what is it about Columbus that triggers the shit out of lefties?
What is it about Columbus that triggers the shit out of lefties?
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he's white and male
he's a fucking white male and prolly heteronormative too, worst offense possible
dudes just alpha as fuck
>accidental discovers future greatest country in human history
>kills a bunch of natives
>queens like "nigga, don't you enslave does niggas!"
>does it anyway
>gets arrested for still selling slaves cause fuck it
>dies in jail like an og
Because the first thing we be teached in school is dat he discovered america when there already be ppl living here
just shows how white ppl lie in the educashun system to make theyselves look on top.
He was a piece of shit that led to the deaths of millions of natives?
>Accidentally discovers future greatest country in human history.
Do you know something about Venezuela that I don't?
this is actually not columbus on this picuture.
He never had his portrait taken while he was alife.
Friendly reminder Christopher Columbus was a Sephardic Jew
>Portrait by Pedro Berruguete (1450-1504), who knew Christopher Columbus personally, having lived at the Spanish court at the time of the great discoverer. The portrait, the authenticity of which was supported by important experts, among whom Raimondo Sirotti, director of the Academy of Fine Arts of Genoa, was acquires by an American businessman in 1991. The main features of said portrait exactly correspond to the description made by Fernando in his Historie, where he describes his father as featuring "a long face, high cheeks, blond hair, clear complexion and blue eyes", the same description being reported also by Angelo Trevisan, who was a very good friend of Columbus'.
He looks like every hollywood movie villain
Millions of pieces of shit who attacked the peaceful European explorers. The indians were primitive and deserved it.
he was portuguese
This. How can Sup Forums support him when he literally brings tears to the eyes of innocent native americans in this video
We need to ban Columbus day.
The man is a hero, he made one of the greatest achievements of navigation by sailing for months witouth the sight of land, at a time where are sailing was done near the coast at the sight of land
If not for him I would not have running water and electricity right now
Fuck you, he's a genocidal maniac that slaughtered my people and stole our land. People like you are the reason why I'm pro white genocide.
Columbus killed and enslaved some natives, but the "genocide" was solely caused by accident. They had no idea that germs existed or that they still carried around smallpox despite.
They hate him because he stood up to the leftists of his time, the godless commie native americans.
He was too based
Well first of all, they deserved it all because they were monstrous, inhumane beings. Second of all, he didn't do fucking anything. He died pretty soon after stumbling upon America. Everything the explorers did after that was out of his hands. You're blaming the dude who made the combustion engine for drunk drivers.
Too entrepreneural
“While I was in the boat I captured a very beautiful Carib woman, whom the said Lord Admiral gave to me, and with whom, having taken her into my cabin, she being naked according to their custom, I conceived desire to take pleasure. I wanted to put my desire into execution but she did not want it and treated me with her finger nails in such a manner that I wished I had never begun. But seeing that (to tell you the end of it all), I took a rope and thrashed her well, for which she raised such unheard of screams that you would not have believed your ears. Finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you that she seemed to have been brought up in a school of harlots."
Weak cultures get absorbed by stronger cultures, its not based Colons fault that you did not manage to integrate into the new culture
Puerto Rico recently got done with the installation of this statue, I'd like to see leftists try to topple it over
no you dipshit, he was Genoese. Fuck off with your Mascarenhas de Barreto theory of Cuba birthplace.
>Try to fuck a native
>She says "no"
>Whip her with a rope
>She screams loudly
>"Ok fuck let's make a deal here..."
He'll kill and enslave them but won't rape?
butcher shops throughout the Caribbean where Indian bodies were sold as dog food. There was also a practice known as the montería infernal, the infernal chase, or manhunt, in which Indians were hunted by war-dogs.
These dogs—who also wore armor and had been fed human flesh, were a fierce match for the Indians. Live babies were also fed to these war dogs as sport, sometimes in front of horrified parents.
Almost user. It's more like this
>Be nice guy
>ask the native to have sex
>Native plays hard to get and says no
>Get mad because you haven't had sex for months
>Whip her with a rope
>Girl gets turned on by your alpha attitude
>Realize she's turned on, decide to play this out
>Make a deal by giving her a safety word
>Choke her throughout the sex session while she moans in ecstatic pleasure
>School of harlots indeed
Christopher Colombus never set foot on any land that is part of the United States. He dicked around in the carribean, killed a bunch of Injuns, and then died of Syphullis
This does not break the NAP