Is he /our/ Jew?
Sure, OP.
>be 2017
>recovering from peak leftism
>left authoritarians love social engineering so a lot of stupid beliefs around
>have a not stupid belief
>Sup Forums goes nuts
"Neo-nazis" don't have any real power, if the Left gets powerful they will go after Shitsrael since it's a apartheid-nazi state
It's politics, goy. There's nothing you can do. Praktischer Idealismus can not be stopped. You will be replaced be a Eurasian-Negroid slave race.
I mean he's right. Doesn't mean I love israel.
it's impossible to trust any of them
The American elite (both Left and Right) Just made illegal to boycot Shitsrael.
Haavara. Nazis invented israel and gave him all his fiat shekels. His dad is a crook and a war criminal like all israeli pm's and leftists don't like his usury. Wars. And fucking fiat money. This board is so jewish
>tfw you realize Israel really is our greatest ally
He lived on the cusp of a communist society for his whole life and sees the writing on the wall.
Most normal people can see this coming, too.
Kys isis bitch
He's 100% accurate.
There's less than a thousand actual "neo-nazis" running around the country. But the out of control leftists, the SJW, the Antifas, the BLM, and more, there's tens of millions of them. To a person, each and every one of those leftists want America destroyed, whites destroyed, and the nation rebuilt in their insane brown communist utopian vision.
If America falls, it won't be because some wannabe nazi waves a swastika around. It's because these leftists will import another 50 million brown people and collapse the entire house of cards holding the previous 100 million brown people up.
You're living in America's 11th hour.
Its a TRAP!
The elite are backing the Nazi movement
What better way to destroy the US and white people would be to start a civil war and split them apart to kill eachother.
>there's more of them so bibi dindu nuffin
>that flag
Something's fishy here
He's really fucking dumb. And I say that as someone who has nazi leanings. he's dumb as fuck, we'd gas him before any niggers, any spics, any asians. the jew is pretty much the devil to me. jesus literally called them the sons of satan.
The Alt-Left is so far gone, jews are admitting they are worse than nazis, this timeline never stops giving!
No. He's speaking that way because America is Israel's golden calf and if we go under from Lefist scum there goes the Burger-Dollars and billions in aid and weapons for Israel and one of the only friends they have in the world.
Israel is our tapeworm and the host needs to survive for as long as possible.
anyone who knows israel from the inside:
israeli ring wing is mostly just a gravy train with some individuals pocketing millions for NGO off taxpayers money,healthcare is a disaster, huge poverty
israeli right wing is feeding off "muh arab hatred" and "muh antisemitism" to gain power
Yep. Serpent seed. That's why kikes ask women to tell them if they're jews or not. Leviticus says women aren't allowed to teach the religion yet they have them lighting menorah every saturn day. They believe God is at least a half a woman or has a girl friend. Hence all the fertility cults. Kikes put brown people here. Period
Leftists more dangerous because pro-plaestine?
>bibi dindu nuffin
That's a separate issue. The fact remains that he's completely correct in his statement that leftists are far more dangerous than "neo nazis."
That is waaaaaaayyyyy better.
Nope. Why is his fucking face on my board or on any website or news story? Nice generalised one eyed defence of the only problems there are in the world. Fucking zionism and the right wing jew bags who blow them
Israel isn't an ally nor an enemy; it's not really the Israeli government that's urging the US to provide aid so much as it is the neolibs and neocons.
>right wing jew bags who blow them
Change your flag, shillbot, if you're going to cry about who is blowing whom.
from a Jewish perspective, I can see where he is coming from
Both sides are extremely anti-semitic
Leftists are fucking tools to Jews. Your constant need to feel like you're rebelling makes you the easiest people to manipulate. We can say Trump is for or against something and you will do the opposite without thinking.
Adding to this: What is the point of posts like these? Is the feeling to get the 'last word' or something? I know you're a literal faggot, but you have to know that saying "Nope" and nothing else doesn't actually help your argument any.
This jude was even trying to date a norwegian aryan girl at one point
>they will go after Shitsrael
nah, those are just the useful idiots who believe that
No, the Nazis wanted to send Jews to Madagascar. They wanted to ensure Jews could not return to the area of Palestine, even after the British mandate there existed since WW1.
I read Nazi communications saying this in evidence presented at the Nuernberg trials.
Netanyahu Jr. is 100% correct.
Israelis are right wing as fuck. It's the liberal Jews that are the problem.
wtf i love bibi now
Israeli Jews only care because they're worried about leftists potentially stopping the gibs train to Israel. Zionism versus Bolshevikism: The Battle for the Soul of the Jewish People.... Newspaper article written by Churchill. Exact same shit is happening today.
I have no idea what they're worried about because the leftists might say they don't like Israel but the vast majority of the Jews in the media and the Jews that fund the democratic party support Israel so they have nothing to fear from one of their pet niggers like Obama occasionally saying something anti Zionist. This country is controlled by Israel and that isn't changing if the far left takes over. Or the liberals. Or the conservatives. Only if the far right takes over do they need to worry at all.
Well he's right. High level Jews are all aware of a the holohoax and they know about the Haavara agreement. They just won't directly admit it while they're still getting free shekels.
Another fucking JIDF thread.
>Both the US government and Israel are controlled by Zionist Jews.
>The difference is that the Zionists in the US government let the leftist Jews flourish and wreak havoc in the US while the same Zionists shut them down in Israel.
> The problem is always the Zionists in power.
> Purge the US government of Jewish and Christian Zionists.
> Left vs right Jews is completely irrelevant.
> Netanyahu and his son can stfu.
Get that into your heads.
Also fuck JIDF faggots and Israel.
Guys, for once, Canada is absolutely right! Listen to her!
Now that Sup Forums is a Jewish board, what are you planning next Sabbath?
You guys really don't understand how Jewish tribalism works, do you?
Liberals in the US vote Democrat and the democrat senators and representatives who are Jewish still vote in favor of Israel. So do many of the goy senators.
The Republican Party overwhelmingly supports Israel.
If the Democrats are in power, however, the focus on Israel is significantly lower but the Jews in the US still benefit greatly because they feed off cheap labor, a divided populous (racially, religiously, etc.), and the vice of our sin. These Jews overwhelmingly support Israel not only expressively but economically as well as many of the Jews in the US are simply citizens in name only and a virtually indistinguishable from the tootles wandering nation they have almost always been.
If the Republicans are in power Israel benefits much more greatly and the banking cartels of the Jewish world have a home base from which to operate and world Jewry can always flee to the next time they get their shit shoved in for doing the same thing for the thousandth time.
I guess I gassed that comment.
Honestly, Jews can always redeem themselves in my eyes. It's going to take a lot though and they need to be consistent, but I can see them becoming an ally of whites if they drop the holocaust baiting and white hate. We are pretty similar relative to the other races, we don't need to be enemies, but the ball is in their court.