He called himself a "White Zionist" in a Article on haaretz.com today. Whats wrong with him?
Richard Spencer is a "White Zionist"
Well zionism is the height of evil and hypocrisy so yes, check out.
Are all Germans retards or do you just not know how to paste a link?
Uncle Adolf was a "White Zionist".
>"Can't we give these god damn jews their own country so they stop shitting up ours"
Why is everybody aligning themselves with Israel? Even rebel media came out with this.
It's a moderately good troll
Philo-Semites literally have no good answer to it
48% of Trump supporters are sympathetic to White Nationalism according to Yougov poll, and 63% believe there is "a lot" of discrimination against whites
It's a good time to break out talking points calculated to appeal to normies
>alt-cucks can never escape the Jew grip.
Zionism could mean wanting a homeland. That's what Jews called themselves before Israel existed, zionists.
If you are so thick that you don't understand, you are either a shill or have such a low IQ, you need to move back to Africa
there's nothing wrong with him; it's God making him tell the truth about himself so that we can all see him for what he IS. Be grateful that you know the truth about this guy and act accordingly.
Here's the video interview.
Richard just BTFO the neocons but nobody will see it.
>Why is everybody aligning themselves with Israel? Even rebel media came out with this.
Because they are all controlled opposition.
There really are only a few genuine public figures on the right.
Both a nationalist and a globalist
>Whats wrong with him?
he says goofy stuff to get attention for example saying white Zionism
But what he means by saying white Zionism is getting a country for just white people, maybe we can even have Germany pay us for it again.
That is exactly what he means. We all want the same thing except for commies and subersives.
If you can't understand the power in utilizing the enemy's language you're too stupid to be in the political realm. Hitler's party intentionally made themselves look like Communists when they were starting out to confuse the enemy. When they started calling themselves "comrade" in the streets various Commie groups held a panicked meeting trying to figure out exactly who these upstarts were.
This entire board is so unread and devoid of historical understanding I hard a hard time believing any of you even graduated.
>48% of Trump supporters are sympathetic to White Nationalism according to Yougov poll, and 63% believe there is "a lot" of discrimination against whites
I've gotta find these stats
His favorite trick is to say he just wants a country for white people like jews have with Israel.
This is a shill thread. Spencer is irrelevant. Spencer's views on Zionism are old news. Commies think that we are both anti-Israel and reflexive litmus testers. Thus, the one-line spam, "oh you guys, did you hear your leader betrayed you?" Fun fact: in history, anti-Semites have consistently been Zionists.
Yup. Too bad someone did not kick his ass.
barring complete and global disenfranchisement of the jewish ppel, and genocide which is out of question, zionism seems like the only practical resolution of the JQ
look here
That is great. How can kikes argue against that?
Because Israel is an ethno-nationalist state, which is what white nationalists want for USA. Fascists in the US should be able to get along fine with Zionists, except for "muh anti-semitism!"
Zionism ITSELF is not bad its it global reach just like the global reach the US has on other nations. Its bad. However zionism within its own country is not bad at all.
Asking 2016 Trump supporters about Political positions of White Nationalists at Charlottesville
11% Mostly right
37% They went too far but they have a point
Keep in mind a dude died and the media invested 3 days in a blitz on this single rally
The time for basic bitch talking points is now
he is learning the art of 4D chess
True story.
>Richard Spencer
It means he wants white people to have their own homeland, like the Jews do.
>(((Mike Signer)))
No surprise the mayor is a kike
>comes out of nowhere saying hes leader of alt right
>media gives him views and attention for no reason
>suddenly tons of shills claiming to listen to him pop up on boards
>Huge history of going back and forth
How can this guy not be a false flag placed by the media
>He called himself a "White Zionist"
It's a good move. Causes people to kvetch about Jews being persecuted and Whites not/doing the persecution which then allows a rebuttal of what the Jews have done to be persecuted and ways Whites are being and have been persecuted. It's a perfect reversal of Kikeology.
>call self white zionist
>get jew support when you eventually take over
>spend a decade or two building up white nation without having to worry about jews coming in and fucking shit up
>turn on the jews after that
he is playing the long term game...he knows the jews will stop white nationalism if you don't support israel....the only way to advance white nationalism is to get the support of israeli jews then just build up your nation until you can turn on them
there's nothing wrong with jewish people having their own nation
This, it's a good move. Causes outrage which then allows rebuttal of FACTS to counter EMOTION.
Trips of truth
Spencer makes allusions to zionism specifically to point out the jewish double standard present in their narrative.
Pretty ballsy to call out the Jews on Israeli TV in terms of academia and the left, then the rebuttal about Israeli nationalism caught the Jew in a trap
If you didn't know who Spencer was in 2012 you weren't involved in White Identity. Its really that simple. He took over as head of NPI in 2011, and gave a keynote speech that year.
If you're not familiar with the NPI then you don't know anything about Jared Taylor or Kevin MacDonald either.
Just admit you're a newfag shill and stop posting.
why do you cucks obsess with jews and race all day?
>he is playing the long term game...he knows the jews will stop white nationalism if you don't support israel....the only way to advance white nationalism is to get the support of israeli jews then just build up your nation until you can turn on them
No, it's a not a statement about collaboration it's using the word zionist as a figurative noun, it's another way of saying white nationalist without saying that, because that is a curse word right now, branded by the Jews, so he says zionist which insulates from instant dismissal and makes people think about the literal Jewish supremacist nationalists. It throws a wrench in the narrative programming and opens a space for us to move forward. PLEASE THINK ABOUT IT, IF YOU AGREE TELL OTHERS.
Bibis son expressed public sympathy for them, of course they'll suck up to best ally. All part of the plan.
White Zionism could be a good temporary meme if you make sure to provide the connection of the double standard and then counter with ways whites are persecuted and reasons why Jews have been so persecuted.
This is why I can't really hate Spencer, even if I don't trust him, I have no idea how he keeps pulling this stuff off, going on Haaretz on the day of the great shuttening
And saying he's a white zionist while flatly calling out Jewish behavior takes chutzpah
He never said that, stupid egg poster.
What turned you into a shill? Did you get anally raped as a child?