If you're a chad, does just "being" actually feel different? Like if you could switch my mind with a Chads for 24hrs, would I be able to tell the difference?
If you're a chad, does just "being" actually feel different? Like if you could switch my mind with a Chads for 24hrs, would I be able to tell the difference?
You'd probably think politics is lame and uninteresting.
yes girls flock to you and its 100 times easier to get laid
Anyone can be a chad if they try.
i would tell you to start by imagining feeling confident around the clock, but this post suggests that's something you haven't experienced for more than a few seconds at most.
get together your shit, and move your ass to a proper toilet.
Bullshit. No they wouldn't. Like if you switched my mind with a Chads, that would not be a noticeable difference on day 1.
You would just pick from the girls you want to inject your seed into and get your exercise from pumping their wet vaginas
It's pretty great, desu
It's like late-game RPG when you can go around kicking the shit out of everyone and items that would have been high coveted earlier are now garbage
When I was not overweight, wealthy & famous, women tried to hook up with me often. It's a trap. women want babies and they want somebody to pay for them.
Just spend 120 lifting weights, lose your weight, have a job, get a $2000 Mercedes and enjoy all the pussy you can buy dinner for.
>would I be able to tell the difference?
No, because you wouldn't be worrying about shit like this.
120 days
It's tiring really. People expect you to make decisions for them. Women have passive aggressive wars for your attention in front of you. Your balls ache every Monday because you just spent 60 hours draining them
You know what? This one hits hard.
Because one of the hardest things in "rea life" for me: in games, i always know, once enough time passes I will dominate. In real life, no matter what I do i still seem to be a loser working a shit job, invisible to women :(
truth. many more oppertunities but still a lot of rejection at times. feast or famine for me
-retired chad
someone post the virgin vs chad pov meme
In an RPG you are high stats in like 20 hours. In real life it takes 2 hours a day, every day, for years.
That's why. Sort yourself out.
There was a girl in high school julie, I've been thinking about her ever since. I saw her the other day at a baseball field i was walking by. She didnt even recognize me. I searched her as soon as i got home, she's "engaged" to some stupid fuck "big time" NFL fan shit bag who played college baseball and works in a national park basically driving a truck around for a living. I felt so small and so angry i went and sat on the toilet for 30 minutes and just bawled my eyes out
Jesus, that is pathetic.
Sort yourself out.
Don't focus on women.
Climb the male social group and women will follow.
The sooner you understand that women are just overgrown children the easier your life will become.
Do you have questions about getting girls? Then look up Chateau Heartiste or Athol Kay. This board is for discussing politics.
Chads have high self esteem but doesn't mean automatic success. There are Chad's that end up like Donald Trump. There are Chad's that accidentally knock up a chick way too soon and end up living a mediocre life.
Fuck you. This was a horrible day for me. You think its as simple as "sort yourself out" i wouldnt have already done it?
Go on the redpill reddit. They're bluepilled about everything except for women. The sub is about women. It will help you.
Would you call Trump a chad?
Cuz when you're a rich as he was born its pretty easy to act cocky.
Sorry bro.
You need to start lifting though, for real. It's not a meme.
Chad is a stereotype of a male with high social status. Trump has high social status, he doesn't fit most stereotypes though.
Hahaha, wow. That sounds about right. When you question "Why the fuck is she with him"? lol
You know that amused feeling when watching liberals act like over emotional pussies?
That's how it feels, but towards almost everyone. Just a self-assured feeling. Like you have nothing to prove because everyone else is a hysterical faggot.
a fucking leaf
This guy is right. Get a gym membership (dont just buy free weights, go to a GYM) and work out 2 hours 6 days a week, sundays off.
Even if you don't get super ripped, it'll be really good for your mind. Even if you're a 4 foot midget with a little dick, lifting is the MOST important thing.
Fuck women. Acquire currency. Love is a meme.
Fuck, I know that feel.
image sauce?
pathetic. i shit people like you out.
pol always loves to suggest lifting, but in reality bodybuilding is big with homosexual men from the Castro trying to get bigger boobs for their boyfriend.
fucking kek at that image.
Take the ChadPill, my son.
they just have more emotional/social energy. This means they have more opportunities to go through the rejection/learning process. Just take amphetamine and you'll see what it's like to be one for a day. You won't have their skills but you'll have their energy. Just think how much you could learn socially if you were in that state for a lifetime.
