Good evening Sup Forums
Insider Source info coming, pay attention:
I have information from a source I trust within the military. The drills coming up are related to Planet X, aka Nibiru. For those that do not know, this is a small system exists within our Solar System. It contains a Brown Dwarf Star and a planet that is known to be roughly 3 to 6 times the size of our Earth. It has been know to exist for a long time, it has been tracked regularly for a while, and we know that it is entering the part of its orbit that will bring it into our portion of the solar system. PAY ATTENTION, THIS PART IS KEY: The upcoming drills are related to the impact Planet X will have on our Sun, specifically the increased flares. The first major part of this event will be widespread power outages. All of us must, must, must have access to potable water and stored foods, along with guns to defend your property. Once the power goes out, you are on your own. The police will not save you from looters, and the first thing people will do is gather resources from wherever they can once the stores are out of food, that includes your house.
I don't want to break down everything that is going to happen once the planet gets within geomagnetic range of Earth, because no one really knows, but we could see cataclysmic geological activity, which means volcanic ranges going off, major Earthquakes, and Tsunamis. You DO NOT want to be anywhere near the coast as Planet X appears in the sky. The Elites are (100% confirmed) to be moving into cities within the mountains, think the Ozarks, New Zealand Mountain ranges, Appalachian mountains, or inner Montana along with various other places around the world. I would advise you all to look into this.
Planet X could have been the reason for the Global Flood, it could have been the reason we saw Super-Volcanic Eruptions in the past, including the Toba Eruption which brought us to the brink of extinction. You've been warned. Prepare now or perish.