If CNN, NYT, WP, etc. are "fake news", who is the "real news"?
If CNN, NYT, WP, etc. are "fake news", who is the "real news"?
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It's all for money.
Raw video footage
Whoever agrees with (You).
realdonaldtrump desu
>fake news
But they're not...
They just don't agree with you.
TrumpTV and FOX, do you know where you are OP?
>claims to know where he is
Fox can go fuck themselves. Literally CNN-tier reporting on the CV incident.
There is no real news in this country. The left has had a vicegrip on the media for decades.
>clinton news network
This needs a revamp
These 3 sources are good news sources. They editorialize a lot of stories and dumb rednecks can't figure out the difference between opinions and facts.
>classist shitlord
News does not contain editorial bias. Kys shill.
Your own eyes and ears
All news are biased. Read them all. The more your sources diversified the better. Mix it with social networks, history, geography, economy, blogs of mad mans and try to figure out what is really going on.
Has a problem with FOX no opinion on trump tv lawl
Oh are you just abandoning FOX after some event that happened this week instead of 20 years ago when they invented and perfected fake news?
We are.
None are.
RT is the closest when the issue has nothing to do with Russia.
Other sources that actually report things with the absence of editorializing
obvious troll is obvious.
there is no "real news"
No more real news unless it's a firsthand source from someone you trust.
OAN is actual news.
Out of the major, FOX is the least bad, a study showed Fox was almost 50/50 on Negative vs Positive about Trump
Trump's mouth
The only person worth watching at Fox is Hannity, and he'll probably be scrapped by next year.
>FOX invented fake news
>Has a problem with FOX no opinion on trump tv lawl
I've never watched TrumpTV so how could I have an educated opinion on it? Fox has been shit for years and continues to be shit today.
Sup Forums's problem with Fox was never the bias. It was that Fox has always been uninformative drivel. Fuck's sake they've had a different "teacher has sex with her student" story up in the main stories of their website every day for the past week. They've even sunken to covering missing airplanes.
This. During the non-prime time hours, OAN has some great straight news reporting.
this, the sooner people realize this the less gullible the population will be.
Real news requires journalistic ethics, and since there are no ethics in journalism anymore there isn't any.
Maybe there are some reliable independent journalists, but they are few and far between.
I'd suggest
consortuim news
Phillip Giraldi
unz (sort of)
counterpunch (some)
Eric Margolis
Gareth Porter
Ray McGovern
Seymour Hersh
Probably that one Chinese YouTube channel that does the creative 3D stories
>Sup Forums
It's the best news source once you can tell the trolls/shills/shareblue/slide threads apart from the good stuff.
No such as real news. It's all spun with a narrative to make you feel and think in a certain way that they want you to. All of them. Media in a whole is not trustworthy, even the bible thumpers go-to news, Fox. All are tricky news networks.
i un-ironically read russia today "rt.com" every day.
>Out of the major, FOX is the least bad, a study showed Fox was almost 50/50 on Negative vs Positive about Trump
That presupposes that a rational human being would find the news Trump produces to be 50/50 negative vs positive.
Balanced does not mean unbiased. It could just mean a completely fucked tare.
Websites devoted to acting as unofficial aggregates full of free thought and discussion.
Tis all biased in some way. Trying to study everything left/right past/present will leave you thinking David Icke is right about everything. It's all bullshit and it's all being controlled and manipulated by people at the top above those who the media pretends are in power. And they all seem to be members of cult and satanic groups, it's all weird shit.
Watch Network (1976) and you'll know the answer.
Only liveleak
Sup Forums is biased too
this there's video of every event, every speech, every press conference posted online every single time something happens. there's hundreds of primary sources for every event now but people still want to be spoon fed the stories because it's easy
Citizen Journalist Network
Unfortunately you have to filter out the real news yourself from the ongoing flood of information. You're doing their work, so why should they get paid. It should be made illegal to spew lies and misinformation as a prominent news source.
They're all kikes.
also fpbp
kek is real news.
Damn, numbers confirm.
If you're asking this question now then you are probably a one-line one-post shill with no understanding of American society. Hatred of the lying news media goes far beyond Trump supporters on an Anime message board.
alex jones?
I'd say read CNN for the general news, and Breitbart for more of opinion on whats going on, as CNN has really started shilling hard for the left, especially since they started saying that antifa doesn't exist
if you still didn't know, jonestein is a CIA nigger
There is no real news you dumb faggot, only facts. If you rely on "the news" to learn what happened you're worthless. Now fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.
Infowars dot com
Somewhere in the middle. To the right of the middle
Cnn is not fake news
Use primary sources.
Autism = real news
There's not much to be honest.
unironically Sup Forums
Yes it obviously is, retard.
>God, I hope that was bait
The Associated Press and Reuters
>If they are all fake news, who is real news?
There was NEVER real news.NEVER.
Alex Jones is mostly conspiracies or opinions, not news. But at least he seems sincere contrary to all the other media like CNN or FOX that are all about manipulation.
To a certain extent but Sup Forums isn't one person and in most threads you get different perspectives I've never seen a thread where everyone agrees.
Firsthand streams
I usually try a few different sources.
Breitbart is a good catch-all.
Milo is Sup Forums-tier shitposting at its best.
Conservative Tribune usually has good angles and commentary.
Newsmax is a good place to get a news not sucking Trump's dick.
Fox is okay if you're into mainstream, non-confrontational stuff.
And of course Drudge Report.
-t. I work for one of these sites.
Worldstar hiphop
The Daily Stormer was very real news. Why do you think their domain registration got cancelled?
This. Literally anyone can beiatcast happenings now. We don't need someone corporate shill to interpret reality for us.
>Not even mentioning Sup Forums
Y u do dis?
>If CNN, NYT, WP, etc. are "fake news", who is the "real news"?
your eyes. your ears. also, mind. you're welcome.
>not getting your news from Sup Forums
It's like you're a complete fag or something.
The No Agenda podcast, in the morning.
They promise economy will crash every week.
a l e x J O N E S
>who is the "real news"
Everyone has an agenda these days. Often a mixture of ideologue staff and owners, as well the financial interests of the owners.
News isn't news anymore. It's opinion with the facts they want you to know, and the facts that don't fit their agenda is simply left out.