They're going to start killing people as time goes on, aren't they?
They're going to start killing people as time goes on, aren't they?
The more explicitly anti white the left and media become, the angrier young white men will be.
God i hope they win i am a strong literal beliver in natsoc
Are tiki torches toxic to humans, too?
What the fuck retard?
Of course we are, we're fucking nazis.
They'll deserve it though.
Following the Weimar model, the Left will cross that bridge first but the Nazis will win in the end.
If they don't then I will.
The left will do nothing but double down, doing more of the same they've been doing for the past decade.
Eventually it will escalate to people killing each other. This isn't good but it looks inevitable now, there is way too many people pissed off on every side with zero shared commonality. I'd be ok with it if I thought it was the price to pay to bring a resolution but it won't.
Let's start killing Nazis
This time Germany is on your side in this.
You liberated us once, let us help to liberate you now.
Your pudgy low-testosterone numale ass will be among the first to die.
There's no such thing as peaceful fascists. Fascism, by its very nature, seeks violence as an end in and of itself.
As they are targeted more and more. Yes, they will.
Antifa is rousing a sleeping giant.
I hope they would because nonwhites should be fucking eradicated around the planet. How else would we have a guarantee that our sons and greatddaughters won't experience the horrors of multiracial society again?
I am praying they won't because if they do pur movement will die. No more violence from our side! it makes us look bad. We need more people on our side before anything else
>Your pudgy low-testosterone numale
You're describing the average alt-rightist there mate.
Look at your leader Chris Cuckwell.
>sleeping giant
>crybaby beta nazi manlets
As a german I am ashamed of you guys cosplaying as nazis
Your opinion doesn't count, foreigner.
They started this weekend.
Kill yourself shill.
>don't break those chains goyim!
seriously drink bleach.
That's just like how communism, by its very nature, seeks violence as an end in and of itself!
well, the alt left has already killed 6 police officers this year so why not? Saged
LOL literally nobody on Sup Forums was talking about Chris until that VICE piece came out you retard.
I'm still a Nazi, though.
have you seen his fucking arms m8?
Nope. Most will stop being cringey fucks and grow out of it. Same goes for antifa or any other commie larpers.
And your cosy nazi cosplay won't change a thing.
"Sleeping giants" that start bawwing their eyes out when things get rough. Pathetic
Then we'll have to put a bullet in your fucking worthless brain as well.
Killing will probably be necessary in order to remove the non-white parasites from our lands.
People who have resources to lose are not so eager to show up to these events. Yet
Cenuk, pretending to be a white nazi won't get you citizenship quicker. It might actually get you arrested.
Nope, they are not black.
>Most will stop being cringey fucks and grow out of it
Not if the left keeps hounding them, doxxing them and ruining their lives, they won't. As long as the left keeps shitting the bed, the nationalist right will grow, even with terrible optics because more and more young white men have nowhere else to go.
>Then we'll have to
I'll wait here, k?
Will they use those tiki torches to burn the Reichst.. the White House?
White Rage
The black rage is their defense.
Now when the young guy in Charleston did his shootings, they instantly convicted me which gave us lots of publicity.
The guy who just did the Jewish Center killings has just been convicted. At the beginning of his closing argument he put up on the whiteboard that “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”.
But oddly enough, nobody came after me.
One explanation for this is, the same reason they put it off with CNN, they can’t deal with me.
But all this has made me consider White Rage.
If a black man runs around killing white people, it’s because of oppression.
Now if we have white guys out killing, In The Name Of White Genocide, it may be a warning.
Isolated Black killings of whites are the result of a legitimate “Black Rage”.
So isolated killings In The Name Of Genocide, may mean that instead stopping all discussion of White Genocide, the White Rage may indicate that’s exactly what we need to discuss. Or are we going to just have people keep picking up guns?
At the moment we’ve had very isolated incidents, two of them, but should we not consider White Rage?
There is no excuse for anybody just shooting other people, on a basis like this, but it may signify that we are going to have to discuss the real issue. And that does not mean with in the current bounds.
So maybe we should start looking at these isolated two killings as White Rage.
And a warning.
These alt right and antifa w.e the fuck everyone is going by are all literally scum. They are the bottom barrel representation of both the like and dislike of Trump, yet they get the most coverage....because the news is fucking garbage and want us to believe shit that isn't true not the majority.
you're right, I forgot about all the strong alphas in the alt-left.
The same is happening in the opposite way with commies. More people are be driven to it whether by their own choice or (((coercion))).
Das rite
Alman bir kadınla evliyim, beni yine de tutuklamazlar LOL
Regardless of its methods, Communism does not seek violence as an end. Communism seeks a stateless, classless, moneyless society as its end. Fascism literally seeks war and "soldier-civilians".
Sure, just wait, receive your welfare check each month and keep being useless...
>kill nazis
>posts dead Wehrmact soldier
Why do they think they're the good guys if all they do is applaud pictures of deaths from a war that happened over seventy years ago?
It's sickening and one of the biggest reasons why they'll lose this propaganda war.
Holy shit. I am literally shaking right now. Glad I saw this. Thanks for the warning, m8. Nazi life isn't for me anymore
There's probably a Jewish daycare raid in the works as we speak..
Well that's how you take power right? It's what we did in the American revolution.
Fellow nazis ABORT ABORT ABORT!! The alt-left has FIRE!! ABORT!!
Communism could be a possible future for a successful fascist society, if implemented correctly. Fascism does not have "war" as an endgoal, and "soldier-civilians" are a great way to keep your nation safe. The 2nd Amendment of America basically provides for soldier-civilians, and the Founding Fathers certainly were not fascists.
