This fucker tried to dox us and called us Anime Nazis but only ended up getting his patreon banned. Let's start a hate thread for this faggot. Let him know that he shouldn't have messed with us. I'll start
Here's another one
Meme format
why does he even need a patreon for twitter?
isnt he a pedophile?
He's trying to get people to pay him to catch nazis (he misidentified a ton and ended up getting innocents harassed). He claims that looking at racism is too distressing and that money would help. Too bad we got patreon to shut it down
Look at that smirk on that satanic fat face
"it's real hard to look at this evil racism all day, goys, please gib money"
pretty much that. i think almost a thousand more people started contributing between his last plug and the time it was taken down.
he forgot he didn't have nigger privilege
That fat fuck still probably crying in his house. I hoped he was gone for good after being silent for two days but he just retweeted about how we must destroy Columbus statue. Are the libtards just trying to erase history?
>He claims that looking at racism is too distressing and that money would help. Too bad we got patreon to shut it down
Kikes come up with the craziest shit to make money haha. It really is impressive. Too distressing what a fucking pussy.
Well he isn't wrong. Pol is indeed a bunch of anime Nazis
Hmm.. He's a really fat guy. Will be a good contribution to the soap production
Satisfying to get his patreon pulled
You know he was screaming and punching walls impotently that night
>Too bad we got patreon to shut it down
LMAO good job now all that's left is the twitter.
Calling this guy a pig is pretty insulting to pigs. Pigs aren't like this guy at all and frankly as someone who has worked raising pigs I find it pretty unfair that you think pigs are as disgusting as Logan
He'll make a shitload of lampshades with big stretchmarks.
Post those memes on his twitter.
He also violated north Carolina law. There's a law (forgot the exact number) that labels the releasing of information with the intention for others to harrass and threaten is a class 2 misdeamnor if I remember. He can get arrested for that. He also made rape jokes on twitter
isn't using a twitter picture of a black kid considered cultural appropriation or something?
Then what is Logan the equivalent of? A maggot, a leech, a tumor?
He's a Jew.
every time
Well he's a Jew so he's already the lowest form of life there is
He’s back as Nazi_catcher on Twitter. Act was just created and has almost 7K followers and is tweeting out phone numbers and playing the same as that cunt Logan
He hasn't learned his lesson yet? Do we have to get his progressive company to fire him for making rape jokes now? Oh Logan, when will u ever learn? Guess we have to spread these memes to Twitter now.
He probably got a heart attack after finding out his shekel source got cut off
fucking kike, and not the good type
send him screenshots of the thread
Bump... Fuck logan james smith
Do you have any evidence for saying he's Nazi_Catcher, or are we assuming that since they showed up while he was away?
Hi, I am one of Logan Smith's supporters and I came here because I am very open-minded from Twitter in an attempt to convince u people to stop being so hateful. Unfortunately, ur messages here are so hateful and bigoted that I cannot understand how u people a human being. What gives u the right to hack Patreon and shut it down? Logan Smith is a great man. Zur is a champion of the SJW movement. And what is wrong with feminism, Islam, and ANTIFA? I support all those organizations very staunchly. In fact, I am a lesbian Hispanic feminist who is currently studying Communism and feminist poetry. I will be writing to my local senator for her to ban and delete this site. Such bigotry and conservative ideas should not exist in this modern society.
explain this
You're terrible at trolling.
Well, zur is a white make and thus, will have white make privilege. Whites are absolutely evil. Think about it. Whites are the only race to own slaves and invented the violent object known as guns. They are the only race to sexualized women with Renaissance paintings and strip clubs. Also, this white person wants to be an engineer. Therefore, this implies that he wants to continue the passing down of white privelege
Trolling is absolutely despicable. This word inherently implies masculinity. Me, being a feminist poet and a staunch LGBTQ+ activist, would never speak such bigoted language. Remember, words have meaning and can hurt a lot.
This guy was definitely put on a no ban list.
You are terrible at trolling
Saw it on 8 being tossed around and have been following this asswipes news for a few days now
I'd really like definitive evidence; similarity in style is good but hard evidence is better.
Might start up an Antifa account or something pretty soon and try to hit one of them up a week or so in.
Is he marrying his mother?
This is a defamation suit waiting to happen - do /we/ have any lawyers?