comes just be ready to hold the line at this portal. Its gunna be 40k tier
So it just sets it back?
And something similar if famines come before war? And if the last person who was alive during the rebuilding of the Israel temple dies before it's demolished (so within maybe 20-30 years)?
Why isn't anyone doing anything to prevent this?
what we are seeing now could be the prelude.
White christians are currently being persecuted already, for wanting stability in the government. Any christian that supports trump is in danger.
I think this nails it.
The symbols surround us. I go where they're at and look.
t. Berserk fanfag
Censored face guy is Saturn being imaged twice in 1983 because it moved between images of those areas.
Of course they're trying to turn saturn with its literal hexagon at the pole into a star. And the implications of that are big no matter what you believe.
bumping for interest
also endtime prophecies of any sort of religion are most definitely a /spook/ and would do better on /x/
Did you read the context of that verse? It's speaking of the second resurecction. When Jesus comes for the second time, he raises all of the dead and then everyone is judged before God and the book of life.
That verse you gave literally says "...and those who have died will be raised forever, and we will all be changed". Right before that it is discussing the difference between our physical bodies and spiritual bodies. Nothing about the living church being brought to heaven.
The rapture was a lie made up to make Christians believe they won't have to live through the tribulation.
So. Saturn has always been the kronos asshole planet yes. And Bible says you shall bruise His heel and He shall bruise your stupid face so maybe cassini fly into gas ball, which fucks around with jupiter
Is baptism required or no?
I don't want to be tortured in Hell forever Sup Forums
Are you dead? You shouldn't be spiritually dead either. You probably aren't. You're on the right lines. It says and we shall be transformed. They wrote that a long time ago. They were speaking even of themselves. For its hastiness. Its "in the blink of an eye" type stuff
No, but if you believe in Christ you'd want to be baptized
>I don't want to be tortured in Hell forever Sup Forums
Stop being a pussy.
Not quite yet, but were pretty close. Remember, there must be a third jewish temple built in Jerusalem before the events leading up to the second coming occur. I predict the events that are unfolding today are leading up to the temple being built, which will then lead to the second coming
Paul was always mentioning the "end of the ages" Kjv will usually translate this as "end of the world" but an age was a very precise time, down to the minute, in jewish calendars. The "end of the world" in the Kjv is technically a mistranslation, it says in those verses repeatedly "end of the age" This is not them talking about their own time and that the world is ending, they are saying that there is a future age that will come to pass and end in fire.
Ephesians 2
>But God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, brought us to life with Christ (by grace you have been saved), raised us up with him, and seated us with him in the heavens in Christ Jesus,that IN THE AGES TO COME he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus.
Mattherw 12:32
>And whoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man, it shall be forgiven him; but whoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, EITHER IN THIS AGE OR IN THE AGE TO COME."
2 Peter 3:8-9
>But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
This is a quotation from Psalms and verse 9 is a derivation from Sirach (42 I think)
Roman Catholics used to believe in the millennial reign, and was very popular from the very beginning al the way through the renaissance, until Martin Luther.
Wait, I thought it was very specific that if you aren't born again in water or fire (Baptism and Holy Spirit) you cannot enter the Gates of Heaven?
wait for the eclipse
There's about a thousand denominations of Christianity; a few were inevitably going to fuck it up.
I like the Concordant Literal Version, free online. Take John 3:16 for instance. "For thus God loves the world, so that He gives His only-begotten Son, that everyone who is believing in Him should not be perishing, but may be having life eonian". Their Genesis 1:1 says "In a beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth".
Apostolic doctrine vs pauline. Pharisaical or gentile. Etc etc. God divorced Israel and went to Gentiles to say it was their turn now because Israel never listens. Christ is the temple. Ever hear the expression "blood>water"?
The rapture is not in the Bible. That verse you gave is not proof of the rapture. Do more research on the orgins of the rapture, and where people get the idea from. Everyone must die, that is the price of man's turning away from God and sinning. We are not going to be taken away before we have to witness the horrors of the tribulation and our judgement.
YLT is also good, I like the KJV but the catholic NAB is also very literal and I approve of. That or know greek, latin and hebrew,
Post trib, pre wrath.