I'll just leave this here.
((( Laura Joomer)))
Other urls found in this thread:
(((loomer))) is a kike whore
Oh man look at those digits, and be careful because Loomer is, excuse me, (((Loomer))) is CIA/Masonic. Her job is to excommunicate the far right from the cuckservative mainstream right, playing the same role the William F. Cuckley Jr played in the 70's and 80's.
Going after your family is Mafia tactics. It makes her scum.
What a fucking disgusting jew.
What if she's right? Why do all these people have ties to money from the democratic side? Why is Spencer, Enoch, Duke, and others so closely tied into Clinton?
the alt-right is just another deep state-run movement. the difference is that it is a different wing of the deep state than the one usually talked about on Sup Forums. This may be for the best, since the current ruling class has shown itself to be insane.
who complain? just go after her family.
Anyone that doesnt peg them as controlled opposition within minutes of seeing who they are and what they do is beyond help
Its his 60~ year old mother that this Jew is harassing, not Mike himself.
>literally just a picture
Go away (((Joomer)))
>not realizing that Jews lie and anyone can post a fake phone conversation
>tell friend what to message you
>don't show contact name/number
>grow up in Democrat liberal shithole NYC
>get redpilled
>but everyone you knew and grew up with and all your family are still shitlibs
Not everyone on the right was indoctrinated into it. A lot of us found the path on our own despite our upbringing
"Bring back the 3 dead".
Implying a helicopter crash was caused by the rally, how fucking retarded and deceitful do you have to be in order for you to say such things?
These people are literally the children of lucifer the lord of lies.
You haven't even mentioned Kessler, who was literally a defender and member of Occupy and worked for Obama's re-election in 2012.
Anyone who actually entrusts anything with Enoch at this point is beyond saving. If you sleep through a fire alarm that's been blaring for 2 hours straight as the flames surround your bed, I can't help you.
This site is the fucking same place that first exposed Hal Turner being a Fed, and the WNs didn't believe us for years. Until his attorney revealed in court that, yep, we were right all along.
Lots of people post this A Wyatt Mann cartoon but edit out the context. This is the original, it's been happening for years and because WNs are too fucking dumb to learn from the experience of others it will keep on happening, I guess. Cheers.
Stop doxing people.
It is repugnant behavior. If you see a crime such as ANTIFA hitting someone collect the info and report them to the police. Stop trying to get a mob to harass private citizens just b/c the Left wants to. We are better than the Left. We can beat them just by allowing them to be themselves.
It doesn't change the fact that she doxed a guy's mom because he's a 'nazi'. This is disgusting kike behavior no matter how you slice it.
I completely agree, and I have no idea who either of these two are, I was just point out how easy it would be to stage something like this.
>people who actually stand up for white people in public are controlled opposition
>the only way to truly stand up for whites is on anonymous Chinese Claymation forums, otherwise you're controlled opposition and bad for "muh optics"
I voted for the nigger twice too. . . even worked the phones in 08 and went to hear him speak, people grow and change.
She's a kike
Mike Enoch is a beady-eyed kike himself.
I couldn't care less. Let the Jews destroy each other.
never trust a jew.
Well in a way it was. When the CIA plant got out of the car he wasn't expecting to be spotted by the big ole eye in the sky so they had to (((shut it down)))
alt-lite: infinitely more disgusting than any nazi larper or commie weakling
His DNA test suggests otherwise, slav nordic mongrel. But not a kike.
no fucking shit
Hai guise. Praise KEK! MAGA!
I voted Obama in 2012, and Trump in 2016. Times change. Things change. The fact that this is a growing movement means that a lot of people will have a history of shitlibery. This is what they mean by "purity spiralling"
Listen to The Daily Shoah, and then look at a side-profile of Loomer, and you'll know why she's against him.
Loomer and Rebel Media are a dumb low-level zionist pressure valve group but Mike Enoch and Spencer ARE deep state saboteurs.
