Can we crowdfund for an Adolf Hitler statue to be erected and placed on private land? The leftists would go ballistic and could be legally shot in some states if they tried to trespass.
Hitler statue
>private land
Another idiot missing the point. No one gives a shit about privately funded statues in your back yard.
They would if it was built near a public road and its existence was made known to antifa.
This. There might even be people who own empty plots in a major city.
Do it. There are several statues like that for Ethnic Russians heroes who fought against the Soviets in the Second Wolrd War on private property.
If you make it 50m high then you are golden anyhow
Yes please
>50m tall hitler in someone's backyard
That Asian couple who just bought the ultra-rich cul de sac in San Francisco would probably take offers...
statues cost like shit kangaroo fucker. each cost a minimum 100k
also whats the fucking point putting it on a fuckign private land? I rather use the money to build myself a statue of my waifu
I would donate money to fund this.
Hell, some shrewd investor should create a "Free Speech Park" and fill it with all the future banned monuments and statues. Charge admission but have the Hitler statue be 50 ft tall and visible to the road.
Huge Hitler statue would get you sweet UstaĊĦe pussy and Croat mates, waifu statue would put you on the sex offenders list
Devilish, I like it.
no. how about satan?
you can buy statue sized plots in some cities right next to sidewalks and stuff. Buy it, place it on that tiny parcel of land and they couldn't do anything about it.
Make sure it's in a state with strong castle laws, so the owner can shoot trespassers.
Sup Forums should come together,build an anime statue, put it in public and tell everyone the alt right funded it
then we all laugh at the SJWs protesting and getting butthurt at anime
The statue must be at least 50 high. There are a lot of filthy rich National Socialists and it would be a huge statement
this, must be able to protect property with deadly force.
They would probably seize the land with eminent domain.
>build statue of a figure the left hates
>insure it for millions
>collect insurance money
It's not fraud because you're not destroying it yourself.
This... would actually work.
So; 2 options.
1) build it in state with strong castle laws, shoot them when they come to take it down.
2) built it, and insure the fuck out of it, and wait for Antifa to come and destroy it.
>implying insurance companies are stupid enough to play along
Nice, let's not cuck out this time and actually do it
Depends on the state. Some states require the land to be seized must have public benefit to improve infrastructure. Atleast that is how it is in NJ
>we wuz winning Cold War
Fucking americommies
... user you are absolutely devious.
I love it.
Sup Forums's version of he will not divide us.
No that's gay as fuck grow up and stop watching cartoons
They only need to fall for it once.
But Hitler was an idiot who screwed up his war effort with his poor strategic sense and wasting resources on death camps
You can oppose communism, identity politics and the jews without being a nazi
Is it forgotten he was a major war hero in the First World War and went back to the front lines multiple times despite injuries,sunk with his ship in Berlin and restored Germany in mere years? Despite the bad, their must be good.
It's about sending the message and killing antifa for giggles. No one beats his figure in that. Imagine a fucking 50 m high Hitler
>build hitler statue on private land
>set up guard tower
>snipe lefties and nogs for trespassing
and we can put it on live pay per view tv, make profit
>Free speech park
PLEASE make this happen Sup Forums
We need a special for unapologetically White figures. We need a damn message
I'm sure there's an abandoned lot for sale in Chicago or Detroit.
Probably right down town for cheap...
Why did Martin have to go to jail
>This... would actually work.
>So; 2 options.
>1) build it in state with strong castle laws, shoot them when they come to take it down.
>2) built it, and insure the fuck out of it, and wait for Antifa to come and destroy it.
Why not both?
you're assuming any insurance company would touch it.
Buy some blighted plot in a city where castle laws fly (I think Florida will work)?
If this happens, Rothschilds bow to \pol\.
fuckin bump
Ok so things we need:
>Crowdfunding campaign
>Blighted piece of property in Castle Law state
I can take point on finding a suitable piece of land. Does anyone want to go about getting a quote on a large bronze statue of Hitler?
Hitler is legitmately scarier than Satan to normies.
Who gives a flying fuck what kind of statue you and your buddies want to jack off to on private land, let alone Australian private land?
O GOD make it happen im sure someone will build the damn thing for free
Mfw I'll never be able to shoot leftys touching my Adolf statue
>make a liberal construct it
don't just have a Hitler statue but also a Stalin and Mao statue next to Hitler.
get a video camera installed to see which one people will vandalize.
GoFundMe for 50 m Hitler now!
Mobilize, rich, woke anons!
>someone being so assblasted that they purchase a 50m Hitler statue in their yard
Ok so PA has decent Castle Laws (Dwelling includes porch, attached patio, etc.).
