Well /pol? Is it true? 50% of Americans are Nazis?

Well /pol? Is it true? 50% of Americans are Nazis?

What are we supposed to do about the Nazi epidemic?

I saw Karts jump over higher stacked up tires before.
It was incomprehensible that they did but they did, like a glitch. Just saying.

"Nazi" just means white and not wanting to go extinct.

So... maybe?

Make it 100%

>this person exists

Some say karts can consume 10 times their weight

>You're supposed to be allies

The fuck? No one has to be anything they don't want to be. I thought that was the whole fucking point of their side of the bullshit divide.
Time to get the jumper-cables.

>womens studies
>over $100K in student loans

What a worthless cunt

Based ladbible commenters though wtf?

Based Liam