pic related
Reminder That everyone coming here will become redpilled
Freedom is a terrible thing sometimes.
In times of Chaos only the Truth can be the victor.
We are eternal
>pre Gamergate Sup Forums
not anymore, m8. 8ch is our true home.
You've taken too many blackpills m80. I came her a year and a half ago and I'm just as radical as the next guy.
Hahahaha! Suck my black cock Nazi cucks. I slay fascist white pussy on the reg. How you gonna red pill black?
Fuck you /pol! I was happy before this so-called "freedom". I can't taste the steak!
You don't redpill black, you physically remove them.
Pic fucking related
>Sup Forums is a hurt box
Never felt it that way. Yeah it challanged my world view something fierce, but it was purely liberating to me. No real pain. Slight blackpilling when I finally swallowed the redpill, but pretty whitepilling after
and thats how i came back to God
this. Hail Christ the Son of The Lord
Will this still work with Stormfags running around doing their Alt-Left shtick?
Weakminded sheep. I've been here for 8 and just kinda don't like jews and open borders.
>Reminder That everyone coming here will become redpilled
nope, 10 years & I'm still not a paranoid nazi cunt like you tards.
well, you're also a fucking snow commie, so your argument is invalid.
>I've been here for 8
pol has only been around since 2012, jackass.
you're a leaf so of course you're a bit special when it comes to accepting reality.
what a joke lmao
the truth has undeniable power
it's why the left hides from it
hating Jews, niggers and faggots is not National Socialism
fair enough, but you get the gist.
anybody got a good filter list for the board? navigating all the shill is rough
I'm literally SJW and I've been here since well before /new/
When will the red pill kick in? Never, right? Fuckin placebos...
I guess. But if you're not willing to die for anything, you are not redpilled.
Right? I basically consume this place 40 hours a week at work and really it's just made my leftie-charity-boner harder.
There are dozens of us, dozens!
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He did so by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
wtf, I love niggers now
Welp that's it then. I am here forever.
I'm black and fully redpilled.
Your weak argument tells me your mind cannot even accept such a concept.
but ur gay, so there's that...
Nah, all Sup Forums did was make me realize that both extremes are retarded, only one extreme is catered to by mainstream society instead of being rightfully ridiculed like the other.
It was a Patton quote you dumbass.
Bah! Your idiotic charity supports the lifestyles of the idle rich (some of whom are the most awful people on the planet), and it promotes corruption and dependent disempowerment in the recipient cultures, too.
60 million Americans voted for Trump
>inb4 muh rigged Hillary number which wasn't enough to win anyway - highest level lel
Nice dried up tired old meme you got there. Have any antique Reagan memes available?
Yes, we've all seen Patton. I fail to see what you've brought to the conversation.
>neck yourself
b-but we hate niggers and fags and jews. they are the worst people
omfg... u insulted my meme... im so triggered... guess... I... have to... leave... now... omg......
nah just kidding suck my dick bro
See image
You make Sup Forums a full time job for yourself and claim to be a progressive?
Alright buddy, have fun with that. I know I don't read Salon and Jezebel just for the angst even 1/20th that much
you're a bunch of dirty jews
An unchecked imbalance eventually creates its antithesis. Nature abhors a vacuum
Happened to me, I wasn't a leftist but I was the "there is one race, the human race" also I was for multiculturalism... but my views have become more conservative and I know am a nationalist
AHAHAHAHA I love seeing leftard being completely retarded in Sup Forums. You kept losing since Brexit and now you're mentally incapable of having intellectual discourse.
>intellectual discourse
>Sup Forums
don't kid yourself
I haven't been able to leave in 3 years....
I've gained knowledge, but have lost my mind.
Just beautiful! Sup Forums helped me kick my Social Media addiction (fb/twitter/reddit..)
How do you feel about the woman in pic relateds successful terrorist attack on San Francisco?
I am here for you, you're not alone and we're just waiting for this "intro" to play-out before making a call, meanwhile work on yourself, don't hold hate in your heart and learn to love.
Thank you user.
I know my man, it's awful. I feel extremely depressed tonight
breddy sure that's Kali dude
>tfw you wonder if coming here years ago for the "epic nazi memes" was really worth it
Does happen.
Normally the result isn't conversion though, just a seriously blackpilled leftist
Still good.
can confirm, a little over a year ago i hated Trump and watched shit like Colbert.
You probably already read this then.
>Sup Forums getting shittier than ever
>Sup Forums is known as the easiest board to anger
>Sup Forumstards, including me, starts trolling en-masse
>everyone ends up getting redpilled
I guess the joke was on us.