I read Richard Spencer's Alt Right manifesto and fellow AnCaps of Sup Forums, the alt-right is not our friend...

I read Richard Spencer's Alt Right manifesto and fellow AnCaps of Sup Forums, the alt-right is not our friend. The literal figure head of the movement is anti individualism and even says he's very economically socialist. Would these anti-liberty assholes be physically removed from AnCapistan? I'm sorry but I don't care if you're right wing. If you're a tankie, a fascist or even a nazi, you gotta be physically removed.

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Nazis get the helicopter too.

Spencer has got to go

How much of a cuck are you?
Heil Hitler, we are not even fascists, pleb.
I don't think you understand anything about the actual doctrine of the alt right. Ancap is merely a step in the direction of true traditionalism. It's time to cast off all semblance of the corrupt and embrace that which is fundamentally right and true.

Repent ye, ancapafag.

Fuck off KEK we don't need some stupid fucking autistic loser ideology from the fucking 1930s

Unironic nazis are literally low IQ inbred trailer trash that need to be physically removed just like the fucking niggers because fundamentally they are the same

>Still thinking Spencer or any of the other major figureheads have any legitimacy

>ever having thought so

>implying the majority of nazi/pol/ doesn't fap to Dicky daily

Throws around meaningless
buzzwords like commie ._.

Fuck off. They ARE low IQ. They ARE trailer trash. Look at fucking David Duke and Dicky. If that's your role model, kys.

fuck off commie

I think David Duke is fundamentally misunderstood.

Wrong. Dicky is the socialist and you're a fucking spic. If you hadn't spic'd it up Chile could have been a 1st world country but you had to be literal niggers when Pinochet-senpai would have stepped down anyway.

well it was certainly a very coordinated effort, so it's best we acquiesce

the helicopter memes going to go?

Coerced Collectivism is cancer.

You're an ancap?

You're a fucking idiot.

He's a collectivist identitarian just like Al Sharpton; the only different is he caters to whites instead of blacks. We already know that if we eliminate gibs the niggers will die, anyone using identity politics instead of talking about eliminating gibs is either a moron or controlled opposition.

t. Gommunist

on podcast with Anglin he said gays are disgusting

>he said gays are disgusting
>that makes it OK to support Tulsi Gabbard, be pro-welfare for whites only, carry around tiki torches and literally undo any progress the rest of the right had made before Dicky's sperge
Helicopter. Now.


"Alt-right" is controlled opposition. The only people who self-identify as "alt-right" are redditors and shills. Sup Forums is an amalgam of NatSoc, Civic Nationalist, AnCap and various flavours of libertarians and conservatives. Don't let (((them))) subvert our identities into their bullshit boogeyman.

Yes, fill my country with high IQ gooks and poos to boost the GDP.

Absolutely, all commies and in the closet commies(socialists) will be dropped.

Corporations love statism. They have the resources to lobby the state goons, while everybody else doesn't.
What about you senpai? You believe you're not a useful idiot to state goons? They LOVE your support.


>he likes to pretend whites are the master race
>he admits gooks and poos would raise GDP
really toasting my peanuts, senpai


Ironically no, they would do what minorities usually do. Vote for their ethnic self-interest.

>look all minorities are the same as niggers
Show your fucking real flag you europoor skinhead.

Yeah. Because the Jews are 100% for you being free.

they dont
4plebs has a record of everything
but no one cares

>unironically trying to counter signal the alt-kike on Sup Forums
>when implicit Dickie's honeypot was unanomously laughed the fuck out of here years before the election
>mfw all these fucking newfags who don't recognize shit tier shilling

Trimmed version would be better
Yours is a shitty mutation of the brain meme without enough improvement of art quality from the second, third, and fourth to sell it
The content of what the snakes are saying isn't different enough past the first two, either.

pretending /nsg/ isn't literally worshiping dicky now

They're worse than niggers because they wield actual influence instead of shooting each other in their urban shitholes.

Nazism will never work here because American culture and historical identity is anti authoritarian. In order for a political ideology to be successful, either it must be adapted to the culture (libertarianism and authoritarianism are diametrically opposed) or the culture must be changed. Nazism doesn't have the resources or pull to influence anything but a fringe of Americans.

That's why the establishment and media goons are launching a full blown chinese style cultural revolution here, complete with full covert state support. They have to completely rewrite and invalidate our history and culture before they can institute their flavor of gommunism. They are doing this by attacking middle class white men, who represent the economic and military power of western civilization. By destroying this power, they will remove all opposition to authoritarianism.

It's gonna get a lot worse than it is now.

See pic for what's in store for here.

>i worship my skin color because its my only redeeming feature

>people who make a national socialist general on a national socialist board are retards and newfags
Color me fucking surprised.