The problem here is "oneitis". You think the girl you like is irreplaceable. Your mistake is not realising there are thousands of girls just as good if not better than her.
You would probably be the same sperglord you are now but better at hiding it and better looking. I used to be very beta when I was younger but grew out of it and definitely just feel happier about life because I'm never worried about little social quirks or what other people think of me.
I'd give anything for those two gals to fart and queaf all over my face.
I went from fat shortish guy to fitish average height guy with a handsome face over the course of a year.
Definitely not a Chad but sometimes the most attractive guy in the room.
It is like every time you catch a girl checking you out it builds your Chad XP.
I still have really low self esteem but it has gotten better (not waking up and going to bed thinking of an heroing everyday).
Came here to post this.
so step one is get a gym pass
whats step 2 for someone who never lifts?
Are you that older dude that can score with younger women because they have severe Daddy issues?
>those two gals
it's the same person, user
Calling bodybuilders fags is a beta mating strategy. You're trying to disqualify your competition. Very feminine tactic.
not one of those anons, but explain to me how my phd candidate, autistic qt oneitis isn't irreplacable? You don't run into those types very often. Autism in girls is like 1/1000 and of those types most aren't high IQ.
Jesus all of these ass threads are really makin my nofap very hard
How the fuck would I know what's it like to be a loser?
What about semi chads like myself? I'm handsome enough and tall but I'm also a fuck up. Usually pretty girls want me for a fixer upper. There's more than one way to skin a cat.
Going to the gym and lifting, obviously. Go to /fit/ and read the sticky, it's filled with begginer friendly info.
so fucking true. The gym is basically my version of meditation.
I don't lift. I do push ups and pull ups and run a lot. Can run a sub 3 marathon. Physique is good enough. I don't need to resort to what gay men do. I do just fine with the ladies.
Jesus man, I looked up a woman who I went to elementary school with the other day on facebook. She was my first crush, but I never told her. I forgot all about her until I thought about my childhood for no real reason. She now looks like a normal THOT, but it didn't make me cry. I hope you aren't serious man, if you are start working out, it really helps.
>this picture was intended to be an insult
Horsey is such a kek.
Fuck off to /r9k/
>so step one is get a gym pass
Go to the /fit/ wiki so you can learn how to lift.
Change your diet.
Also, it depending on how your confidence/weight is, losing weight first might me more important than bulking.
Damn I keep putting it off. I have a gym membership but the gym is a 40 mile round trip away. I was thinking about a weight set. I like lifting weights more than cardio.
most of the chads I know that get a bunch of pussy aren't fit at all though. They're just very skilled socially. I know a bunch of jacked people that are 100% cucked.
i found sauce lads. google "capbarista"
Lol, that says: "the personification of the devil as symbol for everything evil take the living form of the Jew"
Did I just have a mini stroke or is that worded very awkwardly
I am a born-again chad. No more casual sex with for me. I turn women down on the regular.
Step two in terms of gym or your whole journey? You should really focus more on the gym now than anything else. My routine is chest/triceps one day, then back/biceps the next day, then legs and abs.
Other things you can do (but not as important as lifting) is study female behaviour. Read The Rational Male website. Go on the Redpill reddit and read the sidebar. Read the posts there. RSD infield videos on youtube can be good although they are a little bit cultish.
Eventually you will build up enough confidence to go out to a bar completely on your own. I remember my first night doing that I was so fucking nervous hahah, every 2 minutes I spent alone felt like an eternity. I kept opening conversations by asking people if they had a lighter (I smoked) for the first half of the night and most of them were awkward. I saw people with tattoos and asked them about them. I found one guy I asked him how much his beer cost and I said "yeah thats fucking bullshit! too expensive!" (I had no clue whether it was expensive or not) and he showed me his friends and I just got drunk with him all night, talking to people at the bar and then went home.
Maybe you're further than I was at the start but thats how I got rolling.
I'm 30ish and I smashed a 20 year old girl this weekend, so maybe.
The shtick I work is like the flippant awkward situation maker, then I poke fun at the girls for feeling awkward/taking me seriously.
It is kind of a sexual version of, "got your nose".
whats a chad?
