Trump BTFO for eternity
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I mean, regardless of what you think of them as people, they were pretty objectively not "great Americans."
Great Americans don't fight America.
they should just destroy literally everything ever made or written before the 1860s because people were mean back then and did mean stuff
Stay the fuck out!
Damn how much more abuse can Trump take? Everybody is shitting on him. I feel sorry for his fatass. Melania is probably thinking about that exit strategy.
some of the worst shilling i've ever seen. lmao
>situation is accelerating
It's a win regardless.
Firstly, only mother fucking Yankees only know him as Stonewall. It's Thomas Jackson you fat fuck.
Second, those guys? You're going to single out two outstanding men of moral character?
Get rekt NY. Mother fucking yankees.
were they great when they fought for america?
>many of them new yorkers
He enjoys cock so much he sucks his own
They shouldn't destroy shit. Those statues are part of history, and nobody really gives a fuck about a statue.
But you autistic alt-right virgins fucked up. By killing and maiming Americans now everybody want to hurt you by removing all your idols.
I think the Robert E. Lee statue should be removed because he lost the war. We don't celebrate losers. Race has nothing to do with this.
They objectively were.
But I wouldn't expect a filthy communist to understand honor.
Its not us you stupid hillbilly....its that fucking communist cuomo trying to get votes for 2020
>my super secret club
Imo, all this feels anti-Trump rather than "combating" racism. Trump should of kept his mouth shut, stay to the script, and pass policies rather than acting like the fucking attention whore he is.
Exactly. They're just like those trash subhuman indians that fought us.
Let's get those reservations emptied out and those casinos demolished. Those fuckers lost and it's about time we send those loser traitors packing.
>outstanding moral character
>killed by his own men while riding away from battle
Wow a communist advocating what is essentially burning books
You can't rewrite history idiot
Upstate NY user represent.
It's about time these losers were removed from public view. They were on the wrong side and anyway they're just peddlars of hate. Who needs them?
>jew york
imagine my shock
the entire place needs to be burned to the ground and every inhabitant killed
I saw they just made a statue of Donald Trump. We should convince the anti-fa to tare it down and see what happens.
They didn't fight America. They defend America from Northern Liberal scum.
Sounds like we'll get another "hold police back and let antifa kill people" mayor
It's waking up a lot of fence sitting whites though
They're from a day when you could respect and honor your enemy. In this day and age people don't even trust their allies.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
>We are a group of seven WASP bros, 1 black guy and his hot white "Aryan" girlfriend, 1 Jewish white guy (myself), 2 Hispanics and last but not least, one very rednecky white dude who was a Trump supporter until Charlottesville.
You sound like a bunch or retards. Kill yourself.
coming from your filthy mouth you should be looking up to the people that wanted separate states you faggot.
Some of y'all are decent people, him I want to run over. Picking on Thomas Jackson is a sin.
>That Flag
The South isn't for you faggot.
>thinking I CARE whether someone is a great American or not
I was just using the technical definition. For fuck's sake, look at my flag; you think I give a shit how patriotic a historical figure was?
damn. btfo nice one.
based nip
you're going to have to back that statement up with more than just meme arrows friend
Yeah you're really bad at this lol
Is this real??
Hell, I even convinced my one Jew grandparent that it's a problem.
As a liberal, I'll admit Lee and Jackson weren't all that bad. Neither were all that racist or supportive of slavery. They fought in the war primarily out of a sense of duty, and apparently were considered brilliant tacticians.
This doesn't change the fact that the civil war was about slavery, or that most white southerners at the time supported slavery, but let's be a little more considerate of the context.
Memes aside Lee was pretty critical in getting the south to actually surrender and stop an occupation/war of attrition from occuring for the next hundred years
I dont think you think at all
This is so disgusting to me. I just saw them remove a plaque here in NY and they are going to probably remove them all. I hate liberals
meh. im just glad gettysburg is telling them to fuck off
so the thread didn't work out, huh? here's a (You) on the house, you're thirsty.
How come no one ever mentions Alaska?
What happens there? Are they building monuments to Chief Drinking Fire Water or what?
Where in NY? As a New Yorker I would actually go to protest removal of monuments or plaques, and I think protesting is for faggots - but this erasing of history is evil.
>1 Jewish white guy (me)
Breddy gud b8, m8
Stonewall Jackson was utterly fascinating. I'm reading an award winning biography on him.
Stonewall was against slavery and was loved by black slaves. He did a lot to help them, teach them and care for them. Slaves even asked him to purchase them and he allowed them to work off the payment and immediately free them. He even took in mentally disabled slave children to help them
This is astounding. Americans are fucked
How's the US a white country? By that rationale, it should be giving back to the american indians.
Gettysburg is where this stuff belongs. Putting up someone who lead a rebellion against American with Great Americans seems a little off.
>implying occupation and a war of attrition hasn't been going on ever since.
If Lee could take one look at downtown Atlanta today he would neck himself.
How long has this chucklefuck been governor and he's just now realizing that he doesn't like Robert E Lee??? Demoshit brains in action.
it's not really populated outside of Anchorage. and even Anchorage has a small population. they also have the luxury of being detached from the rest of the states.
>you're going to have to back that statement up with more than just meme arrows friend
That's how Stonewall Jackson died.
5 seconds in google or a history class would have taught you that.
Thanks to americans, all the respect for whitey is lost.
