Is this haircut alt-right?

Is this haircut alt-right?

Sure, you should get it.

It's pretty cringe

Cool in europe about 8-9 years ago

Looks like no guard and a comb for the sides


undercuts are pretty /fa/ these days desu

It's pretty faggy regardless of political orientation.

yeah, I guess it's alright

looks like a haircut James Alefantis would like

haircut is alt-left as fuck

Every Italian and Mexican I knew had this. How did it become a white thing??

It's been out of fashion for like almost 4 years now.

long hair >

Yeah, I'd say that haircut is pretty all-right.

Not it doesn't look like that combination of keyboard key at all.

Long hair is cool. On Guys and Gals

le footy lad haircut

I think it looks good, more nazis should sport it so hipster faggots stop getting it

We make it look good.

how about this one senpai?

It was a white thing first retard.

not styled like that it's not

I call it the dick head haircut because it makes your head look like a dick.


No, but it is alt-heterosexual.

r8 me

Mexican hipsters in socal love that style too. Don't be a copy cat fag.

No. The young Leo hair is the /fa/ choice of a new generation

Go back to /b with this bullshit


You know what, it's pretty hard to tell. When you see this haircut, you can never be sure if that person is a nazi or some alt-left nu-male faggot. It's truly the haircut of extremists.

long + blond is a requirement for men to look attractive. short hair is for cucks


Absolutely immigrant tier like something an Arab would wear.

Bankers cut is the official hair of the fashy right

gain weight


Fallout 3 character creation

But seriously,

Is something wrong with your right eye?

that's just a traditional fade.

A 1 on the sides does it.

It is just a male haircut. It is for people who wear hats, so that the hat fits better. Has nothing to do with ideology.


It's weird when it's too long on the middle and too short on the sides.

I don't know, but it sure is gay.

Ew get a haircut hippie

No, every other leftist hipster trash who can actually afford a haircut and still has hair gets it.

10/10 would secure a future for


God, it's so fucking dark! Can someone turn on a light?

Patrician Alt Right haircut is bald/almost bald

people like this make me feel like i'm not even white kek
>tfw dark irish and german jew genes fucking up my aryan features


More of a buzzcut psycho nazi myself.

Aryans are trash tho, blonde is fucking beta as fuck, it's feminine.

I was blonde as fuck until testosterone hit, now I'm sexy