Notice how they keep handing the left field days? Notice how they never adjust their tactics despite utter catastrophes and just keep doing it? That's because they are working for the yids.
But 0% white... interesting...
They're still controlled opposition. All the major public figures are controlled opposition in any American social movement. Things only happen because people with real power want them to happen. There is no "standing up", you need to get sympathetic elites with real power on your side.
How much do they pay you faggots to sit on here all day? Can I get in on this?
That is circular reasoning my dude. Unless you're a Jew or indoctrinated by them you should cut that shit out
what a fucking snitch little bitch. the guy is a kike scum but she is lunatic.
the internet was a mistake, people behave without restrictions and without considering consequences
Really I just think Spencer is out of his depth and incompetent rather than a shill. He's some faggy drama club kid with rich parents who thought he could be a leader of men but he just doesn't understand organization or even human nature.
The average alt-right person isn't controlled opposition, just the major figures.
Maybe controlled opposition isn't the right word. It'd be better to say that they exist because there is some segment of the elite that wants them to exist. There is no such thing as a mass popular uprising - things happen because a segment of the elite wants them to happen.
Stop dumping your canned narratives here TRS. It's all about ego and roleplaying as heroes for you, you don't give a fucking if the results are a disaster. Your leaders are actual feds and you're too deep in your LARP fantasy mindset to realize it.
Well...you might be right.
Spencer I'm not so sure about, but Enoch has to be legit, he raises too many good thoughts not to be.
What if some segments of the elite are sympathetic to wn? What then?
Nobody is buying your controlled opposition shilling you SHAREBLUE kikes need to update your scripts
>What if some segments of the elite are sympathetic to wn? What then?
This is precisely what we want to happen. Currently, the segment of the elite with the most power is Jewish with some traitorous white collaborators. This has historically been a very bad thing.
Everyone is controlled op! Never leave your house! Never trust anyone! Just shit post here goyim it will all work out
And (((Frank Collin))) was a nazi clown. Seriously, this is interesting information to hear.
>not white
Looks like varg has gone full autist
Yeah this is getting tiring can we please go back to the nuclear codes angle that's a lot more fun
Well Spencer appears to be one of those guys then, he's part of the old wasp aristocracy.
Jason Kessler worked for oba ma or something as well
>the joo exposed us for the Democrat shills we are!
this is great, link these cancerous Nazi faggots to the Clintons and the left
>Spencer I'm not so sure about,
Spencer is very sketchy but not because of the reasons people on this board say, Look into his ties with and research Alexander Dugin and you'll see what i mean
The Mafia explicitly DIDN'T go after family. That is Mexican Cartel tier.
>Mafia tactics
Goodness, not in this day and age. Even Chicago niggers are starting to learn why that shit is a bad idea.
>Waste of resources through mistaken identity.
>Makes you countless potential enemies in the area, in a country where there's a gun behind every blade of grass whether it's legal or not.
>The Mafia is just so fucking entrenched under facades of unions and politics, it doesn't have to do anything that requires busting someone's kneecaps. They'd rather steal $1 dollar from 1000 people than $1000 from 1, and so their easy money making slips by as easily as a cashier might pocket a dime of change.
Look, I know Sup Forums tends to attract you schizoid types but stop for a minute and think.
Do you realize there were prominent left wing terror groups like the Weathermen bombing people left and right in the 70's? That sure wasn't "good optics" at the time but somehow these people all found jobs teaching at Columbia and Berkeley and training the next wave of government officials, circuit court judges and corporate executives. Read Days of Rage for more info on the subject.
Politics isn't about convincing normies using arguments. Normies go where they see power and security. It's like Bin Laden said.
>When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse.
You must show strength no matter what. You can show no weakness. You cannot apologize or admit fault.
>(((rRabbi Media)))
I volunteered for Obama in 2008. The Hillary people's SJW witchhunts/purity spiraling really woke me up to how non-viable the Democratic Party had become for white men.