You really are the end of western civilization in a way.
>Two of americas greatest military strategists that helped them take a shit ton of states
>should be replaced by some Jew Yorkers
We need to revolt soon if this keeps up
I need a source on that, Please and thank you.
that's a yes
those guys were great leaders no doubt. I did a report on him back in JR high in the 90s.
At least you acknowledge that whites exist as you used the word "white" in your reply to me, user. But did you know that there are some who deny even that saying "how do you define white?", "race is only a social construct", etc.?
>A worth while leaf post
Good job user
Wasn't the main reason Lee fought for the south was because his home was there? Man didn't seem to give a fuck about slavery.
But what would a commie fuck know about honor and family?
It's evil to pardon someone for doing their job? I wish I had this ability to be ignorant. Would save me a lot of money on liquor.
If Cuomo had half a brain he'd complain more about Jackson, Lee, et all ripping the southwest from Mexico.
But that would require brains.
Hilariously they shot him because they thought he was a yank.
Right before the kill shots were fired his men basically yelled the 1860s equivalent of "FALSE FLAG!" believing him to be a Yank pretending to be himself.
A unit is only good as its leadership I suppose.
This is fake though, senpai.
Opinion discarded
What would you even know what makes a great american?
Robert E. Lee was not even pro-slavery or racist (for his time at least) and he's a conciliatory figure, why are they trying to erase him from history? It doesn't make sense.
Fucking communist trash, I wish war would break out.
I guess that makes you the worst Americans then.
Damn, the Californication of the Valley is impressively complete.
>left rewrites history eliminating all traces of slavery
>they keep saying whites were racist because "muh slaves"
>they don't have proof to point to anymore
who's getting BTFO again?
Because you autistic faggots ran over a landwhale
It is really bad. Betcha that faggot thinks he's clever too
from wiki
A paper presented to the Society of Clinical Psychologists hypothesized that Jackson had Asperger syndrome ...
Trump BTFO? This is low hanging fruit, to be honest. Removing the statues won't accomplish anything, it's a symbolic "win" so libs can be smug on social media. Lets pull down the statue of Lenin in Washington, and see how happy they are to destroy art.
I fully expect to see book burning parties by liberals by xmas, the road they're going down.
Yes, thank you for explaining this to yourself. Unless you are a cretin you know that your re-telling of history is based on an extremely uncharitable misreading of events.
Because libs can't even remember the name of a single civil war battle yet think to know that the entire civil war was about slaves and everyone on the confederacy was an evil nazi racist. I literally blame our schooling system for all this shit because i remember in middle school they made it seem like slavery was the entire cause for the war and nothing else.
I hate living in this fucking state. I can't even call it living. I'm so sick of NYC kikes fucking things up for the rest of us.
Isn't it ironic that all the reminders of what happens when this nation is horribly divided start disappearing when our nation is horribly divided?
>Yes, thank you for explaining this to yourself.
It's called expounding.
>is based on an extremely uncharitable misreading of events.
Extremely uncharitable and factually accurate.
if book burning happens, this shill will join the alt-right. remember that.
Yeah, he had his peculiarities, but they contributed to his military genius. A rare fella that Stonewall.
Literally because he was "a fucking white male!"
You tear down a statue because:
>You're a jew and you want to destroy western civilization and rebuild it in your own corrupt image.
>Your the jew pet monkey black and you believe every lie told to you about how you would be kangz if only whitey hadn't brought you out of mud huts and given you apartments and welfare.
>You're part of the grab bag of sub 85 IQ leftists led around by the nose (pun intended) thinking you're days away from a huge communist revolution.
Lot's of reasons, all of them irrational and full of hate.
how can history repeat itself if we don't forget about history first?
Maybe instead of destroying everything we just don't celebrate traitors to the United States
Fuck you idiot!
Please starve faggot
Get ready to join. They're on the verge of it - they are drawing the line that anything that isn't in lockstep with them is "racism" and "nazis". The next logical step for them, besides trying to shut down conservatism on the net, is to burn conservative books.
I'm not kidding. They're on a dark, dark path, and they don't realize where it ends...
Are you and the faggot mayor gonna fucking fix the fucking train system yet or you gonna virtue signal all fucking day.
Because robert e lee and stonewall jackson came closer to defeating the united states than any other men in history. The people running the government back then had enough honor to respect these men but the assholes in charge now have no capacity at all for honor
sounds comfy, but i wonder how do they feel about all this, it sounds like a very strange place, russia to the west, isolation, the cold...
Are the ordinary people there talking as well, or are there parts with some "isolation", cultural, like the northwest, where life goes on as usual.
Also, what do you think about this quote:
>Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! Hums the under-consciousness [of Americans]. Love and produce! Love and produce! cackles the upper-consciousness. And the world hears only the Love-and-produce cackle. Refuses to hear the hum of destruction underneath. Until such time as it will have to hear.
or this
>What then is Moby Dick? He is the deepest blood-being of the white race; he is our deepest blood-nature.
And he is hunted, hunted, hunted by the maniacal fanaticism of our white mental consciousness. We want to hunt him down. To subject him to our will. And in this maniacal conscious hunt of ourselves we get dark races and pale to help us, red, yellow, and black, east and west, Quaker and fire-worshipper, we get them all to help us in this ghastly maniacal hunt which is our doom and our suicide.
reductio ad adsurdum fallacy. just like the one DJT made.