Anything Adrenochrome related

Was just in a redpill thread that got 404'd, apparently some dude with his girlfriend and roommate...I was just about to ask about this when it got deleted.

I want everything on adrenochrome and why (((they))) use it/ how they get it etc...or just whatever stray redpills you got lying around

Other urls found in this thread:

I think they use it to artificially induce schizophrenia for whatever reason.

it's extremely easy to produce by any amateur level chemist, aka big fat nothing burger

It's supposed to give you a high similar to the feeling you have right before you sneeze, or that feeling just before you drift off to sleep. It's supposed to reduce ageing, make the face a little red and provide some elasticity and vigour to the skin, hair, and nails. See Hillary Clinton, for example, she had her supply cut off and she looked like her shit was just fucked up compared to before. She was also kinda weird behavior wise without it. That being said, it supposedly also allows the (((elite))) to ascend to a higher plane of dimension to communicate and recieve messages from the entities there (i.e. Saturn). Perhaps this was how (((they))) knew of Saturn and the hexagon even long ago, before space travel existed?

Fair enough, thanks. Doesn't really explain how I've never heard anything about it till the whole pizzagate/pedogate thing. I've never seen LSD or DMT, yet they're potent drugs and I've atleast heard of them. If adrenochrome is as potent as some say and can be made by "amateur level chemists", how come I've never heard even a whisper about it?

Yeah I remember, she literally looked dead. It freaked the fuck out of me. Thanks for the info though, never heard about the communication thing

It is also believed that (((they))) harvest it from humans, specifically children through trafficking. These children are raped, tortured and groomed as well to (((their))) satanic whims and I suppose their rituals are fucked up because it involves getting a high as well with l hurting God's most innocent creation, children. Kind of like how the Chinese torture animals to death before consumption or serving them freshly dead or on the brink of death, it makes the pineal gland and the amygdala more potent in andrenochrome since the sympathetic nervous system has been put into overdrive through the vast torture and sexual abuse they endure.

>any amateur level chemist
Funny, considering it can only be produced in the human body at a single specific point of epinephrine electron oxidation. Also, there have never been any major studies done on it, most chemists don't know a solid thing about it or what its effects really are. The only reviews of the drug were done during the MkUltra days by scientist associated with the program.

Of course, LSD was the first attempt to synthesize it back in 1938 in Switzerland when they said they were attempting to create a 'blood stimulant'

Details of what you're referring to when you speak of Saturn?