You guys are about to get shut the fuck down!
You guys are about to get shut the fuck down!
do you notice and recognize holohoax
I am actually interested to see how this goes.
Juggalhoes are classified as a gang by the FBI. This will be glorious.
Is it 2005?
The hell these clowns getting involved in politics.
They are designated as gang or whatever by the FBI and have been trying to remove it
Who keeps setting up these blatant ambushes?
>mfw their wrestling commentary
How will trump possibly recover?
I think they're just there for the chaos. You though Alt-Right people were lifelong loser scumbag failures...wait until to you juggalos.
This shit is such a fucking trap
Any idiots that go are going to get hit from both sides.
so this is how there gona do it..
the reason they need for gun control
>yfw Juggalos become Trump supporters
No, they got put on the FBI terrorist list recently, and they are protesting that.
>mfw cops get to murder some clown faggots, beat more up and arrest even more
Sounds good to me.
sure is Sup Forums 7 years ago in here
Tag team match:
ICP vs trump and _______
15 fills in the blank
a shitload of juggalos are white racist ex cons
they'll probably just merge together into one big dumb rally
most of the juggalos ive seen are so fat they cant march, the skinny ones are too drugged out to follow politics
>jugalos will represent the alt-left
Oh god yes.
they join together?!
i did acid with a juggalo once. he was such a fucking fat dullard he just sat on the couch with his mouth gaping open staring at the TV watching retarded memey adult swim crap. i know acid retards you in a way, but he was legitimately stupid. he spilled his drink and dumped sand over it for some reason. i wanted to hit him.
as long as it's livestreamed i'm cool with whatever happens
So they are like antifa but with face paint?
>we are unbeatable
pic related
We have no idea.
They might be lefties, but they are suburban. They might have voted Trump because they hate establishment.
I'm not even sure how many there are, never mind how many show up.
>left wing calls Trump a clown
>their militia are actual clowns
So they actually plan to fight? If so, someone on the right with a clean slate has to die to help bring attention to the Antifa.
Jugglalo is the definition of Pleb
I don't think Juggalos are lefties...
They certainly aren't Nazi's or gang members. I doubt they support Antifa on a group level.
Us Juggalotuspods aren't going to put up with no racism, that's for sure. WHOOP WHOOP
you mean join. fucking reditarrd
For better or worse I think they fall under flag related...
A very non political group overall I'd imagine. If they are swayed politically in any way who knows what they would do
Wooooooooop wooooooooooooop
Majik Majik Ninja Whut
>juggalo counterculture are now mainstream viewpoints
how do we communicate this to them
slim anus? damn right slim anus, i dont get fucked in mine like you two flaming faggots
Jugging Juggling juggalos ; Folded, fat, floppy-tittied freaks
We already are
No way the family is all about love for everyone.
Stop being ethnonationalist
>look at me everybody!! I'm le oldfag xDD
Actually this is now /ICP/ general; multicultural clown edition
Every jugalo is loved; every jugalo is equal
do those even still exist? They're dumb edgy teenagers. That and the ICP has long been a fucking joke
They're useful idiots. Watch. Im willing to bet $100k they're puppets, nothing more than media puppets. They're there to discredit the movement and bring troubles due to being labeled a game.
I doubt anyone will read this, but heed my warning. If those fuckers show up it gives the left more lead and i truly believe they know it aswell.
>why are you guys not acting mature???
You must be fun to hang around
Lol juggalos are either trump supporters or too busy doing meth to care lol
Just like trump
The 2nd american civil war begins on august 21
Juggalos are partiers.
They get made fun of but one of the funnest concerts ive ever been to was one where half the crowd was hardcore juggalos.
I couldnt believe how sexy some of the jugets were. Like wouldnt bring you home to momma but damn for a night?
Jcw is lit though
So, now the Alt-left have literal clowns now fighting for them....
For anons that have no idea what "the gathering" is like peep this vid
this is shitposting right? i don't want to believe people this retarded browse Sup Forums.
>a girl wearing clownface is my fetish
Where do I find a juggalo gf?
This. Juggalos are trailer trash with an obligatory pill habit.
He makes a point. They are a cohesive tribe. A lot of them are lifers and they share a hivemind that has somewhat centralised control (if that makes sense)
Is Kevin James in a remake of It?
Nazi juggalo:
>You guys are about to get shut the fuck down!
if i had a dollar ...
This is a shitpost, OP is a faggot and don't fall for the bait newfriends.
And if you want to tell OP what a cunt he is and not bump the shit thread, sage always goes in the options field!!!
Trailer parks. Bring whatever prescription painkillers you can find. Enjoy getting AIDS.
I just feel like this needs to be shared.
juffalo spotted
Juggaloes had a pro-Columbine theme to their products. They released a video game where you are a bullied kid who seeks revenge through a school shooting.
as an anarcho capitalist you would be amazed at the miniature economic systems that developes organically at festivals. Its like a drug stock exchange
Never been to a gathering but I would ssume they take similar form.The economics absolutely fascinating to me
Juggaboos are pussy betas who put on clown makeup as a defense mechanism.
what's up, eminem?
The smell that picture induced in my nostrils was nauseating.
Muh dick
mfw jugg commentary
This was set up last year. It was actually supposed to be there Day to show the FBI that they are not a violent gang and drug trafficking organization... I have a feeling this will not go as intended.
Speaking of losers with nothing left to lose... I hope you larping fucks bring your weapons and shields; because youre about to be fighting literal shit flinging barbarian monkeys.
Also, hope you larpers enjoy getting drenched in Faygo and having empty/full bottles thrown at you
and literal shit
Best timeline.
I need to be in DC in September. What a time to be alive
this seems to be a white people thing, are they a cucked culture?
we're already set up elsewhere, come and find us!
Nah. here's the pill:
1- Jugalos are autistic, but know they're autistic, funking revel in their autism. Unlike self-righteous tiki nazis who are too stupid to be self aware.
2- Jugalos are originally based. 1st to truly not five a fuck.
3- Loyal as fuck. 4 life, 4 senpai. Comarpe it to the all the knives and back stabbing in the "alt-right"
4- authentic. Jugalos also aren't larping.
Music sucks and fuck them, but more respect than any white nationalist. Plus, jugalos would tear nazis apart in a fight, no question.
Funny you say that, I used to go to a local hippie festival selling glow sticks, rolling papers, and lighters. I made $2000 a day profit thanks to insane markups on cheap shit I bought in bulk from Amazon and Ebay.
> "juggalos" / ICP
> not a bunch of wigger white trash who act/talk like niggers, dress like cholo's, and more often than not...think they can "rap".
> the true irony of these morons is that they swear up and down that they aren't wiggers, and get very offended when someone points it out that they are wiggers+stupid face paint+stupid tattoos=working in fast food forever
I wish I didn't know a few idiots that buy into this crap, they are just embarrassing to be around.
Why would these two groups fight?
Like the two groups won't get along. You think trailer trash has much against the alt right? Fuck, they're probably MORE racist.
both groups are white trash, how will this be a problem?