Are we choosing sides yet?
Are we choosing sides yet?
How does that map make any sense whatsoever?
Implying we're going to see a civil war in the real sense of the word and not extreme racial and politcal tensions ala the 60's
>not atlanta
get the FUCK out
>choosing sides
nigga i am getting the fuck outta here
>capital Denver
The dude weed mass shooting city as a capital of a nation? Lmao it would be LA or something
Rebs would probably make the capital the same place as the original confederate capital
Get that meth needle out your arm dumb hick, your sick war fantasies are not gonna happen you overweight ugly mong
I don't understand, why don't you just purge the Zionists from your government, it's much easier.
Are you a Zionist shill trying to destroy nations?
Where do you think you will go? No country is going to accept refugees from the US unless they are black.
If this happened then I'd side with the USA because it'd be 80%+ white while the rebel states and CSA are blacked and beaned.
>Rebelion States of America
This is OC I presume
This doesn't have anything to do with the confederacy. They are just picking on the confederacy because it's an easy target. They are going to try an erase ALL our history because it's WHITE history. And eventually they want to erase us.
>The rebellion states of America
Not peoples republic of America?
The rebellion states make no sense unless the westward green states push the commie fucks into the ocean and take it over.
They won't be regional separations.
"I'll be canceling my eBay and Paypal account as quickly as I find an alternative. I'm not interested in enriching a company that silences opposing voices. I'm asking my family to dump all their stock and close any accounts in the morning."
I didnt make the fuckin map you picky jews, just some propaganda I found
You're delusional.
I'm going to start an ethno state with a bunch of Sup Forums tards in some 3rd world shit hole away from this mess. It's a stupid plan, but it is better than dying for some secessionist movement that will most likely be run by jews no matter what side i choose
I'm in Denver; so it depends if the dudeweedlmao empire is more of less cucked than now.
This map is all fucked up. Nowadays the ideologies are divided by county line.
Kentucky will join the Confederate States of America. We hate the north. At least 90% of the whole state does. Except Fayette and Jefferson counties (Louisville and Lexington)
Missouri would purge Kansas City and St. Louis, and go confederate.
Illinois would be torn in half, the south going confederate, along with Kentucky.
You don't even know how to Balkan.