George Soros did nothing wrong

No trollmo. I finally got around to watching the infamous 60 Minutes interview. Soros is refreshingly honest, sort of a more awkward Shkreli. It's true that financial speculation is an amoral activity. He just plays the game he's been given. I can't help but think that most of his critics are just being a bunch of whiny SJWs. He's capitalism personified.

I really like him. Study some of his writings - the alchemy of finance is a good one. I want to be like Soros. It will be fun. I will make a lot of money.

I mean, I don't think his philanthropy is pure, but I'd do exactly the same things he does, so I can't condemn that. As far as I can tell, he's not breaking any laws or anything.

If he wasn't ratting out the jews, then there will be always be someone else. It's just like a market: supply and demand. That's how the game works.

I am a black person and I HATE this bigoted white man who doesn't even fund us enough to fight off the racists

If you play the game really well, then you can get laws that work for you. There is always a winner and a loser in games, now then, you shouldn't aim to be a loser.

i unironically think George soros is /ourguy/. He grew up in Hungary and idolized the Nazis. He is in tight with the Rothschilds and knows exactly what they want for the world. He has dedicated his entire life since at least 2001 to the mission of re-creating the conditions of the rise of Naziism. He wants the white man to rise again and throw off the chains of the jew forever.

Well, I went into that interview thinking he ratted out the Jews, but all he did was stand around watching property confiscated. He was 14 years old. This is a story he shared himself, not something he tried to hide.

what do you mean by financial speculation? Investing in stocks? How is investing in stocks amoral?

Yeah, and Israel condemns him. Really makes you think. All the criticism I've heard sounds like SJW-style criticism.