Refute this pol
Whites are the most skilled at warfare, therefore more evolutionarily competitive. We invented morality and it's coming back to bite us in the ass, because we told darkies and slanties that they're equal and they believed it. White pride=reminding shartskins that we are superior. We're doing them a favor.
Anyways, can you name one category where whites aren't the best? Art, architecture, philosophy, music, law, science, war, technology, entertainment etc?
White pride is an American concept, for almost the same reason as the author states for blacks. Whites lost their culture in an amalgamation where only some superficial remains are left, stripped of all original meaning and made into neat little marketable hollow shells. Germanness is about more than Oktoberfest, just like Irishness is more than St. Patrick's day. I feel Dutch first and foremost, but of course I share more with fellow whites than with others, given similarities in history and culture
"white" is an emergent quality of the european diaspora in the New World linked to the common past of (in US context) colonization-pioneer era-frontier-consolidation of the state
Based on the picture though, blacks do have more of a right to "black culture" as they don't know their ancestry specifically. So white pride isn't fair, based on their argument, since we know our ancestry.
It's an honest point and I'm not sure how to refute it.
Of course they can trace back their ancestry via historical documents and DNA examination. They just dont want to. Its easier being the "victim".
It is, but that doesn't mean we can't have it. It's like a cripple telling you you have to crawl because he can't walk.
Besides, most Americans don't 'know' their heritage. 1/8 German , 1/4 British etc isn't 'knowing your heritage'
That's all well and good, but they refer to us all as whites, not "irish, french, english" etc. They are actively trying to breed us out. White people, as their conglomerate term, is just 10% of the planet at this point and dropping fast.
"White pride" is just a term for people who don't know what else to call it.
White people never did anything wrong or different than anyone else. The african slaves were sold by africans. They were bought by mostly other africans and arabs.
"White people" were the first to abolish slavery, and "white people" are who actively and routinely try to defend the planet and it's creatures in the current day and age.
If white people never left their ancestral homelands of europe, didn't adventure out on their boats, didnt' sail the seas, you'd have just europe being presently very advanced technologically and socially, whereas the rest of the world wouldn't be.
Once the boat was invented, it was all over for anyone not on the same level of advancement. If X people land on Y shore and DON'T raid it for resources, some other man will, and one up them.
The natural state of the world is always strong vs perceived weak. Sad to say, but African's used their spear technology on the animals, and then had boat technology pulled on them.
If you want to trace it all back to the real culprit, why not the first ape to lift stone against another? Why not even further back, the first big fish to eat a littler one?
Even further? The first microbe to absorb another?
You can't just detach and reattach white people into blanket brackets when it suits you.
If you're going down that road, Irish and Swedish people should be considered an endangered species.
I hope this was informative enough for you.
That wouldn't bring back their cultural heritage. Say, by some kind of weird accident I would find out I'm of Russian heritage instead of Dutch bit was adopted or whatever. I wouldn't suddenly be Russian
This. They refer to us as whitea so clearly they don't see the heritage they pretend is clearly defined. It isn't, at least not in the US. Almost no nth generation where n>2 American is purely German, eats the food, speaks the language etc etc.
Blacks don't have individual national cultures because their ancestors hadn't developed recorded history yet.
If you asked a slave about his nation and history, he'd probably tell you some stuff about his tribe and grandparents, and say he was from "somewhere the fuck else."
Simple, blacks are too dumb to remember where they came from; white people are organised and keep records and all that. Many people in history have been persecuted for who they are and 'beaten' into relinquishing their culture, but still remembered where they came from, so saying blacks where whipped and shit doesn't excuse them; if it was important to them, they would have remembered.
don't tell me what i can't believe, this country was founded on freedom.
I would agree
Why do all non-whites get to be "poc"?
Shouldn't their be Nigerian pride etc?
It's about behavior and everyone knows it.
If whites were as disruptive in other countries as other peoples are disruptive in white countries, we'd understand why they wanted to kick us out.
This is a solid and thorough argument. I don't actively align myself with my European heritage, nor purely associate with them. So why can't I identify with white people as a whole?
Very good point too about whites being the first to abolish slavery, while Arabs and Africans were the ones who drove it. Seeing as how slavery was a big part of their argument this is a solid counter-argument.
Very true. I had the same thing with some Asian friends of mine saying "I can't tell the difference between Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans." Then they got offended. All I did was ask them, "Okay, so what nationality am I? If you say white then I'm allowed to be offended too."
I've seen the articles about Zimbabwe and white farmers being attacked in Africa. Yet no one calls race crimes on that.
>Refute this
Easy. There's numerous "Latino" or "Hispanic" pride events throughout the country and no one bats an eye. These people supposedly know where their ancestors came from, so why aren't they restricted to solely "Chilean" pride or "Ecuadorian" pride events?
Because your post is nonsense.
>Blacks celebrating being Black is OK
>Hispanics celebrating being Hispanic is OK
>Whites celebrating being White is RACISM
It's blatant hypocrisy and your post is a failed attempt to camouflage it.
>as they don't know their ancestry specifically.
Not true. Slaves where taken from specific regions that can narrow down the possibilities, a simple $25 DNA test can narrow it down entirely to tell them from which specific set of mud huts there ancestors lived in.
Also, this argument does nothing to refute why Asian, or Latino pride is considered acceptable. They know where they are from, yet no one applies this same standard to them.