Loomer is a piece of shit for doxxing someone's mom.
thats nazi tier right there
ewww what is wrong with her face?
Where in the world would that look come from or is it some kind of ungodly hybrid?
He might be, the WASPs seem to be more vulnerable to falling into Jewish collaboration, though. What is needed is to somehow have the ability to match the left's institutional power. For instance, they have all the radical lawyers, wealthy (often Jewish) backers of globalization, universities, and so on.
the closest thing the right can have is probably the military, so it would make sense to try to build sympathy among elites with ties to the military-industrial complex. the police and FBI is probably the next best bet.
Shhh don't tell them. Let them find out on their own that their shit doesn't work.
>(((Mike Enoch)))
What's your point boy?
If you put your digital footprint out there, ya done just fucked up son.
I hope "Unite the Right" done teach y'all a lesson, that ya ass is fixing to understand. Don't ruin your lives for some hogshit boy. Become the kike. (You)s, become subliminal & subversive.
Literally, start a dang family y'all. Shit!
Snow niggers don't have souls. I thought everyone knew this.
But I'd forgive her for it, if she let me motorboat her sweet tits!
Yeah Spencer is very clearly into the 4th political theory, and I don't really like him so much because he wants a great empire.
Anyway, don't listen to all the concern trolls and Jewish infiltrators.
They are in massive panic mode now and are in overdrive, never surrender, never back down, our cause is just, lawful and good.
The anti-christian horde will no doubt try to silence any action of the good and truthful.
>Listen to The Daily Shoah, and then look at a side-profile of Loomer, and you'll know why she's against him.
Listen to Hal Turner, and then look at a side-profile of a Sup Forums user and you'll know why their against him.
I thought that too from listening to his podcast but his continued defence of spence and the fact that his wife is not just jewish but an activist makes me think he's just a really good double agent
If spencer isn't a fed, I have no idea why he gets defended and why he's appointed as leader when he's a useless speaker. He doesn't have the attitude to be able to troll like Trump. He talks like a valley girl and it doesn't suit him, he comes across as a pussy trying to act tough which emboldens the left and cements beta male stereotypes in the mind of nigs whereas when Trump says shit like about putting bullets in pigs blood he has a wise guy persona that smooths it over and makes it funny.
Yes we do have souls you xenophobic cunt.
>stay inside while we fuck everything up goyim
jew on jew violence? who cares
>the right are eating themselves
Loving every laugh.
>I don't really like him so much because he wants a great empire.
Yup for Russia
>Anyway, don't listen to all the concern trolls and Jewish infiltrators.
>They are in massive panic mode now and are in overdrive, never surrender, never back down, our cause is just, lawful and good.
Don't worry friendo i've been stalwart helping hold down the fort against the horde, its pretty funny this wave of shills seems to be normie liberals with no backbone we've dealt with way worse than this
> people grow and change
I agree with you, but how can you prop yourself up as an organizer of two rallies in Cville (both of which were fucking fiascos) so soon after being on their side? How does such a person rise so quickly to a leadership position?
That's rhetorical -- they rise quickly through the ranks because other leaders vouch for them. The FBI does the same thing when trying to expand the range of infiltrators in criminal organizations -- they get one low-level hood on their side, who vouches for an actual agent, who then vouches for other agents.
Didn't enoch marry a jew ? Or was that fake news from shareblue cause I forget.
he did it was before he got redpilled and they obviously divorced after his doxxing
it's almost like those are both terrible, dishonest people
I never see ANYONE on Sup Forums directly defend Spencer. Just constant waves of shilling against him, starting from the week after Trump got elected.
I had never heard of him until wave after wave of shills flooded the board with Anti-Spencer memes. I still don't know shit about him, but I do know that nobody on the right gets this much negative attention on Sup Forums without a reason.
Fuck out leftpol
Laura loomer is a evil kike
Enoch and Spencer are god guys
Dox her back.
