I read Richard Spencer's Alt Right manifesto and fellow AnCaps of Sup Forums, the alt-right is not our friend...

I read Richard Spencer's Alt Right manifesto and fellow AnCaps of Sup Forums, the alt-right is not our friend. The literal figure head of the movement is anti individualism and even says he's very economically socialist. Would these anti-liberty assholes be physically removed from AnCapistan? I'm sorry but I don't care if you're right wing. If you're a tankie, a fascist or even a nazi, you gotta be physically removed.

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Nazis get the helicopter too.

Spencer has got to go

How much of a cuck are you?
Heil Hitler, we are not even fascists, pleb.
I don't think you understand anything about the actual doctrine of the alt right. Ancap is merely a step in the direction of true traditionalism. It's time to cast off all semblance of the corrupt and embrace that which is fundamentally right and true.

Repent ye, ancapafag.

Fuck off KEK we don't need some stupid fucking autistic loser ideology from the fucking 1930s

Unironic nazis are literally low IQ inbred trailer trash that need to be physically removed just like the fucking niggers because fundamentally they are the same

>Still thinking Spencer or any of the other major figureheads have any legitimacy

>ever having thought so

>implying the majority of nazi/pol/ doesn't fap to Dicky daily

Throws around meaningless
buzzwords like commie ._.