>It's like a cripple telling you you have to crawl because he can't walk
This. It sucks that there history is mixed up, but that doesn't mean someone else has to renounce their history to make them feel equal.
>most Americans don't 'know' their heritage.
This is sadly true. I know i'm mostly a descendent from UK, and Ireland, but which and where I don't know. I put more pride in the ancestry I do know of, early pioneers that pushed west in one of the first waves. There's culture and traditions in that, nothing like a full euro country, but enough. Sadly, that's all but been stripped away thanks to white guilt and american history shaming. Can't take pride in pioneer ancestry without hearing some 1/64 navajoe blue haired landwhale screeching at you about "muh land."
Point being, there is no acceptable "ancestry/ethnic pride" for whites to hold, no matter what it is they will find a way to demonize it and insist you renounce it.
Wasn't my opinion. Just something I saw on facebook that I needed help breaking down what was inherently wrong about it.
because if the left acknowledged racism against whites then their whole narrative would go to shit. my cousins were some of those white farmers who had to flee zimbabwe because of black people taking their stuff. but again, the left will always argue some bullshit about how they weren't supposed to be there or something.
>there is no acceptable "ancestry/ethnic pride"
True, except the aforementioned neutered edifices of national heritage. It's not that letting go of original European heritage is necessarily that horrible, America couldn't have been built without it, probably, and American shared culture couldn't have been created. It's a pity, but that's how it is. The Americans who built America share American culture and they share a race. There's no denying in that.
It's just a ploy to keep the race card for blacks/coloureds only whilst dividing whites into indiscernable, watered down national groups of two centuries ago
I think it honestly all boils down to people just being kind of butthurt about who "won" the global culture war.
It was white people, to use that term. In that, it was Spanish, Dutch, English, Russian, East Asian if you want to go there, who sailed the seas and joined the planet up together as we know it today.
I can see people being annoyed that the winners would gloat. This is why I personally don't like the idea of white pride marches etc. I think it just causes problems.
However, I think there needs to be a global re evaulation of what white people apparently did wrong. This is the root of all current instability.
All white people did, was as nature had them do, because here we are, it happened.
Would everyone like to go back in time and create a prospect where all this spreading of culture and technology and information happened 100% peacefully with every nation sharing equally? Sure, but it's about as realistic as a unicorn. It didn't happen, because it didn't. Because it couldn't, or it would have.
The simple solution is to declare that the past is the past, and everyone has an equal treatment right now. Whites get punished the same for a crime as a black. Whites as smart as a black get paid the same.
I do think there is some room to improve here, but full blown FUCK WHITEY and FUCK BLACKEY doesn't solve shit.
I don't want black people to be the leaders in rape, murder and robbery. Why would I. They exist, I want them to be as chill and safe as possible, for me and for them.
Immigration also needs to be sorted the fuck out. Sad to say, America, you're kind of boned here. Yes, Europeans built it for what it is, but you did do so on Native lands, and those natives are still around. You then used african labour, mexican labour. Chinese labour etc etc.
You're kind of destined to be a melting pot. There's not much way around that.
I've accepted that about Australia. What I don't accept is Sweden being inundated with Islam.
nigga u retarded LMAO
>You're kind of destined to be a melting pot. >There's not much way around that.
>I've accepted that about Australia.
You ready to hand it all over to the abbos? They would literally turn the whole place into madmax wasteland in fifty years, a never ending quest to find petrol to huff.
Not the abbos, abbos are actually pretty tame, and I fully understand why they are the way they are. 40 thousand year old secluded human species head on collision with the rest of the world. African's would look at abbos and go "damn dude".
I'm mainly talking about our asian invasion, chinese etc. I don't want to see it happen, but the numbers aren't that bad right now, I can deal with it up to a point.
I just don't like that China is however many billions, India is however many billions, yet they're allowed to overflow into VASTLY underpopulated in comparrison countries and take land, jobs amongst other things.
That isn't right to me. I'd be pissed off if China invaded and did the same thing to Japan or Iceland. It's got nothing to do with me personally, I just disdain overpopulation.
Are you joking?
it's more like western civilization pride
>blacks do have more of a right to "black culture" as they don't know their ancestry specifically.
Or their fathers either.
The thing is, literally every spic or asian can trace their ancestry as easily or more easily than whites.
There's also millions of whites who have absolutely no clue whete their origins are, so they should be able to take pride in their race?
But they still can tak pride in their race.
Besides that could easily be fixed with some DNA tests.
Also how exactly it is wrong to take pride in one's race?
Just like my father is proud that i have a degree or that im proud of my son being the best of his class or that im proud how my countrymen bravely defended the country to invasions i should be able to take pride in people of my race for their accomplishments, as they're like a big family in the end.
>black history month
black is a color too
Underrated post. I've spent the last few years as an immigrant, and there's definitely some attraction happening between semi-European (in the very broad sense) immigrants, when they are taken away from their home countries. It is obviously possible to argue that it is pure biology and psychology. People are biologically programmed to be attracted to those who look like themselves. Plus the xenophobic upbringing many of us had. But even so, we'll soon have to admit that there's some form of European identity.
As for the OP post, it is just dumb. Culture is much more than food, it defines the way people go about their everyday life.
Black people, Hispanics, Jews, etc. don't see us as "Irish-Americans". They see us as white people.
>call myself king of the world
>I magically am
it's the basis of your entire argument - self-identification and self-promotion as such, god damn moron