>Blacks kidnaps a autistic white guy tortures and makes him drink toilet water on livestream facebook
>Blacks beats up a old white man for voting Trump
What the fuck did you expect?
Lol just like they did in ww2
>PEACE and LOVE drawn on stairs
Yes but they hardly get the same treatment. Nobody will fire you (yet) if they figure out you used to be an antifa commie, which means they are allowed to grow out of it and eventually move on but people on the right aren't.
For all the pearl clutching, people don't appreciate how much restraint the right exercises right now but both extremes are on a collision path and if the left keep pouring oil on that fire, it will eventually turn ugly, fast.
Not to mention conspiracy theories as to whom might benefit in undermining the cohesion of Western society.
Look at the one old white dude just chilling with the two black guys. Lmfao.
I've noticed a pattern. That stupid kid shoots up that church, take down the Confederate flag and Confederate statues. Violence over taking down the statues, take George Washingtons name off of everything, he was a slave owner. When will it end?
Article related:
Left or Right?
Either way violence is inevitable.
Will this be our future?
Underrated post
>Brendan Fraser
>When will it end?
It won't. That's the thing, it never ends. Soon they'll be asking to deface Mount Rushmore.
Is that guy really wearing a Chicago Blackhawks shirt?
>implying Germany wouldn't have won WW2 if the Allies & Soviet Union weren't around
whatever helps you sleep at night!
The alt right movement is killing itself. Trump is helping them.
Loving Trump because he's making the right look like absolute shit.
MAGA lulz
idk man i think they will get stuck raping their own women and doing bukake on the weaker males in the streets and eventually the feds will have to move in and arrest people again
last time they had some blanket excuse about needing to keep the white race thriving and the feds backed down. i hear the female population dropped after a small wave of suicides and people leaving after all of that came to light years ago
Yep and it will be society's fault for not understanding them and pushing them to violence, just like the excuses made for Islam.
People that identify as liberal in general are so fucking dumb and lack critical thinking/consistency it makes me want to just quit worrying about politics.
If you are trying to copy Nazis, which you are, or at least aspire to the nazi culture, this German has even more right then you to speak.
have you seen him fucking crying m8?
Good luck on that.
MAGA lulz
I'd fuck her
Remember, the alt right is a very small percentage of Americas. Your strongly out numbered.
They left KKK rallies alone for 30 years and there was no violence. Now that massive attacks are occurring at far less extremist rallies and you're going to pretend that left-wing violence isn't a major component of this?
We had an American Nazi Party in the 1960s that actually had significant membership, and there was hardly any violence at their rallies, because people largely ignored them. If you just ignored these rallies they wouldn't get the attention they have received AND there would be no violence.
Yeah okay thats rich coming from the people who brought us nigger death threads
Grab your nuts and get a gun. Stop being a fcking white coward. Band together...
You forgot about the shooting at the Congressional baseball game
Not all of these are AntiFA related though.
If these faggots weren't so tied to their swastikas and kkk hoods, we could have had a de facto natsoc system already. Sure, it would be called "patriotism" but
>borderline trans
>in girl mode, defending white nationalists
>anti-trans wife getting triggered and saying they should be jailed for having Nazi flags
Pretty ironic. I'd feel safer crossdressing around wehraboos than around leftists if they knew I voted Trump. The former would just call me names, I'd get doxxed and bike locked by leftists.
We need to take down the spinx and the pyramids. Pharoah owned slaves. We also need to take down every biblical monument and holy site. Bible promoted slavery. I dont know enough about Islam, but something tells me the cube needs to come down to. Cuz slaves.
Pepsi, its the choice of a White generation....
I'm not even criticizing whatever you call yourselves and your movement. My post was exclusively looking at what is referred to as "the lefts" inability to be introspective and consistent, which they generally are neither from my observations. They have their narrative and their motives, rationality is becoming the least of their worries and it's sickening when my party is being overtaken by a mob of violent anarchic-syndalists that the media covers for on a routine basis.
No shit that whites have had enough, my party doesn't stand for principles much anymore. That is to say that the ones who do, like Jim Webb, are pushed out to my dismay.
*citronella intensifies*
That's rich coming from a person who says nigger.
Hope you get out unscathed from the civil war mr democrat
erm they already have killed people
there have been hundreds of transgender suicides since drumpf took office, all because of white racist shitty males
I don't live in a shitty and most of my friends/family have arable land and livestock. I'm not really worried for myself, but this nation is fucked up as a whole right now. Emotions are too high for much if any rational discourse.
That has to be Photoshopped. They're going to make Brendan fraser famous again kek.
not even matthew knows what he's doing there
>calls to leave death threat
>gets answering machine
>"Kill yourself, nigger"
Providing his phone number just automates the process.
Holy shit these guys are faggots.
See, this is why you're supposed to keep yourself anonymous and not go to such faggy events where you can be photographed.
>They're going to start killing people as time goes on, aren't they?
The Alt-Left is driven and funded by George Soros, who wants to destroy our nation and bring us to a new civil war.
We must not let that happen.
Why are you posting that?
He was the only character on HWNDU that wasn't a cuck, made the best HWNDU meme worthy moments and is actually white
And he's debating PJW soon about the legitimacy of the so called holocaust
tragedies are a mix of fate and will.
I demand blacks pay jews reparations for keeping them as slaves for hundreds of years forcing them to build the pyramids. If it wasn't for Moses the jews would still be slaves.