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The USofA's fate is in the hands of these reoccurring numerals

>australia in charge of not listening to the moon

Moonman says go to bed

Digits for Korean War Part II: ChiCom Boogaloo


>KCNA: "The south Korean puppet forces are speaking of 'dialogue' while taking…part in the U.S. moves for putting sanctions on the DPRK."
>KCNA: "The shameless 'dialogue' rhetoric touted by the puppet forces is nothing but a sugar-coated word to cover up their dark intention."

It sounds like negotiations have broken down.

Why wouldn't you listen to the Moon?

Check these non-reoccurring numerals.

I want a war just to watch liberals immediately turn KJU into a hero.

Rolling for an f-35 bombing campaign on the hermit kingdom

We're fine then

This time my integers won't fail me. Reroll


Hmm.. so what happens now?
1) Nuclear NK - not allowed
2) War (only way to do 1) - not allowed

You're doing it wrong!! Watch this teehee XDDD


Whats he thinking here?

Another thing: Any statements by North Korea need to be taken very seriously right now. Ulchi-Freedom Guardian will take place from the 21st to the 31st. North Korea has always denounced these exercises as a preparation for war, but this time might be different. If they take it as a ruse of war, it's going to happen.

War is allowed. It's possible to have a very low casualty nuclear strike, along the lines of 100-200 people dead with no fallout. If Trump doesn't see a 200 casualty nuclear strike as a huge, scary thing, we may have a nuclear war on our hands.

WAR! What is it good for?

>21st to 31st
What's on the 21st?

how could NK possibly exist in the future? There is no good option but the state itself will fall.

Naht hey literally just need to fire 1000 tomahawks and get the B1 Lancers going with JSSM Bombs.

>tfw NK is obviously not a threat if left alone
>tfw KJU is not totally retarded and would never first strike the US and effectively end his regime
>tfw still want to invade so I can enlist and fight some norks and stick my pork sword in some nork wimmin

why can't the Jews just scheme a little more, they can get their military industrial $ and I can get blowies in the back of a humvee from an emaciated nork for the low low price of some of those stale crackers they stick in the shitty MREs

So much this mang. Where are the Jews when you actually need em

Dream on. That won't happen.

Where is muh false flag boys?

Tomahawks aren't going to do it, to destroy North Korea's nuclear program you need to destroy quite a few underground facilities. That can only be done with nukes.

I just wanna go to war man


Send in the ayys. That would do it real quick.

dream about holding onto your land. While you still can. Serbia will fall to arabs again.

>tfw no grass-eating emaciated nork to share your MRE crackers with
>tfw no chinky looking nork nympho to fugg for a little extra grass

why even live

What does this mean? Happening within a couple of hours or more sabre rattling?

When I was in the US army, I was stationed in SK twice. Back then, the officers in the SK military would get caught stealing pieces of fruit from the mess while training with the US. Officers mind you, I think it has gotten better since but back then it was easy pickings while on leave.

WW3 as soon as china fires on india in the next few days

The time is now. This Saturday will be the last normal Saturday for most of the world. Good luck, God bless.

Fugg what's going on with them?

Holy shit we better listen to the moon that nigga scary af

China wants to claim a strategic piece of land that India says belongs to Bhutan, and India is obligated to protect Bhutan's territory due to some treaty, so the Indian and Chinese are having a spat

rolling for no war because it never fucking happens with NK.

War with NK would/will be interesting as fuck.

Nukes or MOABs would in all seriousness most likely be the best scenario there.
Nuclear program isn't the biggest concern with them during the war.
They have like 15k artillery pieces pointed at SK and they can do metric fucktons of damage to everyone within 60km radius before they can be dealt with.
Not to mention they're most likely going to human wave zerg rush SK when war breaks out.
Precision weapons don't do shit in that situation. You need to go all out and wipe out large areas at the same time.

Though winning over their military itself will probably be easy as fuck.
Destroy their supply lines and bomb their fields and everyone will surrender under a month due to starvation.

They're scheming in the background, probably making last minute arms deals before the fireworks start.

You dumb niggers.

Have you ever heard of the iron dome defense system?

Israel has it. Us helped them develop it and funds it. You know what it does? Shoots missoes out of the sky.

Now think about the US Navy and ALL the bases across the pacific.


Us mainland is safe.

Kimmy will never shoot a thing past the Sea of Japan.

57 millennia!

bunker busters?

This is one of a few statements made by Moon just now. The others seem less happenings worthy.

Iron dome is strictly Artillery and rockets (such as 107mm rockets from china).

A bunker buster won't do it.

Doesn't protect against ICBM's, ignorant fool.

my dicks an ICBM


ICBM warheads fall to earth from space at mach 14 and are practically invisible

this. NK fires eg 4 at guam - 1 has a good chance of striking.

Happening tonight or is it safe to go to bed?

why the fuck are white people in the korean peninsula, if the LoL playing sissyboys get cucked by starving rice drones it's their own fault