From Zero Hedge:
The guy in charge of the "white supremacists" worked for obama a couple years ago this whole thing became an agent provocateur operation to distract from how russiagate is all but indicting the dnc, the cia and the nsa for treason.
stay on them. don't get distracted.
This. I think he's a legit larper that's probably being led by deep state operatives. Mike Enoch on the other hand could be deep state, but he still seems like he's got a soul, unlike Loomer.
Also remember how the ALCU, a jew run organization that does nothing but attack right wingers, suddenly decided to fight in court for the Chancellorsville rally people to get a permit when they were initially denied?
>The city of Charlottesville had tried to revoke the protest permit of one of the rally organizers, Jason Kessler. But the ACLU, among others, came to his legal defense, arguing in court that the move was trying to unlawfully restrict his free speech.
Why would they do this?
>Enoch has to be legit, he raises too many good thoughts not to be
> t. man who invented the worst criteria for determining the legitimacy of leaders ever
Judge men on their deeds, not their talk. Human nature 101 here, man.
So maybe this is what's happening then.
1990 - 2014 PC culture grows rapidly and becomes unbearable
2014 - 2016 People push back against it through counterculture memes, establishing alt groups, and happen to get some political change (Brexit, Trump)
2015 - 2017 At the same time that counterculture push is happening the Feds/Deepstate/Jews (pick your poison) see what is happening and develop a plan.
This plan is one they've used numerous times before. Put idiots in the midst of the group, have them ramp up dialogue, make them organize real world action, get them arrested, discredit everyone.
Basically all these figure heads Spencer, Kessler, Enoch, Duke, etc are the newer version of Hal Turner. We're getting crushed right now because of them. If you remove these faggots from the equation we would have nothing but upward momentum but with them in the mix things are stagnating and reversing course.
you're doing it right now
>The Mafia is just so fucking entrenched under facades of unions and politics, it doesn't have to do anything that requires busting someone's kneecaps. They'd rather steal $1 dollar from 1000 people than $1000 from 1, and so their easy money making slips by as easily as a cashier might pocket a dime of change.
so basically kikes? don't answer that, i already know
>russiagate is all but indicting the dnc, the cia and the nsa for treason.
This is what shills want us to believe...
How the fuck is the US government gonna indict itself?
Ok, I'll do all that.
When you stop posting like a nigger.
>be blacklisted in future job prospects
>get gifted a criminal record
>can't vote anymore
>get potentially injured for LARPing hard at a fucking rally, putting yourself in unnecessary danger
Damn son, now I know your ass is fucking hella young with no fucking kids.
>not living the 14/88 life, literally
>not having foresight & delayed gratification
Your shit is more hotter than Ghost Pepper sauce that can cook a whole hog's ass with a spoonful.
>to be young
>oh lord
Because every time a KKK march happens the ACLU gets more money. If they actually solved race problems in Americanthey wouldn't need to exist anymore. Can't make shekels if your business has no reason to exist.
Whatever youngling, getchyo ass permanently BLACKLISTED from jobs, not making enough income to raise a God damn family, son.
I like how fast they started propping up their own in the "new media". Fucking kikes man.
time to dox this kike and all of her family. don't want none, wont get none...
WASPs are simply Jews by another name. But moreover, this source partly proves you wrong:
I just said, I know very little about the guy. But I'm not gonna just take it for granted when a bunch of 1 post by this ID threads pop up calling him a plant. You're going to need an actual argument for me to believe that.
Italians and Jews are basically the same
I know people want to act all well-adjusted and shit and scoff at this. But it's perfectly possible that the car rammer guy was with the deep state and this was all planned. It has the vibe of the Aylan Kurdi shilling, where it seemed like they already had the narrative written and within a day they made a decision to flood Europe with muslims.
That shows pre-planning. Not necessarily that they planned to kill the boy but that they were waiting for an 'iconic' dead refugee photo/video and then to have a day of action to emotionally bludgeon people while they opened the gates.
Politicians don't just make huge, historical decisions like that based on emotion, especially not in lockstep. Obvious conspiracy.