Boston free speech rally
August 19th
Boston free speech rally
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Buckle up for the Boston Anteafa Party of 2017
is this John Medlar? you're a cuck
any people that go will be arrested
this is a trap set by the bpd for sure
Wait a damn week.
start events in rustbelt you will get entire counties of globalist haters, specially michigan due to our honorary status as a muzzy and nigger pen
“They will not be allowing people to bring weapons of any kind, anything that could be used as a weapon, so blunt instruments like flagpoles,” he said. “They will be allowing people to bring flags, just not attached to any pole or stick.”
Boston is no joke. Hopefully the irish show up hammered and rile these fags up
“In all the confusion out there, there do seem to be legitimate white supremacist groups on social media that are attempting to hijack the rally,” Medlar said. “It is very troublesome to us.”
this cuck that set up the rally is getting ready to sell your asses out.
>He said his group “carefully vetted” speakers, and said the list included people with varied backgrounds–including supporters of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein as well as more right-leaning figures.
have fun you artards
>“We absolutely denounce violent extremists on both sides of the aisle, like the Antifa movement on the left, and Identity Europa and Vanguard on the right,” he said.
identity europa cucked the fuck out
Good move. This is exactly what needs to happen to get our people back on the streets after the Charlottesville disaster. Reframe as Antifa vs. Free Speech.
>BOSTON (CBS) — The city of Boston has approved a permit for a controversial “Free Speech Rally” scheduled to take place on Boston Common Saturday.
"controversial free speech rally", words actually written in 2017, Jesus.
There's a large Antifa population in Boston. Be careful
except it's the local city, several non-profits, and anti-fa against all the white supremacists that want to gather. its fucked. they changed the event to be from 12-2pm. probably because they're going to release the crowd on people.
don't go to the park. its a huge trap. getting people out is only going to get your photo taken and youll get doxxed
And then what, you get fired for going to a "free speech rally"? Even as kiked as things are right now I can't see the media successfully spinning this.
are you not seeing whats happening
theres people being fired from even hot dog stands for being a white supremacist
some of us have jobs that we need in the city and we're not a globalist cuck like you
What we need are two stages surrounded by barbed wire fences with ANTIFA/Occupy Wall Street Creeps/BLM on one stage and White Supremacists on the other trying to have a debate while (2) 1,000 gallon per minute pumpers blast people in the audience who gets out of control.
I'd gladly pay to view that shit.
You're living in a Hollywood fantasy. Despite the based barroom talk, Irish-Americans are massively left. Especially in Massachusetts.
I should know, this is half my family and they're embarrassing.
This isn't a "white supremacist" rally, autismo, it's a "free speech rally".
What's your proposal, that right-wingers never show their faces in public again? Yeah, great damn idea.
Seen in boston today.
>New Free Speech Movement
thats funny
You're a serious fucking retard
No you
Oh great here we go again
The only autistic person here is you if you actually fucking believe the media gives a shit about what you call it this week. They want another Charlottesville and they spin this to look like one if they have to.
Fuck you and your low IQ.
the guy w the permit said that identity europa is not welcome at the rally
So again... is your plan for right-wingers to never go to another protest again? Are you Antifa by any chance? Because that's what Antifa wants too.
When asked if participants at the rally would carry swastikas or Confederate flags, he said, “We are telling people not to bring overly inflammatory symbols.”
cucked 2 teh max
i thought this was a free speech protest, not a right wing protest
I walked through the last rally in the Common. The cops were out in force, and kept the two opposing groups well separated. They spent the time chanting and yelling at each other. Sup Forums was around the bandstand, the other dopes were on a hillside, almost adjacent to the playground. They dressed in unwashed black, and every other word out of their mouths was 'fuck'. Way to scream fuck repeatedly next to a playground, idiots. I didn't stay long. The whole thing seemed like some retarded highschool pep rally. All mouth and trousers. I didn't get any impression that things would become violent.
I didn't stay long, so I can't comment on any speeches, etc. I have low expectations.
): I'm so through with this
What's the difference? Only one side believes in free speech anymore.
Yeah, whodve thunk actual immigrants would be fighting against the anti-immigrant groups
The complete and total disconnect these boards have with the real world... Means that you fucks think you are winning.
Actually, this makes perfect sense
well which side believes in it? the right wing side or the free speech side?
see you there anons, every man is a patriot when he fights against ANTIFA
I see. I'm actually from the mayor's office, and we're taking notes on stuff like this. Thanks for letting us know that you intend to spread information about white nationalism/supremacism.
If the alt-right has more than room temperature iq they will leave the nazi paraphernalia home and realize that free speeh is the main struggle right now.
Free speeh is a proxy flag for white nationalism anyway because white nationalism is the only speech that is forbidden.
They will create violent incidents. People will turn up dressed as Hitler and the media will make up the rest. Right now they could make a prayer meeting of nuns look like brown shirts. People shouldn't go to these rallies atm
they kind of go hand in hand faggot
The left knows that free speech = right-wing and identitarian speech.
They don't need speech protection because their speech is the hegemonic one.
antifa will try to start shit at this thing too
never forget, no matter what you do you are a white fucking male fascist alt right nazi no matter what
join us