Sorry but translating German is always difficult and I try to keep it similar to the German sentence, which is probably not the best way since it often ends up awkward in English.
This is why Canada is failing as a country.
Because she's not that great. She's fucking autistic lmao. I know like 3 autistic girls. There are WAY better girls than her.
It's not a common thing with me. Just a weird co-incidence, something that came up in my life recently.
>tl;dr hot girl I've known for a while and get along great with suddenly single but we have lots of mutual friends and colleagues
Buy a bar and some weights and also some kettlebells, home gym are fine and most of the time better that actual gyms, only time it's worse is when you have social anxiety since the enviroment of a gym can make you more relaxed around people. Also, cardio is very important and actually helps you on the weight lifting and all around health.
Like when Germans speak English they always put the word "already" in the wrong spot? I see what you're saying.
That doesn't negate what I said though. Men should not be bitching about other men. It's feminine af
I'm trying to imagine how that works. how do you poke fun at an awkward situation?
Hell women aren't really that loyal just chad up and take her if you have to. Just understand this goes both ways.
Exactly! I seen pussy ass hipsters getting women. pol always thinks you have to be a gay bodybuilder to get girls. You don't.
Is running good, I can swim in the summer, but can't when the weather gets colder. Working on my home gym, just hav to put my bench press back together.
Yeah, its very weird since the grammar is different. It doesn't bother me too much cause I didn't realize it was that weird until you pointed it out.
>she's fucking autistic
Yeah that's what's attractive about her. She has no social expectations and we can talk about stuff most people would find incredibly strange.
Um, I know you're going to tits or BTFO me, but I had an experience like this -- when I lost a bunch of weight and became a Stacy.
Sure, it gets better -- but men treated me like shit before because I was fat -- and after, men just wanted to use me.
If your goal is genuine human connection with people, a wife or love -- I wouldn't make becoming a Chad my goal. You just realize how fucking lame all the beta orbiters are and how they treat outcasts -- autists, fats, geeks, etc. -- like they do because their self-esteem is shit from never getting to be a Chad or a Stacey.
If you're going to be a Chad, be a benevolent Chad -- look for a girl who's not hot, but just pretty and smart and kind. It's hard to find someone like that -- for both men and women, but they're out there -- few and far between the raging monkey assholes who make up 98 percent of the population.
Be kind to nerds, fats and geeks to spite the betas. I know when I was fat, Chads were always more kind than betas, because they have self-esteem that doesn't make them have to cut down people to feel good.
Unironically if you're not over 6' 2" you need to have a high paying job, good social skills, and have like a fitness model type body to get a 6/10 woman these days
IF you're over a certain age
>tfw over that age so have to lift
You should have men to talk to. Why do you need to talk to a woman?
No it's not, just warning you guys about what gay men from the Castro do for their boyfriends. Look, I used to do the gym, and then I realized it isn't that essential.
Gay dudes love having a burly boyfriend.
tits or GTFO, newcunt
There is no such thing as an irreplaceable woman. Woman are all shitty to some degree or other due to their moronic hormonal impulses. Put a woman on a pedestal and she'll disappoint you every time. You're looking for "Good enough", you're looking for someone who will be obedient, satisfy all sexual needs without being too slutty about it, and can stay in the fucking house.
>ID is shOW
Show them
What age are you talking about here. This is pretty much universal
I agree with this, I've known several "Chads" and they were all generally really nice people. My gym teacher was a total bro, ex-military, religious, buff. Betas always seem to be ironycels and cunts, I make fun of them when I see them playing pokemon go in public. Most Chads are nicer than the nerds who think they are just dumb. Tits or GTFO.
An indian or a philipino can never be a chad only white men can be chads.
As strange as it sounds, she's actually more similar to me than most of my male friends, b/c autism kek. Plus if I wanted a chick just to fuck I'd use tinder. Why would you want a gf that you couldn't relate to?
You burn anxiety by acting in spite of it.
Treat girls like guys.
Speak louder, and from your diaphragm.
/r9k/ users are shitty, weak people. You're not some immaculate saintly godchild, you're an arrogant narcissist. If you're unwilling to accept your own character flaws or work around them then you really ought to just shut the fuck up. Crying like a middle aged woman about stupid shit that nobody else gives a fuck about doesn't fix anything.
Stop shitting up the website.