Civic Nationalism never worked and never will
just like Communism
Civic Nationalism is cancer
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True, but how far does this thread get us?
We must find a way to stop drumpf supporters who promote civic nationalism
You live in Greece. Why do you care about what happens in America?
Fuck off faggot shill, Civic Nationalism is the only realistic way for this country to unfuck itself. Go fuck sheep you greek faggot.
Yes, but it's a great way to convince normies to support our shit
Euros care a bit too much about burgerland, here we didn't have anything on our news about the tiki nazis, we have more important things to care about
At least try to make the photoshop convincing
Because he's a globalist sucking off the tits of government. Greece is broke, as the Europee-ons so they need American money.
It's a shallow pool dumbass
>We must find a way to stop drumpf supporters who promote civic nationalism
We're getting orders from Greece guys. This is serious. I think we need to dump Drumpf.
I just want my own farm far away from everyone where I dont have to pay taxes or abide to any government rules.
Real fucking freedom.
Y'know a little bit of agitation to call us Nazis more might be a good thing.
Everyone is so desensitized to calling someone a "nazi" they have no way to escalate their lies.
worry about winning first before you worry about which nationalism is best.
If Civic Nationalism were to work, we would have to chnage society from within. Its very doable, the first thing that would have to be done is to get rid of nigger/ghetto culture. Thats the main thing driving minorities away from normal citizens, after that things will start to improve.
>implying blacks cant be bleached
Trump kiked you.
They are literally destroying white cultural monuments and Trump does NOTHING
and lets not forget the Lenin statue that is still standing lmao
If all of those blacks are on the same page culturally as the white what is the problem? Civic Nationalism works because it relies on ideas and principles rather than something as arbitrary as skin color.
At least I'm not an shitty ugly hairy greek manlet.
Also stop obsessing over us holy fuck. It's business as usual for the vast majority here.
yea it totally works m8
look at france, britain, US,Germany
blacks and Arabs are totally assimilated :^)
And yet despite that, all of those countries are much better places to live than Greece. it's almost as if all of the shit you see online is only very a slim view of reality and for the most part all those nations are doing relatively well (At least compared you you, your country had to be bailed OUT by them) so rather than shitpost and make mountains out of molehills why don't you do something to improve yourself or the world around you?