I would propose we get pic related. It should be about $250 a month plus the down payment (about $10-$12K).
Kek. I like it, but it wouldn't hold in court
>pay my rent Sup Forums
no nigga.
Can you legally gun down like 20 antfia members in your back yard so long if they were trespassing, or would the courts find it unlawful
No. It's $250 a month for the mortgage. Hell. We could even get some nigger to be our tenant and give him a bit of a break if he agrees to defend the statue for us.
I have a nice /comfy/ apartment already
Unlawful I believe. Castle laws only apply within home
if they are trespassing with intent to damage your property, I am sure you could easily make a case that you feared for your life. The law is very flexible in this area.
The only time you can't shoot is basically when they are trying to run away. So make sure you hit them in the front.
Someone in Texas get it going.
>Does anyone want to go about getting a quote on a large bronze statue of Hitler?
Just make them write "(You)" on the base of it
You can defend your property with lethal force in Texas.
We'd have to be prepared to face constant civil lawsuits, though. Legally, we'd be on solid ground, at least.
No. I meant like a price estimate Kek
The price of land in north Texas at least is skyrocketing from all the Californians moving here. I would help pitch in though
That's taller than the colossal titan
It's all in how you articulate things, which is easy when you're the only one alive to tell the story.
brb making some OC
Can't find the source, but IIRc some guy in Texas shot a random teenager for running across his lawn after robbing his neighbor's house.
i will guard it
20 of them constitutes a threat you can neither wait to respond tobnor run from
The law gets weird here though, because if you do not do EVERYTHING you can to shoot every single one to death completely, they rule that you were not afraid
Camping with a trap to exploit murder on your soil under some sort of legal justification is self explanatory.
Let's face it, some humans aren't as smart as the others. You're huntin in a mentally ill world..
my sides
Instruction in world history in the so-called high schools is even today in a very sorry condition. Few teachers understand that the study of history can never be to learn historical dates and events by heart and recite them by rote; that what matters is not whether the child knows exactly when this battle or that was fought, when a general was born, or even when a monarch (usually a very insignificant one) came into the crown of his forefathers. No, by the living God, this is very unimportant. To 'learn' history means to seek and find the forces which are the causes leading to those effects which we subsequently perceive as historical events
That sounds like a dumb idea. Now's the time to let the left be the edgelords while we hang back and he reasonable
>But with a statue of Hitler
RIP .. Robin Williams :((((
Make it something that is actually anti hitler, but you can't tell from a distance. Like, have him standing in flames, but the flames don't come up past the fence height. Have a plaque say "hitler burns in hell"
The idiots will still deface it
Texas overall is on the low end of average when it comes to land prices in the US still though.
NO NO NO NO!!! I Meant a fucking price estimate!!!
That's gay as fuck
I will donate a small plot of land just outside of portland.
nice try antifa
Our property tax is high though
Louisiana is much, much better for land purchasing
How are your castle laws up there? If some faggots come to wreck your edgy statue, do you have the right to use deadly force?
in Texas you can!
they're on your lawn? shoot 'em. you aren't liable for their injuries if they survive, either.
helps if you have a "no trespassing" sign clearly visible.
>had friend
>gets in a fight with his other friend
>friends no more
>other friend comes up and starts to take a shit on doormat
>friend unloads a CO2 pellet gun into his ass through screen door
>kid goes to hospital
>calls cops
>cops talk to friend
>other friend almost gets criminal charges for trespassing
>friend gets off scott free
the end.
and I've heard story after story of kids getting filled with bird shot and being shot at with rifles while trespassing.
if you trespass in Texas, you're risking your life.
Artist's conceptualization of the proposed Bronze Hitler Statue
That was Oklahoma. similar laws. Texas is even MORE free like that.
Just remember you can't shoot them in the back, or if they're trying to flee. That's where they can get you. The purpose of the law is to defend property, not murder people legally
Found a possible place to have the statue commissioned. Life-sized bronze statues start at $29K
Why not just surround the statue with multiple booby traps like a pit of spikes or something?
Do the laws have anything to say about center of mass vs headshot?
A first shot to the head isnt so diffocult eith a clear line of sight
I'm not big on the goy who fell for the Jewish ploy McCoy, but I would love to see some retards get shot over this, or murka get turned into the third world shit hole it deserves to be. Nothing better than antifa with bazookas getting shot by rednecks with gattling guns. But at that point we become the jewz... I wonder if we are part of a divide and conquer Jewish plot... who cares though this world is cancer filled with retards anyway... just burn it down.